Argyropoulos, T., Catalan-Lasheras, N., Grudiev, A., Mcmonagle, G., Rodriguez-Castro, E., Syrachev, I., et al. (2018). Design, fabrication, and high-gradient testing of an X-band, traveling-wave accelerating structure milled from copper halves. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 21(6), 061001–11pp.
Abstract: A prototype 11.994 GHz, traveling-wave accelerating structure for the Compact Linear Collider has been built, using the novel technique of assembling the structure from milled halves. The use of milled halves has many advantages when compared to a structure made from individual disks. These include the potential for a reduction in cost, because there are fewer parts, as well as a greater freedom in choice of joining technology because there are no rf currents across the halves' joint. Here we present the rf design and fabrication of the prototype structure, followed by the results of the high-power test and post-test surface analysis. During high-power testing the structure reached an unloaded gradient of 100 MV/m at a rf breakdown rate of less than 1.5 x 10(-5) breakdowns/pulse/m with a 200 ns pulse. This structure has been designed for the CLIC testing program but construction from halves can be advantageous in a wide variety of applications.
Degiovanni, A., Wuensch, W., & Giner Navarro, J. (2016). Comparison of the conditioning of high gradient accelerating structures. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 19(3), 032001–6pp.
Abstract: Accelerating gradients in excess of 100 MV/m, at very low breakdown rates, have been successfully achieved in numerous prototype CLIC accelerating structures. The conditioning and operational histories of several structures, tested at KEK and CERN, have been compared and there is clear evidence that the conditioning progresses with the number of rf pulses and not with the number of breakdowns. This observation opens the possibility that the optimum conditioning strategy, which minimizes the total number of breakdowns the structure is subject to without increasing conditioning time, may be to never exceed the breakdown rate target for operation. The result is also likely to have a strong impact on efforts to understand the physical mechanism underlying conditioning and may lead to preparation procedures which reduce conditioning time.
Esposito, R. et al, & Domingo-Pardo, C. (2021). Design of the third-generation lead-based neutron spallation target for the neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 24(9), 093001–17pp.
Abstract: The neutron time-of-flight (n_TOF) facility at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) is a pulsed white-spectrum neutron spallation source producing neutrons for two experimental areas: the Experimental Area 1 (EAR1), located 185 m horizontally from the target, and the Experimental Area 2 (EAR2), located 20 m above the target. The target, based on pure lead, is impacted by a high-intensity 20-GeV/c pulsed proton beam. The facility was conceived to study neutron-nucleus interactions for neutron kinetic energies between a few meV to several GeV, with applications of interest for nuclear astrophysics, nuclear technology, and medical research. After the second-generation target reached the end of its lifetime, the facility underwent a major upgrade during CERN's Long Shutdown 2 (LS2, 2019-2021), which included the installation of the new third-generation neutron target. The first- and second-generation targets were based on water-cooled massive lead blocks and were designed focusing on EAR1, since EAR2 was built later. The new target is cooled by nitrogen gas to avoid erosion-corrosion and contamination of cooling water with radioactive lead spallation products. Moreover, the new design is optimized also for the vertical flight path and EAR2. This paper presents an overview of the target design focused on both physics and thermomechanical performance, and includes a description of the nitrogen cooling circuit and radiation protection studies.
Fuster-Martinez, N., Bruce, R., Hofer, M., Persson, T., Redaelli, S., & Tomas, R. (2022). Aperture measurements with ac dipoles and movable collimators in the Large Hadron Collider. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 25(10), 101002–13pp.
Abstract: This paper presents a first experimental demonstration of a new nondestructive method for aperture measurements based on ac dipoles. In high intensity particle colliders, such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), aperture measurements are crucial for a safe operation while optimizing the optics in order to reduce the size of the colliding beams and hence increase the luminosity. In the LHC, this type of measurements became mandatory during beam commissioning and the current method used is based on the destructive blowup of bunches using a transverse damper. The new method presented in this paper uses the ac-dipole excitation to generate adiabatic forced oscillations of the beam in order to create losses to identify the smallest aperture in the machine without blowing up the beam emittance. A precise and tuneable control of the oscillation amplitude enables the beams to be reused for several aperture measurements, as well as for other subsequent commissioning activities. Measurements performed with the new method are presented and compared with the current LHC transverse damper method for two different beam energies and two different operational optics.
Senes, E., Argyropoulos, T., Tecker, F., & Wuensch, W. (2018). Beam-loading effect on breakdown rate in high-gradient accelerating cavities: An experiment at the Compact Linear Collider Test Facility at CERN. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 21(10), 102001–8pp.
Abstract: Radio frequency breakdown rate is a crucial performance parameter that ensures that the design luminosity is achieved in the CLIC linear collider. The required low breakdown rate for CLIC, of the order of 10(-7) breakdown pulse(-1) m(-1), has been demonstrated in a number of 12 GHz CLIC prototype structures at gradients in excess of the design 100 MV/m accelerating gradient, however without the presence of the accelerated beam and associated beam loading. The beam loading induced by the approximately 1 A CLIC main beam significantly modifies the field distribution inside the structures, and the effect on breakdown rate is potentially significant so needs to be determined. A dedicated experiment has been carried out in the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 to measure this effect, and the results are presented.
Vnuchenko, A., Esperante Pereira, D., Gimeno, B., Benedetti, S., Catalan Lasheras, N., Garlasch, M., et al. (2020). High-gradient testing of an S-band, normal-conducting low phase velocity accelerating structure. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 23(8), 084801–13pp.
Abstract: A novel high-gradient accelerating structure with low phase velocity, v/c = 0.38, has been designed, manufactured and high-power tested. The structure was designed and built using the methodology and technology developed for CLIC 100 MV/m high-gradient accelerating structures, which have speed of light phase velocity, but adapts them to a structure for nonrelativistic particles. The parameters of the structure were optimized for the compact proton therapy linac project, and specifically to 76 MeV energy protons, but the type of structure opens more generally the possibility of compact low phase velocity linacs. The structure operates in S-band, is backward traveling wave (BTW) with a phase advance of 150 degrees and has an active length of 19 cm. The main objective for designing and testing this structure was to demonstrate that low velocity particles, in particular protons, can be accelerated with high gradients. In addition, the performance of this structure compared to other type of structures provides insights into the factors that limit high gradient operation. The structure was conditioned successfully to high gradient using the same protocol as for CLIC X-band structures. However, after the high power test, data analysis realized that the structure had been installed backwards, that is, the input power had been fed into what is nominally the output end of the structure. This resulted in higher peak fields at the power feed end and a steeply decreasing field profile along the structure, rather than the intended near constant field and gradient profile. A local accelerating gradient of 81 MV/m near the input end was achieved at a pulse length of 1.2 μs and with a breakdown rate (BDR) of 7.2 x 10(-7) 1 /pulse/m. The reverse configuration was accidental but the operating with this field condition gave very important insights into high-gradient behaviour and a comprehensive analysis has been carried out. A particular attention was paid to the characterization of the distribution of BD positions along the structure and within a cell.
Woolley, B., Burt, G., Dexter, A. C., Peacock, R., Millar, W. L., Catalan Lasheras, N., et al. (2020). High-gradient behavior of a dipole-mode rf structure. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 23(12), 122002–11pp.
Abstract: A normal-conducting, X-band traveling wave structure operating in the dipole mode has been systematically high-gradient tested to gain insight into the maximum possible gradients in these types of structure. Measured structure conditioning, breakdown behavior, and achieved surface fields are reported as well as a postmortem analysis of the breakdown position and a scanning electron microscope analysis of the high-field surfaces. The results of these measurements are then compared to high-gradient results from monopole-mode cavities. Scaled to a breakdown rate of 10(-6), the cavities were found to operate at a peak electric field of 154 MV/m and a peak modified Poynting vector S-c of 5.48 MW/mm(2). The study provides important input for the further development of dipole-mode cavities for use in the Compact Linear Collider as a crab cavity and dipole-mode cavities for use in x-ray free-electron lasers as well as for studies of the fundamental processes in vacuum arcs. Of particular relevance are the unique field patterns in dipole cavities compared to monopole cavities, where the electric and magnetic fields peak in orthogonal planes, which allow the separation of the role of electric and magnetic fields in breakdown via postmortem damage observation. The azimuthal variation of breakdown crater density is measured and is fitted to sinusoidal functions. The best fit is a power law fit of exponent 6. This is significant, as it shows how breakdown probability varies over a surface area with a varying electric field after conditioning to a given peak field.
Wuensch, W., Degiovanni, A., Calatroni, S., Korsback, A., Djurabekova, F., Rajamaki, R., et al. (2017). Statistics of vacuum breakdown in the high-gradient and low-rate regime. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 20(1), 011007–11pp.
Abstract: In an increasing number of high-gradient linear accelerator applications, accelerating structures must operate with both high surface electric fields and low breakdown rates. Understanding the statistical properties of breakdown occurrence in such a regime is of practical importance for optimizing accelerator conditioning and operation algorithms, as well as of interest for efforts to understand the physical processes which underlie the breakdown phenomenon. Experimental data of breakdown has been collected in two distinct high-gradient experimental set-ups: A prototype linear accelerating structure operated in the Compact Linear Collider Xbox 12GHz test stands, and a parallel plate electrode system operated with pulsed DC in the kV range. Collected data is presented, analyzed and compared. The two systems show similar, distinctive, two-part distributions of number of pulses between breakdowns, with each part corresponding to a specific, constant event rate. The correlation between distance and number of pulses between breakdown indicates that the two parts of the distribution, and their corresponding event rates, represent independent primary and induced follow-up breakdowns. The similarity of results from pulsed DCto 12GHz rf indicates a similar vacuum arc triggering mechanism over the range of conditions covered by the experiments.