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Bernardoni, F.; Blossier, B.; Bulava, J.; Della Morte, M.; Fritzsch, P.; Garron, N.; Gerardin, A.; Heitger, J.; von Hippel, G.; Simma, H. B-meson spectroscopy in HQET at order 1/m 2015 Physical Review D 92 054509 - 25pp details   doi
Bernardoni, F.; Blossier, B.; Bulava, J.; Della Morte, M.; Fritzsch, P.; Garron, N.; Gerardin, A.; Heitger, J.; von Hippel, G.; Simma, H.; Sommer, R. The b-quark mass from non-perturbative N-f=2 Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/m(h)) 2014 Physics Letters B 730 171-177 details   doi
Bernardoni, F.; Blossier, B.; Bulava, J.; Della Morte, M.; Fritzsch, P.; Garron, N.; Gerardin, A.; Heitger, J.; von Hippel, G.; Simma, H.; Sommer, R. Decay constants of B-mesons from non-perturbative HQET with two light dynamical quarks 2014 Physics Letters B 735 349-356 details   doi
Bulava, J.; Della Morte, M.; Heitger, J.; Wittemeier, C. Non-perturbative improvement of the axial current in N-f=3 lattice QCD with Wilson fermions and tree-level improved gauge action 2015 Nuclear Physics B 896 555-568 details   doi
Bulava, J.; Della Morte, M.; Heitger, J.; Wittemeier, C. Nonperturbative renormalization of the axial current in N-f=3 lattice QCD with Wilson fermions and a tree-level improved gauge action 2016 Physical Review D 93 114513 - 7pp details   doi
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