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Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages
Llosa, G.; Barrio, J.; Lacasta, C.; Bisogni, M.G.; Del Guerra, A.; Marcatili, S.; Barrillon, P.; Bondil-Blin, S.; de la Taille, C.; Piemonte, C. Characterization of a PET detector head based on continuous LYSO crystals and monolithic, 64-pixel silicon photomultiplier matrices 2010 Physics in Medicine and Biology 55 7299-7315
Llosa, G.; Barrio, J.; Lacasta, C.; Callier, S.; Raux, L.; de La Taille, C. First tests in the application of silicon photomultiplier arrays to dose monitoring in hadron therapy 2011 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 648 S96-S99
Llosa, G.; Barrio, J.; Cabello, J.; Crespo, A.; Lacasta, C.; Rafecas, M.; Callier, S.; de la Taille, C.; Raux, L. Detector characterization and first coincidence tests of a Compton telescope based on LaBr3 crystals and SiPMs 2012 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 695 105-108
Llosa, G.; Barrillon, P.; Barrio, J.; Bisogni, M.G.; Cabello, J.; Del Guerra, A.; Etxebeste, A.; Gillam, J.E.; Lacasta, C.; Oliver, J.F.; Rafecas, M.; Solaz, C.; Stankova, V.; de La Taille, C. High performance detector head for PET and PET/MR with continuous crystals and SiPMs 2013 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 702 3-5
Barrio, J.; Etxebeste, A.; Lacasta, C.; Muñoz, E.; Oliver, J.F.; Solaz, C.; Llosa, G. Performance of VATA64HDR16 ASIC for medical physics applications based on continuous crystals and SiPMs 2015 Journal of Instrumentation 10 P12001 - 12pp
Etxebeste, A.; Barrio, J.; Muñoz, E.; Oliver, J.F.; Solaz, C.; Llosa, G. 3D position determination in monolithic crystals coupled to SiPMs for PET 2016 Physics in Medicine and Biology 61 3914-3934
Llosa, G.; Trovato, M.; Barrio, J.; Etxebeste, A.; Muñoz, E.; Lacasta, C.; Oliver, J.F.; Rafecas, M.; Solaz, C.; Solevi, P. First Images of a Three-layer compton Telescope prototype for Treatment Monitoring in hadron Therapy 2016 Frontiers in Oncology 6 14 - 6pp
Muñoz, E.; Barrio, J.; Etxebeste, A.; Ortega, P.G.; Lacasta, C.; Oliver, J.F.; Solaz, C.; Llosa, G. Performance evaluation of MACACO: a multilayer Compton camera 2017 Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 7321-7341
Muñoz, E.; Barrio, J.; Bemmerer, D.; Etxebeste, A.; Fiedler, F.; Hueso-Gonzalez, F.; Lacasta, C.; Oliver, J.F.; Romer, K.; Solaz, C.; Wagner, L.; Llosa, G. Tests of MACACO Compton telescope with 4.44 MeV gamma rays 2018 Journal of Instrumentation 13 P05007 - 13pp
Muñoz, E.; Barrio, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Etxebeste, A.; Lacasta, C.; Llosa, G.; Ros, A.; Roser, J.; Oliver, J.F. Study and comparison of different sensitivity models for a two-plane Compton camera 2018 Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 135004 - 19pp