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Cepedello, R.; Deppisch, F.F.; Gonzalez, L.; Hati, C.; Hirsch, M. Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with Nonstandard Majoron Emission 2019 Physical Review Letters 122 181801 - 6pp details   doi
Carquin, E.; Neill, N.A.; Helo, J.C.; Hirsch, M. Exotic colored fermions and lepton number violation at the LHC 2019 Physical Review D 99 115028 - 9pp details   doi
Campos, F.; Eboli, O.J.P.; Magro, M.B.; Porod, W.; Restrepo, D.; Das, S.P.; Hirsch, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Probing neutralino properties in minimal supergravity with bilinear R-parity violation 2012 Physical Review D 86 075001 - 8pp details   doi
Boucenna, M.S.; Hirsch, M.; Morisi, S.; Peinado, E.; Taoso, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Phenomenology of dark matter from A_4 flavor symmetry 2011 Journal of High Energy Physics 05 037 - 20pp details   doi
Bonnet, F.; Hirsch, M.; Ota, T.; Winter, W. Systematic study of the d=5 Weinberg operator at one-loop order 2012 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 153 - 23pp details   doi
Bonnet, F.; Hirsch, M.; Ota, T.; Winter, W. Systematic decomposition of the neutrinoless double beta decay operator 2013 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 055 - 34pp details   doi
Beltran, R.; Günther, J.; Hirsch, M.; Titov, A.; Wang, Z.S. Heavy neutral leptons from kaons in effective field theory 2024 Physical Review D 109 115014 - 19pp details   doi
Beltran, R.; Cottin, G.; Hirsch, M.; Titov, A.; Wang, Z.S. Reinterpretation of searches for long-lived particles from meson decays 2023 Journal of High Energy Physics 05 031 - 31pp details   doi
Beltran, R.; Cottin, G.; Helo, J.C.; Hirsch, M.; Titov, A.; Wang, Z.S. Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC: four-fermion single-N-R operators 2022 Journal of High Energy Physics 01 044 - 18pp details   doi
Beltran, R.; Cottin, G.; Helo, J.C.; Hirsch, M.; Titov, A.; Wang, Z.S. Long-lived heavy neutral leptons from mesons in effective field theory 2023 Journal of High Energy Physics 01 015 - 38pp details   doi
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