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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. Search for new physics in semileptonic decays of K and B as implied by the g-2 anomaly in FSM 2023 International Journal of Modern Physics A 38 2350177 - 24pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. A vacuum transition in the FSM with a possible new take on the horizon problem in cosmology 2023 International Journal of Modern Physics A 38 2350124 - 32pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. Unified FSM treatment of CP physics extended to hidden sector giving (i) delta(CP) for leptons as prediction, (ii) new hints on the material content of the universe 2021 International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 2150238 - 19pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. delta(CP) for leptons and a new take on CP physics with the FSM 2021 International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 2150236 - 22pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsun, S.S. A closer study of the framed standard model yielding testable new physics plus a hidden sector with dark matter candidates 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1850195 - 75pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsun, T.S. A solution to the strong CP problem transforming the theta angle to the KM CP-violating phase 2010 International Journal of Modern Physics A 25 5897-5911
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsun, T.S. Possible anomalies in Higgs decay: charm-suppression and flavour-violation 2010 European Physical Journal C 65 537-542