Author |
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Year  |
Publication |
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Molina, F. et al; Rubio, B.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, A.; Tain, J.L. |
T-z =-1 -> 0 beta decays of Ni-54, Fe-50, Cr-46, and Ti-42 and comparison with mirror (He-3,t) measurements |
2015 |
Physical Review C |
91 |
014301 - 19pp |
Fujita, Y.; Rubio, B.; Adachi, T.; Blank, B.; Fujita, H.; Gelletly, W.; Molina, F.; Orrigo, S.E.A. |
Gamow-Teller excitations studied by weak and strong interactions |
2015 |
Acta Physica Polonica B |
46 |
657-668 |
Orrigo, S.E.A. et al; Rubio, B.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Molina, F. |
β-delayed γ-proton decay in 56Zn: analysis of the charged-particle spectrum |
2015 |
Acta Physica Polonica B |
46 |
709-712 |
IGISOL Collaboration (Zakari-Issoufou, A.A. et al); Algora, A.; Tain, J.L.; Valencia, E.; Agramunt, J.; Estevez, E.; Gelletly, W.; Jordan, M.D.; Molina, F.; Perez-Cerdan, A.B.; Rubio, B. |
Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Rb-92 Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Shape |
2015 |
Physical Review Letters |
115 |
102503 - 6pp |
Fujita, Y. et al; Algora, A.; Estevez-Aguado, E.; Molina, F.; Rubio, B. |
Observation of Low- and High-Energy Gamow-Teller Phonon Excitations in Nuclei |
2014 |
Physical Review Letters |
112 |
112502 - 5pp |
Orrigo, S.E.A. et al; Rubio, B.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Molina, F. |
Observation of the beta-Delayed gamma-Proton Decay of Zn-56 and its Impact on the Gamow-Teller Strength Evaluation |
2014 |
Physical Review Letters |
112 |
222501 - 5pp |
Karakoc, M. et al; Molina, F. |
Gamow-Teller transitions in the A=40 isoquintet of relevance for neutrino captures in Ar-40 |
2014 |
Physical Review C |
89 |
064313 - 7pp |
Algora, A. et al; Valencia, E.; Tain, J.L.; Jordan, M.D.; Agramunt, J.; Rubio, B.; Estevez, E.; Molina, F.; Montaner-Piza, A.; Guadilla, V. |
Total Absorption Study of Beta Decays Relevant for Nuclear Applications and Nuclear Structure |
2014 |
Nuclear Data Sheets |
120 |
12-15 |
Rubio, B. et al; Orrigo, S.E.A.; Montaner-Piza, A.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Molina, F. |
Beta Decay Study of the T-z =-2 Zn-56 Nucleus and the Determination of the Half-Lives of a Few fp-shell Nuclei |
2014 |
Nuclear Data Sheets |
120 |
37-40 |
Morales, A.I.; Algora, A.; Molina, F.; Rubio, B. |
Half-Life Systematics across the N=126 Shell Closure: Role of First-Forbidden Transitions in the beta Decay of Heavy Neutron-Rich Nuclei |
2014 |
Physical Review Letters |
113 |
022702 - 5pp |