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Bach, E. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C.; Soldevila, U. Analysis of the quality assurance results from the initial part of production of the ATLAS18 ITK strip sensors 2024 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1064 169435 - 8pp details   doi
Escrig, S. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C. First test of energy response of the micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments 2024 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1064 169392 - 4pp details   doi
Latonova, V. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C.; Soldevila, U. Characterization of the polysilicon resistor in silicon strip sensors for ATLAS inner tracker as a function of temperature, pre- and post-irradiation 2023 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1050 168119 - 5pp details   doi
Helling, C. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C. Strip sensor performance in prototype modules built for ATLAS ITk 2020 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 978 164402 - 6pp details   doi
Benitez, V. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Garcia, C.; Lacasta, C.; Marco, R.; Rodriguez, D.; Santoyo, D.; Solaz, C.; Soldevila, U. Sensors for the End-cap prototype of the Inner Tracker in the ATLAS Detector Upgrade 2016 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 833 226-232 details   doi
Bernabeu, J.; Espinoza, C.; Mavromatos, N.E. Cosmological constant and local gravity 2010 Physical Review D 81 084002 - 7pp details   doi
Amelino-Camelia, G. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Passemar, E. Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DA Phi NE 2010 European Physical Journal C 68 619-681 details   doi
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Bernabeu, J. W polarisation beyond helicity fractions in top quark decays 2010 Nuclear Physics B 840 349-378 details   doi
Bernabeu, J.; Espriu, D.; Puigdomenech, D. Gravitational waves in the presence of a cosmological constant 2011 Physical Review D 84 063523 - 13pp details   doi
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Bernabeu, J.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Observation of Time-Reversal Violation in the B-0 Meson System 2012 Physical Review Letters 109 211801 - 8pp details   doi
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