Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Baker, M.J.; Bordes, J.; Hong-Mo, C.; Tsun, T.S. |
On the corner elements of the CKM and PMNS matrices |
2013 |
Europhysics Letters |
102 |
41001 - 6pp |
Bodenstein, S.; Bordes, J.; Dominguez, C.A.; Peñarrocha, J.; Schilcher, K. |
Bottom-quark mass from finite energy QCD sum rules |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
85 |
034003 - 5pp |
Bodenstein, S.; Bordes, J.; Dominguez, C.A.; Peñarrocha, J.; Schilcher, K. |
QCD sum rule determination of the charm-quark mass |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
83 |
074014 - 4pp |
Bodenstein, S.; Bordes, J.; Dominguez, C.A.; Peñarrocha, J.; Schilcher, K. |
Charm-quark mass from weighted finite energy QCD sum rules |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
82 |
114013 - 5pp |
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsun, T.S. |
Possible anomalies in Higgs decay: charm-suppression and flavour-violation |
2010 |
European Physical Journal C |
65 |
537-542 |
Labiche, M.; Ljungvall, J.; Crespi, F.C.L.; Chen, S.; Bordes, J.; Goasduff, A.; Bottoni, S.; Gamba, E.; Perez-Vidal, R.M.; Bentley, M.A. |
Simulation of the AGATA spectrometer and coupling with ancillary detectors |
2023 |
European Physical Journal A |
59 |
158 - 12pp |
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. |
A vacuum transition in the FSM with a possible new take on the horizon problem in cosmology |
2023 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A |
38 |
2350124 - 32pp |
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. |
Search for new physics in semileptonic decays of K and B as implied by the g-2 anomaly in FSM |
2023 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A |
38 |
2350177 - 24pp |
Bordes, J.; Hong-Mo, C.; Tsun, T.S. |
Resolving an ambiguity of Higgs couplings in the FSM, greatly improving thereby the model's predictive range and prospects |
2022 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A |
37 |
2250167 - 10pp |
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsou, S.T. |
delta(CP) for leptons and a new take on CP physics with the FSM |
2021 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A |
36 |
2150236 - 22pp |