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Aguilera-Verdugo, J. D., Driencourt-Mangin, F., Hernandez-Pinto, R. J., Plenter, J., Prisco, R. M., Ramirez-Uribe, N. S., et al. (2021). A Stroll through the Loop-Tree Duality. Symmetry-Basel, 13(6), 1029–37pp.
Abstract: The Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) theorem is an innovative technique to deal with multi-loop scattering amplitudes, leading to integrand-level representations over a Euclidean space. In this article, we review the last developments concerning this framework, focusing on the manifestly causal representation of multi-loop Feynman integrals and scattering amplitudes, and the definition of dual local counter-terms to cancel infrared singularities.
Agullo, I., del Rio, A., & Navarro-Salas, J. (2018). On the Electric-Magnetic Duality Symmetry: Quantum Anomaly, Optical Helicity, and Particle Creation. Symmetry-Basel, 10(12), 763–14pp.
Abstract: It is well known that not every symmetry of a classical field theory is also a symmetry of its quantum version. When this occurs, we speak of quantum anomalies. The existence of anomalies imply that some classical Noether charges are no longer conserved in the quantum theory. In this paper, we discuss a new example for quantum electromagnetic fields propagating in the presence of gravity. We argue that the symmetry under electric-magnetic duality rotations of the source-free Maxwell action is anomalous in curved spacetimes. The classical Noether charge associated with these transformations accounts for the net circular polarization or the optical helicity of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, our results describe the way the spacetime curvature changes the helicity of photons and opens the possibility of extracting information from strong gravitational fields through the observation of the polarization of photons. We also argue that the physical consequences of this anomaly can be understood in terms of the asymmetric quantum creation of photons by the gravitational field.
Aldana, M., & Lledo, M. A. (2023). The Fuzzy Bit. Symmetry-Basel, 15(12), 2103–25pp.
Abstract: In this paper, the formulation of Quantum Mechanics in terms of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets is explored. A result by Pykacz, which establishes a correspondence between (quantum) logics (lattices with certain properties) and certain families of fuzzy sets, is applied to the Birkhoff-von Neumann logic, the lattice of projectors of a Hilbert space. Three cases are considered: the qubit, two qubits entangled, and a qutrit 'nested' inside the two entangled qubits. The membership functions of the fuzzy sets are explicitly computed and all the connectives of the fuzzy sets are interpreted as operations with these particular membership functions. In this way, a complete picture of the standard quantum logic in terms of fuzzy sets is obtained for the systems considered.
Keywords: fuzzy sets; quantum logic; multivalued logic; Quantum Mechanics
Benisty, D., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2021). Singularity-Free and Cosmologically Viable Born-Infeld Gravity with Scalar Matter. Symmetry-Basel, 13(11), 2108–24pp.
Abstract: The early cosmology, driven by a single scalar field, both massless and massive, in the context of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, is explored. We show the existence of nonsingular solutions of bouncing and loitering type (depending on the sign of the gravitational theory's parameter, epsilon) replacing the Big Bang singularity, and discuss their properties. In addition, in the massive case, we find some new features of the cosmological evolution depending on the value of the mass parameter, including asymmetries in the expansion/contraction phases, or a continuous transition between a contracting phase to an expanding one via an intermediate loitering phase. We also provide a combined analysis of cosmic chronometers, standard candles, BAO, and CMB data to constrain the model, finding that for roughly |epsilon|& LSIM;5 & BULL;10-8m2 the model is compatible with the latest observations while successfully removing the Big Bang singularity. This bound is several orders of magnitude stronger than the most stringent constraints currently available in the literature.
Bernabeu, J. (2020). Symmetries and Their Breaking in the Fundamental Laws of Physics. Symmetry-Basel, 12(8), 1316–27pp.
Abstract: Symmetries in the Physical Laws of Nature lead to observable effects. Beyond the regularities and conserved magnitudes, the last few decades in particle physics have seen the identification of symmetries, and their well-defined breaking, as the guiding principle for the elementary constituents of matter and their interactions. Flavour SU(3) symmetry of hadrons led to the Quark Model and the antisymmetric requirement under exchange of identical fermions led to the colour degree of freedom. Colour became the generating charge for flavour-independent strong interactions of quarks and gluons in the exact colour SU(3) local gauge symmetry. Parity Violation in weak interactions led us to consider the chiral fields of fermions as the objects with definite transformation properties under the weak isospin SU(2) gauge group of the Unifying Electro-Weak SU(2) x U(1) symmetry, which predicted novel weak neutral current interactions. CP-Violation led to three families of quarks opening the field of Flavour Physics. Time-reversal violation has recently been observed with entangled neutral mesons, compatible with CPT-invariance. The cancellation of gauge anomalies, which would invalidate the gauge symmetry of the quantum field theory, led to Quark-Lepton Symmetry. Neutrinos were postulated in order to save the conservation laws of energy and angular momentum in nuclear beta decay. After the ups and downs of their mass, neutrino oscillations were discovered in 1998, opening a new era about their origin of mass, mixing, discrete symmetries and the possibility of global lepton-number violation through Majorana mass terms and Leptogenesis as the source of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The experimental discovery of quarks and leptons and the mediators of their interactions, with physical observables in spectacular agreement with this Standard Theory, is the triumph of Symmetries. The gauge symmetry is exact only when the particles are massless. One needs a subtle breaking of the symmetry, providing the origin of mass without affecting the excellent description of the interactions. This is the Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism, which produces the Higgs Boson as a remnant, discovered at CERN in 2012. Open present problems are addressed with by searching the New Physics Beyond-the-Standard-Model.
Bernabeu, J., & Navarro-Salas, J. (2019). A Non-Local Action for Electrodynamics: Duality Symmetry and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Revisited. Symmetry-Basel, 11(10), 1191–13pp.
Abstract: A non-local action functional for electrodynamics depending on the electric and magnetic fields, instead of potentials, has been proposed in the literature. In this work we elaborate and improve this proposal. We also use this formalism to confront the electric-magnetic duality symmetry of the electromagnetic field and the Aharonov-Bohm effect, two subtle aspects of electrodynamics that we examine in a novel way. We show how the former can be derived from the simple harmonic oscillator character of vacuum electrodynamics, while also demonstrating how the magnetic version of the latter naturally arises in an explicitly non-local manner.
Cieri, L., & Sborlini, G. F. R. (2021). Exploring QED Effects to Diphoton Production at Hadron Colliders. Symmetry-Basel, 13(6), 994–17pp.
Abstract: In this article, we report phenomenological studies about the impact of O(alpha) corrections to diphoton production at hadron colliders. We explore the application of the Abelianized version of the qT-subtraction method to efficiently compute NLO QED contributions, taking advantage of the symmetries relating QCD and QED corrections. We analyze the experimental consequences due to the selection criteria and we find percent-level deviations for M-gamma gamma > 1TeV. An accurate description of the tail of the invariant mass distribution is very important for new physics searches which have the diphoton process as one of their main backgrounds. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of properly dealing with the observable photons by reproducing the experimental conditions applied to the event reconstruction.
Keywords: diphoton production; QCD corrections; NLO calculations; QED effects
Feijoo, A., Gazda, D., Magas, V., & Ramos, A. (2021). The (K)over-barN Interaction in Higher Partial Waves. Symmetry-Basel, 13(8), 1434–22pp.
Abstract: We present a chiral (K) over barN interaction model that has been developed and optimized in order to account for the experimental data of inelastic (K) over barN reaction channels that open at higher energies. In particular, we study the effect of the higher partial waves, which originate directly from the chiral Lagrangian, as they could supersede the role of high-spin resonances employed in earlier phenomenological models to describe meson-baryon cross sections in the 2 GeV region. We present a detailed derivation of the partial wave amplitudes that emerge from the chiral SU(3) meson-baryon Lagrangian up to the d-waves and next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. We implement a nonperturbative unitarization in coupled channels and optimize the model parameters to a large pool of experimental data in the relevant energy range where these new contributions are expected to be important. The obtained results are encouraging. They indicate the ability of the chiral higher partial waves to extend the description of the scattering data to higher energies and to account for structures in the reaction cross-sections that cannot be accommodated by theoretical models limited to the s-waves.
Keywords: chiral Lagrangian; unitarization; resonances; (K)over-barN interaction
Fioresi, R., & Lledo, M. A. (2021). Quantum Supertwistors. Symmetry-Basel, 13(7), 1241–16pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we give an explicit expression for a star product on the super-Minkowski space written in the supertwistor formalism. The big cell of the super-Grassmannian Gr(2|0,4|1) is identified with the chiral, super-Minkowski space. The super-Grassmannian is a homogeneous space under the action of the complexification SL(4|1) of SU(2,2|1), the superconformal group in dimension 4, signature (1,3), and supersymmetry N=1. The quantization is done by substituting the groups and homogeneous spaces by their quantum deformed counterparts. The calculations are done in Manin's formalism. When we restrict to the big cell, we can explicitly compute an expression for the super-star product in the Minkowski superspace associated to this deformation and the choice of a certain basis of monomials.
Lledo, M. A. (2020). Superfields, Nilpotent Superfields and Superschemes dagger. Symmetry-Basel, 12(6), 1024–32pp.
Abstract: We interpret superfields in a functorial formalism that explains the properties that are assumed for them in the physical applications. We study the non-trivial relation of scalar superfields with the defining sheaf of the supermanifold of super spacetime. We also investigate in the present work some constraints that are imposed on the superfields, which allow for non-trivial solutions. They give rise to superschemes that, generically, are not regular, that is they do not define a standard supermanifold.
Keywords: supergeometry; superfields; quantum field theory