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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (up)
Horvat, S.; Magas, V.K.; Strottman, D.D.; Csernai, L.P. Entropy development in ideal relativistic fluid dynamics with the Bag Model equation of state 2010 Physics Letters B 692 277-280
Oset, E.; Chen, H.X.; Feijoo, A.; Geng, L.S.; Liang, W.H.; Li, D.M.; Lu, J.X.; Magas, V.K.; Nieves, J.; Ramos, A.; Roca, L.; Wang, E.; Xie, J.J. Study of reactions disclosing hidden charm pentaquarks with or without strangeness 2016 Nuclear Physics A 954 371-392
Feijoo, A.; Magas, V.K.; Ramos, A.; Oset, E. A hidden-charm S =-1 pentaquark from the decay Lambda(b) into J/psi eta Lambda states 2016 European Physical Journal C 76 446 - 12pp
Feijoo, A.; Gazda, D.; Magas, V.; Ramos, A. The (K)over-barN Interaction in Higher Partial Waves 2021 Symmetry-Basel 13 1434 - 22pp
Magas, V.K.; Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Hirenzaki, S.; Oset, E.; Ramos, A. Proton emission off nuclei induced by kaons in flight 2010 Physical Review C 81 024609 - 10pp
Cheng, Y.; Csernai, L.P.; Magas, V.K.; Schlei, B.R.; Strottman, D. Matching stages of heavy-ion collision models 2010 Physical Review C 81 064910 - 8pp
Feijoo, A.; Magas, V.K.; Ramos, A.; Oset, E. Lambda(b) -> J/psi K Xi decay and the higher order chiral terms of the meson baryon interaction 2015 Physical Review D 92 076015 - 10pp
Feijoo, A.; Valcarce Cadenas, V.; Magas, V.K. The Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) molecular states from S =-2 meson-baryon interaction up to next-to-leading order 2023 Physics Letters B 841 137927 - 6pp