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Papoulias, D. K., Kosmas, T. S., & Kuno, Y. (2019). Recent Probes of Standard and Non-standard Neutrino Physics With Nuclei. Front. Physics, 7, 191–25pp.
Abstract: We review standard and non-standard neutrino physics probes that are based on nuclear measurements. We pay special attention on the discussion of prospects to extract new physics at prominent rare event measurements looking for neutrino-nucleus scattering, such as the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE nu NS) that may involve lepton flavor violation (LFV) in neutral-currents (NC). For the latter processes several appreciably sensitive experiments are currently pursued or have been planed to operate in the near future, like the COHERENT, CONUS, CONNIE, MINER, TEXONO, RED100, vGEN, Ricochet, NUCLEUS, etc. We provide a thorough discussion on phenomenological and theoretical studies, in particular those referring to the nuclear physics aspects in order to provide accurate predictions for the relevant experiments. Motivated by the recent discovery of CE nu NS at the COHERENT experiment and the active experimental efforts for a new measurement at reactor-based experiments, we summarize the current status of the constraints as well as the future sensitivities on nuclear and electroweak physics parameters, non-standard interactions, electromagnetic neutrino properties, sterile neutrinos and simplified scenarios with novel vector Z ' or scalar phi mediators. Indirect and direct connections of CE nu NS with astrophysics, direct Dark Matter detection and charge lepton flavor violating processes are also discussed.
Wang, Y. F., Yao, D. L., & Zheng, H. Q. (2019). On the existence of N*(890) resonance in S-11 channel of N scatterings. Front. Phys., 14(2), 24501–6pp.
Abstract: Low-energy partial-wave N scattering data is reexamined with the help of the production representation of partial-wave S matrix, where branch cuts and poles are thoroughly under consideration. The left-hand cut contribution to the phase shift is determined, with controlled systematic error estimates, by using the results of O(p(3)) chiral perturbative amplitudes obtained in the extended-onmass- shell scheme. In S-11 and P-11 channels, severe discrepancies are observed between the phase shift data and the sum of all known contributions. Statistically satisfactory fits to the data can only be achieved by adding extra poles in the two channels. We find that a S-11 resonance pole locates at zr = (0:895-0:081)-(0:164-0:023)i GeV, on the complex s-plane. On the other hand, a P-11 virtual pole, as an accompanying partner of the nucleon bound-state pole, locates atzv = (0:966-0:018) GeV, slightly above the nucleon pole on the real axis below threshold. Physical origin of the two newly established poles is explored to the best of our knowledge. It is emphasized that the O(p(3)) calculation greatly improves the fit quality comparing with the previous O(p(2)) one.
Keywords: dispersion relations; N scatterings; nucleon resonance
Albiol, F., Corbi, A., & Albiol, A. (2019). Densitometric Radiographic Imaging With Contour Sensors. IEEE Access, 7, 18902–18914.
Abstract: We present the technical/physical foundations of a new imaging technique that combines ordinary radiographic information (generated by conventional X-ray settings) with the patient's volume to derive densitometric images. Traditionally, these images provide quantitative information about tissues densities. In our approach, they graphically enhance either soft or bony regions. After measuring the patient's volume with contour recognition devices, the physical traversed lengths within it (as the Roentgen beam intersects the patient) are calculated and pixel-wise associated with the original radiograph (X). In order to derive this map of lengths (L), the camera equations of the X-ray system and the contour sensor are determined. The patient's surface is also translated to the point-of-view of the X-ray beam and all its entrance/exit points are sought with the help of ray-casting methods. The derived L is applied to X as a physical operation (subtraction), obtaining soft tissue-(D-S) or bone-enhanced (D'(B)) figures. In the D-S type, the contained graphical information can be linearly mapped to the average electronic density (traversed by the X-ray beam). This feature represents an interesting proof-of-concept of associating density data to radiographs, but most important, their intensity histogram is objectively compressed, i.e., the dynamic range is more shrunk (compared against the corresponding X). This leads to other advantages: improvement in the visibility of border/edge areas (high gradient), extended manual window level/width manipulations during screening, and immediate correction of underexposed X instances. In the D-B' type, high-density elements are highlighted and easier to discern. All these results can be achieved with low-energy beam exposures, saving costs and dose. Future work will deepen this clinical side of our research. In contrast with other image-based modifiers, the proposed method is grounded on the measurement of a physical entity: the span of the X-ray beam within a body while undertaking a radiographic examination.
Berenguer, A., Coves, A., Gimeno, B., Bronchalo, E., & Boria, V. E. (2019). Experimental Study of the Multipactor Effect in a Partially Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., 29(9), 595–597.
Abstract: This letter presents the experimental study of the multipactor threshold in a partially dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide, whose results validate a multipactor model recently developed by the authors, which includes the charge distribution appearing on the dielectric surface during the multipactor discharge. First, the variation of the multipactor RF voltage threshold has been theoretically analyzed in different waveguide configurations: in an empty waveguide, and also in the cases of a one-sided and two-sided dielectric-loaded waveguides. To reach this aim, an in-house Monte Carlo simulation tool has been developed. The Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) of the metallic and dielectric materials used in the numerical simulations have been measured experimentally. Finally, an aluminum WR-75 symmetric E-plane rectangular waveguide transformer has been designed and fabricated, in which several multipaction tests have been carried out to validate the in-house software tool, demonstrating an excellent agreement between the simulation results and the experimental data.
Zhang, X., Chang, C., & Gimeno, B. (2019). Multipactor Analysis in Circular Waveguides Excited by TM01 Mode. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 66(11), 4943–4951.
Abstract: A series of detailed numerical simulations are used to investigate the properties ofmultipactor breakdown in circularwaveguidespropagating the TM01 mode. AMonte Carlo model is constructed to track the motion of the electrons, study the multipactor scenarios, and predict the multipactor thresholds. The theoretical and numerical analyses indicate that the product of the frequency and the gap (f . D) affects both the intensity of the ponderomotive force and its spatial distribution, which results from the nonuniformity of the radio frequency (RF) field and significantly influences the electrons' trajectoriesandmultipactor trends. The decrease in f . D results in a remarkable enhancement in the magnitude of the ponderomotive force, while the maximal intensity gradually moves toward the half radius R/2 area. Low values of f . D correspond to high ponderomotive potential, which sustains the short-range electrons and triggers the single-sidedmultipactor. In contrast, high values of f . D correspond to low ponderomotive potential, contributing to long-range electrons and exciting the double-sided multipactor. Fitting to the susceptibility diagram produces the border line and a modified f . D threshold of (f . D) th approximate to 338.4 GHz mm, which separates the susceptibility diagram into single-sided, double-sided, andmixed-sided zones. The initial electron energy influences their trajectories at high f . D and low RF power. This effect tends to dominate the multipactor behavior in the mixed-sided region.
Keywords: Circular waveguide; multipactor; ponderomotive force; TM01 mode
Vague, J., Melgarejo, J. C., Boria, V. E., Guglielmi, M., Moreno, R., Reglero, M., et al. (2019). Experimental Validation of Multipactor Effect for Ferrite Materials Used in L- and S-Band Nonreciprocal Microwave Components. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 67(6), 2151–2161.
Abstract: This paper reports on the experimental measurement of power threshold levels for the multipactor effect between samples of ferrite material typically used in the practical implementation of L-and S-band circulators and isolators. For this purposes, a new family of wideband, nonreciprocal rectangular waveguide structures loaded with ferrites has been designed with a full-wave electromagnetic simulation tool. The design also includes the required magnetostatic field biasing circuits. The multipactor breakdown power levels have also been predicted with an accurate electron tracking code using measured values for the secondary electron yield (SEY) coefficient. The measured results agree well with simulations, thereby fully validating the experimental campaign.
Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2019). Accommodating three low-scale anomalies (g-2, Lamb shift, and Atomki) in the framed Standard Model. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 34(25), 1950140–27pp.
Abstract: The framed Standard Model (FSM) predicts a 0(+) boson with mass around 20 MeV in the “hidden sector,” which mixes at tree level with the standard Higgs hW and hence acquires small couplings to quarks and leptons which can be calculated in the FSM apart from the mixing parameter rho Uh. The exchange of this mixed state U will contribute to g – 2 and to the Lamb shift. By adjusting rho Uh alone, it is found that the FSM can satisfy all present experimental bounds on the g – 2 and Lamb shift anomalies for μand e, and for the latter for both hydrogen and deuterium. The FSM predicts also a 1(-) boson in the “hidden sector” with a mass of 17 MeV, that is, right on top of the Atomki anomaly X. This mixes with the photon at 1-loop level and couples thereby like a dark photon to quarks and leptons. It is however a compound state and is thought likely to possess additional compound couplings to hadrons. By adjusting the mixing parameter and the X's compound coupling to nucleons, the FSM can reproduce the production rate of the X in beryllium decay as well as satisfy all the bounds on X listed so far in the literature. The above two results are consistent in that the U, being 0(+), does not contribute to the Atomki anomaly if parity and angular momentum are conserved, while X, though contributing to g – 2 and Lamb shift, has smaller couplings than U and can, at first instance, be neglected there. Thus, despite the tentative nature of the three anomalies in experiment on the one hand and of the FSM as theory on the other, the accommodation of the former in the latter has strengthened the credibility of both. Indeed, if this FSM interpretation were correct, it would change the whole aspect of the anomalies from just curiosities to windows into a vast hitherto hidden sector comprising at least in part the dark matter which makes up the bulk of our universe.
KM3NeT Collaboration(Aiello, S. et al), Calvo, D., Coleiro, A., Colomer, M., Gozzini, S. R., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., et al. (2019). KM3NeT front-end and readout electronics system: hardware, firmware, and software. J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst., 5(4), 046001–15pp.
Abstract: The KM3NeT research infrastructure being built at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea will host water-Cherenkov telescopes for the detection of cosmic neutrinos. The neutrino telescopes will consist of large volume three-dimensional grids of optical modules to detect the Cherenkov light from charged particles produced by neutrino-induced interactions. Each optical module houses 31 3-in. photomultiplier tubes, instrumentation for calibration of the photomultiplier signal and positioning of the optical module, and all associated electronics boards. By design, the total electrical power consumption of an optical module has been capped at seven Watts. We present an overview of the front-end and readout electronics system inside the optical module, which has been designed for a 1-ns synchronization between the clocks of all optical modules in the grid during a life time of at least 20 years. (C) 2019 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Keywords: front-end electronics; readout electronics; neutrino telescope; KM3NeT
Caputo, A., Regis, M., Taoso, M., & Witte, S. J. (2019). Detecting the stimulated decay of axions at radio frequencies. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 03(3), 027–22pp.
Abstract: Assuming axion-like particles account for the entirety of the dark matter in the Universe, we study the possibility of detecting their decay into photons at radio frequencies. We discuss different astrophysical targets, such as dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the Galactic Center and halo, and galaxy clusters. The presence of an ambient radiation field leads to a stimulated enhancement of the decay rate; depending on the environment and the mass of the axion, the effect of stimulated emission may amplify the photon flux by serval orders of magnitude. For axion-photon couplings allowed by astrophysical and laboratory constraints (and possibly favored by stellar cooling), we find the signal to be within the reach of next-generation radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Array.
Keywords: axions; dark matter theory; dark matter detectors; dwarfs galaxies
Oldengott, I. M., Barenboim, G., Kahlen, S., Salvado, J., & Schwarz, D. J. (2019). How to relax the cosmological neutrino mass bound. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 04(4), 049–18pp.
Abstract: We study the impact of non-standard momentum distributions of cosmic neutrinos on the anisotropy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background and the matter power spectrum of the large scale structure. We show that the neutrino distribution has almost no unique observable imprint, as it is almost entirely degenerate with the effective number of neutrino flavours, N-eff, and the neutrino mass, m(nu). Performing a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis with current cosmological data, we demonstrate that the neutrino mass bound heavily depends on the assumed momentum distribution of relic neutrinos. The message of this work is simple and has to our knowledge not been pointed out clearly before: cosmology allows that neutrinos have larger masses if their average momentum is larger than that of a perfectly thermal distribution. Here we provide an example in which the mass limits are relaxed by a factor of two.