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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Molina, R.; Geng, L.S.; Oset, E. Comments on the dispersion relation method to vector-vector interaction 2019 Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 103B05 - 16pp
Liang, W.H.; Molina, R.; Xie, J.J.; Doring, M.; Oset, E. Predictions for the X(YZ) and X(YZ) with X(4160), Y(3940), Z(3930) 2015 European Physical Journal A 51 58 - 7pp
Bayar, M.; Martinez Torres, A.; Khemchandani, K.P.; Molina, R.; Oset, E. Exotic states with triple charm 2023 European Physical Journal C 83 46 - 9pp
Molina, R.; Ruiz de Elvira, J. Light- and strange-quark mass dependence of the rho(770) meson revisited 2020 Journal of High Energy Physics 11 017 - 74pp