Marchi, T. et al, & Gadea, A. (2014). Quadrupole Transition Strength in the Ni-74 Nucleus and Core Polarization Effects in the Neutron-Rich Ni Isotopes. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113(18), 182501–5pp.
Abstract: The reduced transition probability B(E2;0(+) -> 2(+)) has been measured for the neutron-rich nucleus Ni-74 in an intermediate energy Coulomb excitation experiment performed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. The obtained B(E2;0(+) -> 2(+)) = 642(-226)(+216) e(2) fm(4) value defines a trend which is unexpectedly small if referred to Ni-70 and to a previous indirect determination of the transition strength in Ni-74. This indicates a reduced polarization of the Z = 28 core by the valence neutrons. Calculations in the pfgd model space reproduce well the experimental result indicating that the B(E2) strength predominantly corresponds to neutron excitations. The ratio of the neutron and proton multipole matrix elements supports such an interpretation.
Mantovani Sarti, V., & Vento, V. (2014). The half-skyrmion phase in a chiral-quark model. Phys. Lett. B, 728, 323–327.
Abstract: The Chiral Dilaton Model, where baryons arise as non-topological solitons built from the interaction of quarks and chiral mesons, shows in the high density low temperature regime a two phase scenario in the nuclear matter phase diagram. Dense soliton matter described by the Wigner-Seitz approximation generates a periodic potential in terms of the sigma and pion fields that leads to the formation of a band structure. The analysis up to three times nuclear matter density shows that soliton matter undergoes two separate phase transitions: a delocalization of the baryon number density leading to B = 1/2 structures, as in skyrmion matter, at moderate densities, and quark deconfinement at larger densities. This description fits well into the so-called quarkyonic phase where, before deconfinement, nuclear matter should undergo structural changes involving the restoration of fundamental symmetries of QCD.
Makarenko, A. N., Odintsov, S. D., & Olmo, G. J. (2014). Little Rip, Lambda CDM and singular dark energy cosmology from Born-Infeld-f(R) gravity. Phys. Lett. B, 734, 36–40.
Abstract: We study late-time cosmic accelerating dynamics from Born-Infeld-f(R) gravity in a simplified conformal approach. We find that a variety of cosmic effects such as Little Rip, Lambda CDM universe and dark energy cosmology with finite time future singularities may occur. Unlike the convenient Born-Infeld gravity where in the absence of matter only de Sitter expansion may emerge, apparently any FRW cosmology may be reconstructed from this conformal version of the Born-Infeld-f(R) theory. Despite the fact that the explicit form of f(R) is fixed by the conformal ansatz, the relation between the two metrics in this approach may be changed so as to bring out any desired FRW cosmology.
Makarenko, A. N., Odintsov, S., & Olmo, G. J. (2014). Born-Infeld f(R) gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 90(2), 024066–15pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the properties of matter quantum fields in curved space-times, we work out a gravity theory that combines the Born-Infeld gravity Lagrangian with an f(R) piece. To avoid ghostlike instabilities, the theory is formulated within the Palatini approach. This construction provides more freedom to address a number of important questions, such as the dynamics of the early Universe and the cosmic accelerated expansion, among others. In particular, we consider the effect that adding an f(R) = aR(2) term has on the early-time cosmology. We find that bouncing solutions are robust against these modifications of the Lagrangian whereas the solutions with loitering behavior of the original Born-Infeld theory are very sensitive to the R-2 term. In fact, these solutions are modified in such a way that a plateau in the H-2 function may arise, yielding a period of (approximately) de Sitter inflationary expansion. This inflationary behavior may be found even in a radiation-dominated universe.
Maiezza, A., & Nemevsek, M. (2014). Strong P invariance, neutron electric dipole moment, and minimal left-right parity at LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 095002–10pp.
Abstract: In the minimal left-right model the choice of left-right symmetry is twofold: either generalized parity P or charge conjugation C. In the minimal model with spontaneously broken strict P, a large tree-level contribution to strong CP violation can be computed in terms of the spontaneous phase alpha. Searches for the neutron electric dipole moments then constrain the size of alpha. Following the latest update on indirect CP violation in the kaon sector, a bound on W-R mass at 20 TeV is set. Possible ways out of this bound require a further hypothesis, either a relaxation mechanism or explicit breaking of P. To this end, the chiral loop of the neutron electric dipole moment at next-to-leading order is recomputed and provides an estimate of the weak contribution. Combining this constraint with other CP-violating observables in the kaon sector allows for M-WR greater than or similar to 3 TeV. On the other hand, C symmetry is free from such constraints, leaving the right-handed scale within the experimental reach.
Luo, X. L. et al, Agramunt, J., Egea, F. J., Gadea, A., & Huyuk, T. (2014). Test of digital neutron-gamma discrimination with four different photomultiplier tubes for the NEutron Detector Array (NEDA). Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 767, 83–91.
Abstract: A comparative study of the neutron-gamma discrimination performance of a liquid scintillator detector BC501A coupled to four different 5 in photomultiplier tubes (ET9390kb, R11833-100, XP4512 and R4144) was carried out Both the Charge Comparison method and the Integrated Rise-Time method were implemented digitally to discriminate between neutrons and gamma rays emitted by a Cf-252 source. In both methods, the neutron-gamma discrimination capabilities of the four photomultiplier tubes were quantitatively compared by evaluating their figure-of-merit values at different energy regions between 50 keVee and 1000 keVee. Additionally, the results were further verified qualitatively using time-of-flight to distinguish gamma rays and neutrons. The results consistently show that photomultiplier tubes R11833-100 and ET9390kb generally perform best regarding neutron-gamma discrimination with only slight differences in figure-of-merit values. This superiority can be explained by their relatively higher photoelectron yield, which indicates that a scintillator detector coupled to a photomultiplier tube with higher photoelectron yield tends to result in better neutron-gamma discrimination performance. The results of this work will provide reference for the choice of photomultiplier tubes for future neutron detector arrays like NEDA.
Lobo, F. S. N., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2014). Microscopic wormholes and the geometry of entanglement. Eur. Phys. J. C, 74(6), 2924–5pp.
Abstract: It has recently been suggested that Einstein-Rosen (ER) bridges can be interpreted as maximally entangled states of two black holes that form a complex Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pair. This relationship has been dubbed as the correlation. In this work, we consider the latter conjecture in the context of quadratic Palatini theory. An important result, which stems from the underlying assumptions as regards the geometry on which the theory is constructed, is the fact that all the charged solutions of the quadratic Palatini theory possess a wormhole structure. Our results show that spacetime may have a foam-like microstructure with wormholes generated by fluctuations of the quantum vacuum. This involves the spontaneous creation/annihilation of entangled particle-antiparticle pairs, existing in a maximally entangled state connected by a non-traversable wormhole. Since the particles are produced from the vacuum and therefore exist in a singlet state, they are necessarily entangled with one another. This gives further support to the claim.
Lobo, F. S. N., Martinez-Asencio, J., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2014). Planck scale physics and topology change through an exactly solvable model. Phys. Lett. B, 731, 163–167.
Abstract: We consider the collapse of a charged radiation fluid in a Planck-suppressed quadratic extension of General Relativity (GR) formulated A la Palatini. We obtain exact analytical solutions that extend the charged Vaidya-type solution of GR, which allows to explore in detail new physics at the Planck scale. Starting from Minkowski space, we find that the collapsing fluid generates wormholes supported by the electric field. We discuss the relevance of our findings in relation to the quantum foam structure of space-time and the meaning of curvature divergences in this theory.
Lobo, F. S. N., Martinez-Asencio, J., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2014). Dynamical generation of wormholes with charged fluids in quadratic Palatini gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 90(2), 024033–15pp.
Abstract: The dynamical generation of wormholes within an extension of General Relativity (GR) containing (Planck's scale-suppressed) Ricci-squared terms is considered. The theory is formulated assuming the metric and connection to be independent (Palatini formalism) and is probed using a charged null fluid as a matter source. This has the following effect: starting from Minkowski space, when the flux is active the metric becomes a charged Vaidya-type one, and once the flux is switched off the metric settles down into a static configuration such that far from the Planck scale the geometry is virtually indistinguishable from that of the standard Reissner-Nordstrom solution of GR. However, the innermost region undergoes significant changes, as the GR singularity is generically replaced by a wormhole structure. Such a structure becomes completely regular for a certain charge-to-mass ratio. Moreover, the nontrivial topology of the wormhole allows us to define a charge in terms of lines of force trapped in the topology such that the density of lines flowing across the wormhole throat becomes a universal constant. In light of our results, we comment on the physical significance of curvature divergences in this theory and the topology change issue, which support the view that space-time could have a foamlike microstructure pervaded by wormholes generated by quantum gravitational effects.
Lineros, R. A., & Pereira dos Santos, F. A. (2014). Inert scalar dark matter in an extra dimension inspired model. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 10(10), 059–17pp.
Abstract: In this paper we analyze a dark matter model inspired by theories with extra dimensions. The dark matter candidate corresponds to the first Kaluza-Klein mode of an real scalar added to the Standard Model. The tower of new particles enriches the calculation of the relic abundance. For large mass splitting, the model converges to the predictions of the inert singlet dark matter model. For nearly degenerate mass spectrum, coannihilations increase the cross-sections used for direct and indirect dark matter searches. Moreover, the Kaluza-Klein zero mode can mix with the SM higgs and further constraints can be applied.