HADES Collaboration(Agakishiev, G. et al), Diaz, J., & Gil, A. (2011). Hyperon production in Ar plus KCl collisions at 1.76A GeV. Eur. Phys. J. A, 47(2), 21–9pp.
Abstract: We present transverse momentum spectra, rapidity distribution and multiplicity of Lambda-hyperons measured with the HADES spectrometer in the reaction Ar(1.76A GeV) + KCl. The yield of Xi(-) is calculated from our previously reported Xi(-)/(Lambda+Sigma(0)) ratio and compared to other strange particle multiplicities. Employing a strangeness balance equation the multiplicities of the yet unmeasured Sigma(+/-)-hyperons can be estimated. Finally a statistical hadronization model is used to fit the yields of pi(-), K+, K-s(0), K-, phi, Lambda and Xi(-). The resulting chemical freeze-out temperature of T = (76 +/- 2) MeV is compared to the measured slope parameters obtained from fits to the transverse mass distributions of the different particles.