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Borja, E.F.; Garay, I.; Vidotto, F. Learning about Quantum Gravity with a Couple of Nodes 2012 Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications 8 015 - 44pp details   doi
Borja, E.F.; Diaz-Polo, J.; Garay, I.; Livine, E.R. Dynamics for a 2-vertex quantum gravity model 2010 Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 235010 - 34pp details   doi
Borja, E.F.; Freidel, L.; Garay, I.; Livine, E.R. U(N) tools for loop quantum gravity: the return of the spinor 2011 Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 055005 - 28pp details   doi
Borja, E.F.; Garay, I.; Strobel, E. Revisiting the quantum scalar field in spherically symmetric quantum gravity 2012 Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 145012 - 19pp details   doi
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