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Year  |
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Loya Villalpando, A.A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Chen, W.T.; Guenette, R.; Lego, C.; Park, J.S.; Capasso, F. |
Improving the light collection efficiency of silicon photomultipliers through the use of metalenses |
2020 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
15 |
P11021 - 13pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Novella, P.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
First results on ProtoDUNE-SP liquid argon time projection chamber performance from a beam test at the CERN Neutrino Platform |
2020 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
15 |
P12004 - 100pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Novella, P.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Volume IV The DUNE far detector single-phase technology |
2020 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
15 |
T08010 - 619pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Novella, P.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Volume III DUNE far detector technical coordination |
2020 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
15 |
T08009 - 193pp |
NEXT Collaboration (Kekic, M. et al); Benlloch-Rodriguez, J.M.; Carcel, S.; Carrion, J.V.; Diaz, J.; Felkai, R.; Lopez-March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez, A.; Martinez-Lema, G.; Martinez-Vara, M.; Muñoz Vidal, J.; Novella, P.; Palmeiro, B.; Querol, M.; Renner, J.; Romo-Luque, C.; Sorel, M.; Uson, A.; Yahlali, N. |
Demonstration of background rejection using deep convolutional neural networks in the NEXT experiment |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
01 |
189 - 22pp |
NEXT Collaboration (Martinez-Lema, G. et al); Benlloch-Rodriguez, J.M.; Carcel, S.; Carrion, J.V.; Diaz, J.; Felkai, R.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez, A.; Martinez-Vara, M.; Muñoz Vidal, J.; Novella, P.; Palmeiro, B.; Querol, M.; Renner, J.; Romo-Luque, C.; Sorel, M.; Uson, A.; Yahlali, N. |
Sensitivity of the NEXT experiment to Xe-124 double electron capture |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
02 |
203 - 25pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Novella, P.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Prospects for beyond the Standard Model physics searches at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment DUNE Collaboration |
2021 |
European Physical Journal C |
81 |
322 - 51pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Novella, P.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Supernova neutrino burst detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment |
2021 |
European Physical Journal C |
81 |
423 - 26pp |
NEXT Collaboration (Simon, A. et al); Carcel, S.; Carrion, J.V.; Diaz, J.; Felkai, R.; Lopez-March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez, A.; Martinez-Vara, M.; Muñoz Vidal, J.; Novella, P.; Palmeiro, B.; Querol, M.; Renner, J.; Romo-Luque, C.; Sorel, M.; Uson, A.; Yahlali, N. |
Boosting background suppression in the NEXT experiment through Richardson-Lucy deconvolution |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
07 |
146 - 38pp |
NEXT Collaboration (Adams, C. et al); Carcel, S.; Carrion, J.V.; Diaz, J.; Felkai, R.; Lopez-March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez, A.; Martinez-Vara, M.; Muñoz Vidal, J.; Novella, P.; Palmeiro, B.; Romo-Luque, C.; Sorel, M.; Uson, A.; Yahlali, N. |
Sensitivity of a tonne-scale NEXT detector for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
08 |
164 - 24pp |