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Author Title (down) Year Publication Volume Pages
Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. The isotropic radio background revisited 2014 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 008 - 36pp
Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. Possibility of a Dark Matter Interpretation for the Excess in Isotropic Radio Emission Reported by ARCADE 2011 Physical Review Letters 107 271302 - 5pp
Di Mauro, M.; Donato, F.; Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Vittino, A. Interpretation of AMS-02 electrons and positrons data 2014 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 006 - 33pp
Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. Galactic synchrotron emission from WIMPs at radio frequencies 2012 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01 005 - 25pp
Amerio, A.; Cuoco, A.; Fornengo, N. Extracting the gamma-ray source-count distribution below the Fermi-LAT detection limit with deep learning 2023 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 09 029 - 39pp
Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. Cosmological radio emission induced by WIMP Dark Matter 2012 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 033 - 27pp
Arina, C.; Di Mauro, M.; Fornengo, N.; Heisig, J.; Jueid, A.; Ruiz de Austri, R. CosmiXs: cosmic messenger spectra for indirect dark matter searches 2024 Journal of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics 03 035 - 41pp