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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (up)
Segarra, A.; Bernabeu, J. Absolute neutrino mass and the Dirac/Majorana distinction from the weak interaction of aggregate matter 2020 Physical Review D 101 093004 - 6pp
Bernabeu, J.; Di Domenico, A. Can future observation of the living partner post-tag the past decayed state in entangled neutral K mesons? 2022 Physical Review D 105 116004 - 8pp
Muñoz, E.; Barrio, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Etxebeste, A.; Lacasta, C.; Llosa, G.; Ros, A.; Roser, J.; Oliver, J.F. Study and comparison of different sensitivity models for a two-plane Compton camera 2018 Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 135004 - 19pp
KLOE-2 Collaboration (Babusci, D. et al); Bernabeu, J. Direct tests of T, CP, CPT symmetries in transitions of neutral K mesons with the KLOE experiment 2023 Physics Letters B 845 138164 - 11pp
Borja-Lloret, M.; Barrientos, L.; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Muñoz, E.; Ros, A.; Roser, J.; Viegas, R.; Llosa, G. Influence of the background in Compton camera images for proton therapy treatment monitoring 2023 Physics in Medicine and Biology 68 144001 - 16pp
Roser, J.; Muñoz, E.; Barrientos, L.; Barrio, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Borja-Lloret, M.; Etxebeste, A.; Llosa, G.; Ros, A.; Viegas, R.; Oliver, J.F. Image reconstruction for a multi-layer Compton telescope: an analytical model for three interaction events 2020 Physics in Medicine and Biology 65 145005 - 17pp
Roser, J.; Barrientos, L.; Bernabeu, J.; Borja-Lloret, M.; Muñoz, E.; Ros, A.; Viegas, R.; Llosa, G. Joint image reconstruction algorithm in Compton cameras 2022 Physics in Medicine and Biology 67 155009 - 15pp
Helling, C. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C. Strip sensor performance in prototype modules built for ATLAS ITk 2020 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 978 164402 - 6pp
Latonova, V. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C.; Soldevila, U. Characterization of the polysilicon resistor in silicon strip sensors for ATLAS inner tracker as a function of temperature, pre- and post-irradiation 2023 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1050 168119 - 5pp
Escrig, S. et al; Bernabeu, J.; Lacasta, C.; Solaz, C. First test of energy response of the micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments 2024 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1064 169392 - 4pp