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Araujo Filho, A. A., Jusufi, K., Cuadros-Melgar, B., Leon, G., Jawad, A., & Pellicer, C. E. (2024). Charged black holes with Yukawa potential. Phys. Dark Universe, 46, 101711–16pp.
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Araujo Filho, A. A., Jusufi, K., Cuadros-Melgar, B., & Leon, G. (2024). Dark matter signatures of black holes with Yukawa potential. Phys. Dark Universe, 44, 101500–20pp.
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Araujo Filho, A. A., Furtado, J., Hassanabadi, H., & Reis, J. A. A. S. (2023). Thermal analysis of photon-like particles in rainbow gravity. Phys. Dark Universe, 42, 101310–8pp.
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Gerbino, M. et al, Martinez-Mirave, P., Mena, O., Tortola, M., & Valle, J. W.. (2023). Synergy between cosmological and laboratory searches in neutrino physics. Phys. Dark Universe, 42, 101333–36pp.
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Gariazzo, S., Mena, O., & Schwetz, T. (2023). Quantifying the tension between cosmological and terrestrial constraints on neutrino masses. Phys. Dark Universe, 40, 101226–8pp.
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Vagnozzi, S., Di Valentino, E., Gariazzo, S., Melchiorri, A., Mena, O., & Silk, J. (2021). The galaxy power spectrum take on spatial curvature and cosmic concordance. Phys. Dark Universe, 33, 100851–17pp.
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