Dai, L. R., & Oset, E. (2020). Helicity amplitudes in the (B)over-bar -> D*(nu)over-bar(tau)tau decay with V-A breaking in the quark sector. Eur. Phys. J. A, 56(5), 154–8pp.
Abstract: In view of the recent measurement of the F-D*(L) magnitude in the (B) over bar -> D*(nu) over bar (tau)tau reaction we evaluate this magnitude within the standard model and for a family of models with the gamma(mu) – alpha gamma(mu)gamma(5) current structure for the quarks for different values of a. At the same time we evaluate also the transverse contributions, M = -1, M = +1, and find that the difference between the M = -1 and M = +1 contributions is far more sensitive to changes in a than the longitudinal component. These findings should be looked as an incentive to measure the transverse helicities which are bound to be a far more sensitive magnitude to possible new physics than F-D*(L).