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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Lopez Honorez, L.; Reid, B.A.; Mena, O.; Verde, L.; Jimenez, R. Coupled dark matter-dark energy in light of near universe observations 2010 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 09 029 - 36pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Moline, A.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Vincent, A.C. The 21 cm signal and the interplay between dark matter annihilations and astrophysical processes 2016 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 004 - 40pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Villanueva-Domingo, P. Warm dark matter and the ionization history of the Universe 2017 Physical Review D 96 103539 - 14pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Villanueva-Domingo, P.; Witte, S.J. Variations in fundamental constants at the cosmic dawn 2020 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06 026 - 25pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Vincent, A.C. Constraints on dark matter annihilation from CMB observations before Planck 2013 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 046 - 26pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Rigolin, S. Biases on cosmological parameters by general relativity effects 2012 Physical Review D 85 023511 - 12pp
Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Villanueva-Domingo, P. Dark matter microphysics and 21 cm observations 2019 Physical Review D 99 023522 - 12pp
Martinelli, M.; Lopez Honorez, L.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O. Future CMB cosmological constraints in a dark coupled universe 2010 Physical Review D 81 103534 - 7pp
Martinelli, M.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O.; Salvatelli, V.; Girones, Z. Future constraints on the Hu-Sawicki modified gravity scenario 2012 Physical Review D 85 024006 - 7pp
Mena, O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Villanueva-Domingo, P.; Witte, S.J. Constraining the primordial black hole abundance with 21-cm cosmology 2019 Physical Review D 100 043540 - 23pp