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Alonso, I. et al; Bernabeu, J. Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map 2022 EPJ Quantum Technology 9 30 - 55pp
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Bernabeu, J.; Mitsou, V.A.; Segarra, A. The Z boson spin observables as messengers of new physics 2017 European Physical Journal C 77 234 - 6pp
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Bernabeu, J. W polarisation beyond helicity fractions in top quark decays 2010 Nuclear Physics B 840 349-378
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Bernabeu, J. Breaking down the entire W boson spin observables from its decay 2016 Physical Review D 93 011301 - 6pp