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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Liu, S.; Bogard, F.; Cornebise, P.; Faus-Golfe, A.; Fuster-Martinez, N.; Griesmayer, E.; Guler, H.; Kubytskyi, V.; Sylvia, C.; Tauchi, T.; Terunuma, N.; Bambade, P. | In vacuum diamond sensor scanner for beam halo measurements in the beam line at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility | 2016 | Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A | 832 | 231-242 |
ATF Collaboration (Bambade, P. e al); Alabau Pons, M.; Faus-Golfe, A. | Present status and first results of the final focus beam line at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility | 2010 | Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams | 13 | 042801 - 10pp |