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Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Rebelo, M.N.; Silva-Marcos, J.I. What if the masses of the first two quark families are not generated by the standard model Higgs boson? 2016 Physical Review D 94 115031 - 6pp details   doi
Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Nebot, M.; Sanchez, A. Mixing asymmetries in B meson systems, the D0 like-sign dimuon asymmetry, and generic new physics 2015 Physical Review D 91 035013 - 14pp details   doi
Alves, J.M.; Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Cornet-Gomez, F.; Nebot, M. The framework for a common origin of delta(CKM) and delta S-PMN 2021 European Physical Journal C 81 727 - 11pp details   doi
Nebot, M.; Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C. Vacuum induced CP violation generating a complex CKM matrix with controlled scalar FCNC 2019 European Physical Journal C 79 711 - 23pp details   doi
Alves, J.M.; Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Nebot, M. Extending trinity to the scalar sector through discrete flavoured symmetries 2020 European Physical Journal C 80 710 - 14pp details   doi
Alves, J.M.; Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Cornet-Gomez, F.; Nebot, M.; Silva, J.P. Symmetry constrained two Higgs doublet models 2018 European Physical Journal C 78 630 - 17pp details   doi
Alves, J.M.; Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Cornet-Gomez, F.; Nebot, M. Controlled flavour changing neutral couplings in two Higgs Doublet models 2017 European Physical Journal C 77 585 - 18pp details   doi
Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Nebot, M.; Rebelo, M.N.; Silva-Marcos, J.I. Vector-like quarks at the origin of light quark masses and mixing 2017 European Physical Journal C 77 408 - 14pp details   doi
Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Rebelo, M.N.; Silva-Marcos, J.I.; Bastos, J.F. Decays of the heavy top and new insights on epsilon(K) in a one-VLQ minimal solution to the CKM unitarity problem 2022 European Physical Journal C 82 360 - 16pp details   doi
Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Coutinho, A.M.; Rebelo, M.N.; Silva-Marcos, J.I. Natural quasi-alignment with two Higgs doublets and RGE stability 2015 European Physical Journal C 75 286 - 9pp details   doi
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