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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Herrero-Garcia, J.; Nebot, M.; Rius, N.; Santamaria, A. The Zee-Babu model revisited in the light of new data 2014 Nuclear Physics B 885 542-570
Berbig, M.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Landini, G. Dynamical origin of neutrino masses and dark matter from a new confining sector 2024 Physical Review D 110 035011 - 13pp
Herrero-Garcia, J.; Schwetz, T.; Zupan, J. Astrophysics independent bounds on the annual modulation of dark matter signals 2012 Physical Review Letters 109 141301 - 5pp
Aristizabal Sierra, D.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Restrepo, D.; Vicente, A. Diboson anomaly: Heavy Higgs resonance and QCD vectorlike exotics 2016 Physical Review D 93 015012 - 12pp
de Gouvea, A.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Kobach, A. Neutrino masses, grand unification, and baryon number violation 2014 Physical Review D 90 016011 - 11pp
Giarnetti, A.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Marciano, S.; Meloni, D.; Vatsyayan, D. Neutrino masses from new seesaw models: low-scale variants and phenomenological implications 2024 European Physical Journal C 84 803 - 19pp
Herrero-Garcia, J.; Rius, N.; Santamaria, A. Higgs lepton flavour violation: UV completions and connection to neutrino masses 2016 Journal of High Energy Physics 11 084 - 45pp
Coito, L.; Faubel, C.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Santamaria, A. Dark matter from a complex scalar singlet: the role of dark CP and other discrete symmetries 2021 Journal of High Energy Physics 11 202 - 34pp
Bas i Beneito, A.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Vatsyayan, D. Multi-component dark sectors: symmetries, asymmetries and conversions 2022 Journal of High Energy Physics 10 075 - 31pp
Coito, L.; Faubel, C.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Santamaria, A.; Titov, A. Sterile neutrino portals to Majorana dark matter: effective operators and UV completions 2022 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 085 - 36pp