Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A. |
The Unruh Vacuum and the “In-Vacuum” in Reissner-Nordström Spacetime |
2024 |
Universe |
10 |
18 - 14pp |
Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A. |
The Hawking Effect in the Particles-Partners Correlations |
2023 |
Physics |
5 |
968-982 |
Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A. |
Quantum energy momentum tensor and equal time correlations in a Reissner-Nordström black hole |
2023 |
Physical Review D |
108 |
045004 - 9pp |
Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A. |
Quantum correlations across the horizon in acoustic and gravitational black holes |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
105 |
045010 - 20pp |
Fourdrinoy, J.; Robertson, S.; James, N.; Fabbri, A.; Rousseaux, G. |
Correlations on weakly time-dependent transcritical white-hole flows |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
105 |
085022 - 14pp |
Fabbri, A.; Balbinot, R. |
Ramp-up of Hawking Radiation in Bose-Einstein-Condensate Analog Black Holes |
2021 |
Physical Review Letters |
126 |
111301 - 6pp |
Euve, L.P.; Robertson, S.; James, N.; Fabbri, A.; Rousseaux, G. |
Scattering of Co-Current Surface Waves on an Analogue Black Hole |
2020 |
Physical Review Letters |
124 |
141101 - 6pp |
Dudley, R.A.; Fabbri, A.; Anderson, P.R.; Balbinot, R. |
Correlations between a Hawking particle and its partner in a 1+1D Bose-Einstein condensate analog black hole |
2020 |
Physical Review D |
102 |
105005 - 12pp |
Anderson, P.R.; Siahmazgi, S.G.; Clark, R.D.; Fabbri, A. |
Method to compute the stress-energy tensor for a quantized scalar field when a black hole forms from the collapse of a null shell |
2020 |
Physical Review D |
102 |
125035 - 26pp |
Anderson, P.R.; Clark, R.D.; Fabbri, A.; Good, M.R.R. |
Late time approach to Hawking radiation: Terms beyond leading order |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
100 |
061703 - 5pp |