Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Bernabeu, J.; Segarra, A. |
Disentangling Genuine from Matter-Induced CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations |
2018 |
Physical Review Letters |
121 |
211802 - 5pp |
Etxebeste, A.; Barrio, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Llosa, G.; Muñoz, E.; Ros, A.; Oliver, J.F. |
Study of sensitivity and resolution for full ring PET prototypes based on continuous crystals and analytical modeling of the light distribution |
2019 |
Physics in Medicine and Biology |
64 |
035015 - 17pp |
Bernabeu, J.; Segarra, A. |
Do T asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in uniform matter have a CP-even component? |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
03 |
103 - 12pp |
MoEDAL Collaboration (Acharya, B. et al); Bernabeu, J.; Mamuzic, J.; Mitsou, V.A.; Papavassiliou, J.; Ruiz de Austri, R.; Santra, A.; Vento, V.; Vives, O. |
Magnetic Monopole Search with the Full MoEDAL Trapping Detector in 13 TeV pp Collisions Interpreted in Photon-Fusion and Drell-Yan Production |
2019 |
Physical Review Letters |
123 |
021802 - 7pp |
Bernabeu, J.; Navarro-Salas, J. |
A Non-Local Action for Electrodynamics: Duality Symmetry and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Revisited |
2019 |
Symmetry-Basel |
11 |
1191 - 13pp |
El-Neaj, Y.A. et al; Bernabeu, J. |
AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space |
2020 |
EPJ Quantum Technology |
7 |
6 - 27pp |
Muñoz, E.; Barrientos, L.; Bernabeu, J.; Borja-Lloret, M.; Llosa, G.; Ros, A.; Roser, J.; Oliver, J.F. |
A spectral reconstruction algorithm for two-plane Compton cameras |
2020 |
Physics in Medicine and Biology |
65 |
025011 - 17pp |
Segarra, A.; Bernabeu, J. |
Absolute neutrino mass and the Dirac/Majorana distinction from the weak interaction of aggregate matter |
2020 |
Physical Review D |
101 |
093004 - 6pp |
Roser, J.; Muñoz, E.; Barrientos, L.; Barrio, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Borja-Lloret, M.; Etxebeste, A.; Llosa, G.; Ros, A.; Viegas, R.; Oliver, J.F. |
Image reconstruction for a multi-layer Compton telescope: an analytical model for three interaction events |
2020 |
Physics in Medicine and Biology |
65 |
145005 - 17pp |
Helling, C. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C. |
Strip sensor performance in prototype modules built for ATLAS ITk |
2020 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
978 |
164402 - 6pp |