Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
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Bernabeu, J.; Segarra, A. |
Stimulated transitions in resonant atom Majorana mixing |
2018 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
02 |
017 - 16pp |
Kuehn, S. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Marco-Hernandez, R.; Rodriguez Rodriguez, D.; Santoyo, D.; Solaz, C.; Soldevila Serrano, U. |
Prototyping of petalets for the Phase-II upgrade of the silicon strip tracking detector of the ATLAS experiment |
2018 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
13 |
T03004 - 22pp |
MoEDAL Collaboration (Acharya, B. et al); Bernabeu, J.; Garcia, C.; Mamuzic, J.; Mitsou, V.A.; Ruiz de Austri, R.; Santra, A.; Vento, V.; Vives, O. |
Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL forward trapping detector in 2.11 fb(-1) of 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC |
2018 |
Physics Letters B |
782 |
510-516 |
Bernabeu, J.; Segarra, A. |
Disentangling Genuine from Matter-Induced CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations |
2018 |
Physical Review Letters |
121 |
211802 - 5pp |
Bernabeu, J.; Segarra, A. |
Signatures of the genuine and matter-induced components of the CP violation asymmetry in neutrino oscillations |
2018 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
11 |
063 - 26pp |
Bernabeu, J.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Villanueva-Perez, P. |
Time reversal violation from the entangled B-0(B)over-bar(0) system |
2012 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
08 |
064 - 18pp |
Bernabeu, J.; Di Domenico, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. |
Direct test of time reversal symmetry in the entangled neutral kaon system at a phi-factory |
2013 |
Nuclear Physics B |
868 |
102-119 |
Bernabeu, J.; Botella, F.J.; Nebot, M. |
Novel T-Violation observable open to any pair of decay channels at meson factories |
2014 |
Physics Letters B |
728 |
95-98 |
MoEDAL Collaboration (Acharya, B. et al); Bernabeu, J.; Garcia, C.; King, M.; Mitsou, V.A.; Vento, V.; Vives, O. |
The physics programme of the MoEDAL experiment at the LHC |
2014 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A |
29 |
1430050 - 91pp |
Bernabeu, J. |
Discrete Symmetries CP,T,CPT |
2016 |
Acta Physica Polonica B |
47 |
417-424 |