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Author Title Year Publication Volume (up) Pages
HADES Collaboration (Agakishiev, G. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. pp and pi pi intensity interferometry in collisions of Ar+KCl at 1.76A GeV 2011 European Physical Journal A 47 63 - 8pp
HADES Collaboration (Agakishiev, G. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. Deep sub-threshold K*(892)(0) production in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76A GeV 2013 European Physical Journal A 49 34 - 7pp
Belver, D.; Cabanelas, P.; Castro, E.; Garzon, J.A.; Gil, A.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Koenig, W.; Traxler, M. Performance of the Low-Jitter High-Gain/Bandwidth Front-End Electronics of the HADES tRPC Wall 2010 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 2848-2856
HADES Collaboration (Lapidus, K. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. The HADES-at-FAIR project 2012 Physics of Atomic Nuclei 75 589-593
HADES Collaboration (Agakishiev, G. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. Lambda-p femtoscopy in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76AGeV 2010 Physical Review C 82 021901 - 5pp
HADES Collaboration (Agakishiev, G. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. In-medium effects on K-0 mesons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 2010 Physical Review C 82 044907 - 9pp
Gil, A.; Blanco, A.; Castro, E.; Diaz, J.; Garzon, J.A.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Fouedjio, L.; Kolb, B.W.; Palka, M.; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Zumbruch, P. The slow control system of the HADES RPC wall 2012 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 661 S118-S120
Blanco, A.; Belver, D.; Cabanelas, P.; Diaz, J.; Fonte, P.; Garzon, J.A.; Gil, A.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B.; Lopes, L.; Palka, M.; Pereira, A.; Traxler, M.; Zumbruch, P. RPC HADES-TOF wall cosmic ray test performance 2012 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 661 S114-S117
HADES Collaboration (Agakishiev, G. et al); Diaz, J.; Gil, A. Origin of the low-mass electron pair excess in light nucleus-nucleus collisions 2010 Physics Letters B 690 118-122
Herrero, V.; Toledo, J.; Catala, J.M.; Esteve, R.; Gil, A.; Lorca, D.; Monzo, J.M.; Sanchis, F.; Verdugo, A. Readout electronics for the SiPM tracking plane in the NEXT-1 prototype 2012 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 695 229-232