Aydin, S. et al, Gadea, A., & Huyuk, T. (2014). High-spin level structure of S-35. Phys. Rev. C, 89(1), 014310–9pp.
Abstract: The nucleus S-35 has been studied by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using the Mg-24(N-14,3p) fusion-evaporation reaction at E-lab = 40 MeV. A level scheme extended up to J(pi) = 17/2(+) at 8023 keV and J(pi) = 13/2(-) at 6352 keV has been established. Lifetimes of six excited states have been determined by applying the Doppler shift attenuation method. The experimental data have been compared with the results of large-scale shell model calculations performed using different effective interactions and model spaces allowing particle-hole excitations across the N = Z = 20 shell gap.
Ghazi Moradi, F. et al, & Huyuk, T. (2014). Character of particle-hole excitations in Ru-94 deduced from gamma-ray angular correlation and linear polarization measurements. Phys. Rev. C, 89(1), 014301–9pp.
Abstract: Linear polarization and angular correlations of gamma-rays depopulating excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus Ru-94(44)50 have been measured, enabling firm spin-parity assignments for several excited states in this nucleus. The deduced multipolarities of strong transitions in the yrast structure were found to be mostly of stretched M1, E1, and E2 types and, in most cases, in agreement with previous tentative assignments. The deduced multipolarity of the 1869 keV and the connecting 257 and 1641 keV transitions indicates that the state at 6358 keV excitation energy has spin parity 12(1)(-) rather than 12(3)(+) as proposed in previous works. The presence of a 12(1)(-) state is interpreted within the framework of large-scale shell-model calculations as a pure proton-hole state dominated by the pi(p(1/2)(-1)circle times g(9/2)(-5)) and pi(p(3/2)(-1) g(9/2)(-5)) configurations. A new positive-parity state is observed at 6103 keV and is tentatively assigned as 12(2)(+). The 14(1)(-) state proposed earlier is reassigned as 13(4)(-) and is interpreted as being dominated by neutron particle-hole core excitations. The strengths of several E1 transitions have been measured and are found to provide a signature of core-excited configurations.
Martinez Torres, A., Khemchandani, K. P., Navarra, F. S., Nielsen, M., & Oset, E. (2014). Reanalysis of the e(+)e(-) -> (D*(D*)over-bar)(+/-)pi(-/+) reaction and the claim for the Z(c)(4025) resonance. Phys. Rev. D, 89(1), 014025–9pp.
Abstract: In this paper we study the reaction e(+)e(-) -> (D*(D*) over bar (+/-)pi(-/+) in which the BESIII collaboration has claimed the existence of a 1(+) resonance, named Z(c)(4025), in the (D*(D*) over bar invariant mass spectrum with a mass around 4026 MeV and width close to 26 MeV. We determine the (D*(D*) over bar invariant mass distribution and find that although the explanation considered by the BESIII collaboration is plausible, there are others which are equally possible, like a 2(+) resonance or a bound state. Even more, we find that the data can be explained without the existence of a resonance/bound state. In view of the different possible interpretations found for the BESIII data, we try to devise a strategy which could help in identifying the origin of the signal reported by the BESIII collaboration. For this, we study the dependence of the (D*(D*) over bar spectrum considering the different options as a function of the total center-of-mass energy. We arrive at the conclusion that increasing the center-of-mass energy from 4.26 GeV to 4.6 GeV can be useful to distinguish between a resonance, a bound state or just a pure background as being responsible for the signal found. This information should be useful for future experiments.
Campanario, F., Kaiser, N., & Zeppenfeld, D. (2014). W gamma production in vector boson fusion at NLO in QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 89(1), 014009–5pp.
Abstract: The next-to-leading order QCD corrections to W-+/-gamma. production in association with two jets via vector boson fusion are calculated, including the leptonic decay of the W with full off-shell effects and spin correlations. The process lends itself to a test of quartic gauge couplings. The next-to-leading order corrections reduce the scale uncertainty significantly and show a nontrivial phase space dependence.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2014). B -> rho semileptonic decays and vertical bar V-ub vertical bar. Phys. Rev. D, 90(1), 013017–11pp.
Abstract: We reevaluate the B -> rho l(+) nu(l) decay width as a full B. pi pi iota(+)nu iota four-particle decay, in which the two final pions are produced via an intermediate. meson. The decay width can be written as a convolution of the B -> rho l(+) nu(l) decay width, for an off-shell., with the.. pp line shape. This allows us to fully incorporate the effects of the finite. meson width and a better comparison with actual experiments. We use an Omn s representation to provide the dependence of the B.. semileptonic form factors on q2. The Omn s subtraction constants and the overall normalization parameter jVubj are fitted to light cone sum rules and lattice QCD theoretical form-factor calculations, in the low and high q2 regions, respectively, together to the CLEO, BABAR, and Belle experimental partial branching fraction distributions. The extracted value from this global fit is jVubj d3.40 +/- 0.15_ x 10-3, in agreement with jVubj extracted using all other inputs in Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa fits and the exclusive semileptonic B. p channel, but showing a clear disagreement with jVubj extracted from inclusive semileptonic b. u decays. As estimated by [U.-G. Mei beta ner andW. Wang, J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2014) 107], taking into account the. meson width effects and the actual acceptance of the experiments is essential to render the jVubj determinations from exclusive B. p and B.. decays totally compatible.
Celis, A., Cirigliano, V., & Passemar, E. (2014). Lepton flavor violation in the Higgs sector and the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays. Phys. Rev. D, 89(1), 013008–19pp.
Abstract: It has been pointed out recently that current low-energy constraints still allow for sizable flavor-changing decay rates of the 125 GeV boson into leptons, h -> tau l (l = e, mu). In this work we discuss the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays in probing lepton flavor violating couplings in the Higgs sector. At low energy, the effective Higgs coupling to gluons induced by heavy quarks contributes to hadronic tau decays, establishing a direct connection with the relevant process at the LHC, pp(gg) -> h -> tau l. Semileptonic transitions like tau -> l pi pi are sensitive to flavor-changing scalar couplings, while decays such as tau -> l eta((l)) probe pseudoscalar couplings, thus providing a useful low-energy handle to disentangle possible Higgs flavor violating signals at the LHC. As part of our analysis, we provide an appropriate description of all the relevant hadronic matrix elements needed to describe Higgs mediated tau -> pi pi transitions, improving over previous treatments in the literature.
Boucenna, M. S., Morisi, S., & Valle, J. W. F. (2014). Radiative neutrino mass in 3-3-1 scheme. Phys. Rev. D, 90(1), 013005–5pp.
Abstract: We propose a new radiative mechanism for neutrino mass generation based on the SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) electroweak gauge group. Lepton number is a symmetry of the Yukawa sector which is spontaneously broken in the gauge sector. As a result light Majorana masses arise from neutral gauge boson exchanges at the one-loop level. In addition to the isosinglet neutrinos that may be produced at the LHC through the extended gauge boson portals, the model contains new quarks which can also lie at the TeV scale, and which can provide a plethora of accessible collider phenomena.
AGATA Collaboration(Crespi, F. C. L. et al), & Gadea, A. (2014). Isospin Character of Low-Lying Pygmy Dipole States in Pb-208 via Inelastic Scattering of O-17 Ions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113(1), 012501–5pp.
Abstract: The properties of pygmy dipole states in Pb-208 were investigated using the Pb-208(O-17, O-17'gamma) reaction at 340 MeV and measuring the gamma decay with high resolution with the AGATA demonstrator array. Cross sections and angular distributions of the emitted gamma rays and of the scattered particles were measured. The results are compared with (gamma, gamma') and (p, p') data. The data analysis with the distorted wave Born approximation approach gives a good description of the elastic scattering and of the inelastic excitation of the 2(+) and 3(-) states. For the dipole transitions a form factor obtained by folding a microscopically calculated transition density was used for the first time. This has allowed us to extract the isoscalar component of the 1(-) excited states from 4 to 8 MeV.
Pierre Auger Collaboration(Aab, A. et al), & Pastor, S. (2014). Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurement of atmospheric production depth. Phys. Rev. D, 90(1), 012012–15pp.
Abstract: The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory provides information about the longitudinal development of the muonic component of extensive air showers. Using the timing information from the flash analog-to-digital converter traces of surface detectors far from the shower core, it is possible to reconstruct a muon production depth distribution. We characterize the goodness of this reconstruction for zenith angles around 60 degrees and different energies of the primary particle. From these distributions, we define X-max(mu) as the depth along the shower axis where the production of muons reaches maximum. We explore the potentiality of X-max(mu) as a useful observable to infer the mass composition of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. Likewise, we assess its ability to constrain hadronic interaction models.
LHCb Collaboration(Aaij, R. et al), Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., Ruiz Valls, P., & Sanchez Mayordomo, C. (2014). Precision luminosity measurements at LHCb. J. Instrum., 9, P12005–91pp.
Abstract: Measuring cross-sections at the LHC requires the luminosity to be determined accurately at each centre-of-mass energy root s. In this paper results are reported from the luminosity calibrations carried out at the LHC interaction point 8 with the LHCb detector for root s = 2.76, 7 and 8TeV (proton-proton collisions) and for root s(NN) = 5TeV (proton-lead collisions). Both the “van der Meer scan” and “beam-gas imaging” luminosity calibration methods were employed. It is observed that the beam density profile cannot always be described by a function that is factorizable in the two transverse coordinates. The introduction of a two-dimensional description of the beams improves significantly the consistency of the results. For proton-proton interactions at root s = 8TeV a relative precision of the luminosity calibration of 1.47% is obtained using van der Meer scans and 1.43% using beam-gas imaging, resulting in a combined precision of 1.12%. Applying the calibration to the full data set determines the luminosity with a precision of 1.16%. This represents the most precise luminosity measurement achieved so far at a bunched-beam hadron collider.