Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Harko, T.; Koivisto, T.S.; Lobo, F.S.N.; Olmo, G.J. |
Metric-Palatini gravity unifying local constraints and late-time cosmic acceleration |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
85 |
084016 - 5pp |
Andrade, I.; Bazeia, D.; Marques, M.A.; Menezes, R.; Olmo, G.J. |
Analytical solutions for Maxwell-scalar system on radially symmetric spacetimes |
2025 |
European Physical Journal C |
85 |
27 - 15pp |
Agullo, I.; Navarro-Salas, J.; Olmo, G.J.; Parker, L. |
Remarks on the renormalization of primordial cosmological perturbations |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
84 |
107304 - 5pp |
Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. |
Palatini f(R) black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
84 |
124059 - 14pp |
Castillo-Felisola, O.; Grez, B.; Olmo, G.J.; Orellana, O.; Perdiguero Garate, J. |
Cosmological solutions in polynomial affine gravity with torsion |
2024 |
European Physical Journal C |
84 |
900 - 12pp |
Olmo, G.J.; Sanchis-Alepuz, H. |
Hamiltonian formulation of Palatini f(R) theories a la Brans-Dicke theory |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
83 |
104036 - 11pp |
Guerrero, M.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. |
Geodesic completeness of effective null geodesics in regular space-times with non-linear electrodynamics |
2023 |
European Physical Journal C |
83 |
785 - 8pp |
Barragan, C.; Olmo, G.J. |
Isotropic and anisotropic bouncing cosmologies in Palatini gravity |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
82 |
084015 - 15pp |
Agullo, I.; Navarro-Salas, J.; Olmo, G.J.; Parker, L. |
Reply to "Comment on 'Insensitivity of Hawking radiation to an invariant Planck-scale cutoff' '' |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
81 |
108502 - 3pp |
Agullo, I.; Navarro-Salas, J.; Olmo, G.J.; Parker, L. |
Revising the observable consequences of slow-roll inflation |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
81 |
043514 - 14pp |