Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Magalhaes, R.B.; Maso-Ferrando, A.S.; Bombacigno, F.; Olmo, G.J.; Crispino, L.C.B. |
Echoes from bounded universes |
2024 |
Physical Review D |
110 |
044058 - 21pp |
Magalhaes, R.B.; Ribeiro, G.P.; Lima, H.C.D.J.; Olmo, G.J.; Crispino, L.C.B. |
Singular space-times with bounded algebraic curvature scalars |
2024 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
05 |
114 - 34pp |
Makarenko, A.N.; Odintsov, S.; Olmo, G.J. |
Born-Infeld f(R) gravity |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
90 |
024066 - 15pp |
Makarenko, A.N.; Odintsov, S.D.; Olmo, G.J. |
Little Rip, Lambda CDM and singular dark energy cosmology from Born-Infeld-f(R) gravity |
2014 |
Physics Letters B |
734 |
36-40 |
Maluf, R.V.; Mora-Perez, G.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. |
Nonsingular, Lump-like, Scalar Compact Objects in (2+1)-Dimensional Einstein Gravity |
2024 |
Universe |
10 |
258 - 13pp |
Maluf, R.V.; Olmo, G.J. |
Vacuum polarization and induced Maxwell and Kalb-Ramond effective action in very special relativity |
2023 |
Physical Review D |
108 |
095022 - 13pp |
Martinez-Asencio, J.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. |
Black hole formation from a null fluid in extended Palatini gravity |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
86 |
104010 - 8pp |
Maso-Ferrando, A.; Sanchis-Gual, N.; Font, J.A.; Olmo, G.J. |
Boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity |
2021 |
Classical and Quantum Gravity |
38 |
194003 - 25pp |
Maso-Ferrando, A.; Sanchis-Gual, N.; Font, J.A.; Olmo, G.J. |
Birth of baby universes from gravitational collapse in a modified-gravity scenario |
2023 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
06 |
028 - 19pp |
Maso-Ferrando, A.; Sanchis-Gual, N.; Font, J.A.; Olmo, G.J. |
Numerical evolutions of boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity |
2024 |
Physical Review D |
109 |
044042 - 14pp |