de los Rios, M., Petac, M., Zaldivar, B., Bonaventura, N. R., Calore, F., & Iocco, F. (2023). Determining the dark matter distribution in simulated galaxies with deep learning. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 525(4), 6015–6035.
Abstract: We present a novel method of inferring the dark matter (DM) content and spatial distribution within galaxies, using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained within state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations (Illustris-TNG100). Within the controlled environment of the simulation, the framework we have developed is capable of inferring the DM mass distribution within galaxies of mass similar to 10(11)-10(13)M(circle dot) from the gravitationally baryon-dominated internal regions to the DM-rich, baryon-depleted outskirts of the galaxies, with a mean absolute error always below approximate to 0.25 when using photometrical and spectroscopic information. With respect to traditional methods, the one presented here also possesses the advantages of not relying on a pre-assigned shape for the DM distribution, to be applicable to galaxies not necessarily in isolation, and to perform very well even in the absence of spectroscopic observations.
Schiavone, T., Montani, G., & Bombacigno, F. (2023). f(R) gravity in the Jordan frame as a paradigm for the Hubble tension. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 522(1), L72–L77.
Abstract: We analyse the f(R) gravity in the so-called Jordan frame, as implemented to the isotropic Universe dynamics. The goal of the present study is to show that according to recent data analyses of the supernovae Ia Pantheon sample, it is possible to account for an effective redshift dependence of the Hubble constant. This is achieved via the dynamics of a non-minimally coupled scalar field, as it emerges in the f(R) gravity. We face the question both from an analytical and purely numerical point of view, following the same technical paradigm. We arrive to establish that the expected decay of the Hubble constant with the redshift z is ensured by a form of the scalar field potential, which remains essentially constant for z less than or similar to 0.3, independently if this request is made a priori, as in the analytical approach, or obtained a posteriori, when the numerical procedure is addressed. Thus, we demonstrate that an f(R) dark energy model is able to account for an apparent variation of the Hubble constant due to the rescaling of the Einstein constant by the f(R) scalar mode.
Giare, W., Renzi, F., Mena, O., Di Valentino, E., & Melchiorri, A. (2023). Is the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum coming back? ACT preference for n(s) similar to 1 and its discordance with Planck. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 521(2), 2911–2918.
Abstract: The Data Release 4 of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) shows an agreement with an Harrison-Zel'dovich primordial spectrum (n(s) = 1.009 +/- 0.015), introducing a tension with a significance of 99.3 per cent Confidence Level (CL) with the results from the Planck satellite. The discrepancy on the value of the scalar spectral index is neither alleviated with the addition of large scale structure information nor with the low multipole polarization data. We discuss possible avenues to alleviate the tension relying on either neglecting polarization measurements from ACT or in extending different sectors of the theory.
Gammaldi, V., Zaldivar, B., Sanchez-Conde, M. A., & Coronado-Blazquez, J. (2023). A search for dark matter among Fermi-LAT unidentified sources with systematic features in machine learning. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 520(1), 1348–1361.
Abstract: Around one-third of the point-like sources in the Fermi-LAT catalogues remain as unidentified sources (unIDs) today. Indeed, these unIDs lack a clear, univocal association with a known astrophysical source. If dark matter (DM) is composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), there is the exciting possibility that some of these unIDs may actually be DM sources, emitting gamma-rays from WIMPs annihilation. We propose a new approach to solve the standard, machine learning (ML) binary classification problem of disentangling prospective DM sources (simulated data) from astrophysical sources (observed data) among the unIDs of the 4FGL Fermi-LAT catalogue. We artificially build two systematic features for the DM data which are originally inherent to observed data: the detection significance and the uncertainty on the spectral curvature. We do it by sampling from the observed population of unIDs, assuming that the DM distributions would, if any, follow the latter. We consider different ML models: Logistic Regression, Neural Network (NN), Naive Bayes, and Gaussian Process, out of which the best, in terms of classification accuracy, is the NN, achieving around 93 . 3 per cent +/- 0 . 7 per cent performance. Other ML evaluation parameters, such as the True Ne gativ e and True Positive rates, are discussed in our work. Applying the NN to the unIDs sample, we find that the de generac y between some astrophysical and DM sources can be partially solved within this methodology. None the less, we conclude that there are no DM source candidates among the pool of 4FGL Fermi-LAT unIDs.
Giare, W., Renzi, F., Melchiorri, A., Mena, O., & Di Valentino, E. (2022). Cosmological forecasts on thermal axions, relic neutrinos, and light elements. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 511(1), 1373–1382.
Abstract: One of the targets of future cosmic microwave background (CMB) and baryon acoustic oscillation measurements is to improve the current accuracy in the neutrino sector and reach a much better sensitivity on extra dark radiation in the early Universe. In this paper, we study how these improvements can be translated into constraining power for well-motivated extensions of the standard model of elementary particles that involve axions thermalized before the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase transition by scatterings with gluons. Assuming a fiducial Lambda cold dark matter cosmological model, we simulate future data for Stage-IV CMB-like and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)-like surveys and analyse a mixed scenario of axion and neutrino hot dark matter. We further account also for the effects of these QCD axions on the light element abundances predicted by big bang nucleosynthesis. The most constraining forecasted limits on the hot relic masses are m(a) less than or similar to 0.92 eV and n-ary sumation m(nu) less than or similar to 0.12 eV at 95 per cent Confidence Level, showing that future cosmic observations can substantially improve the current bounds, supporting multimessenger analyses of axion, neutrino, and primordial light element properties.
Giare, W., Di Valentino, E., Melchiorri, A., & Mena, O. (2021). New cosmological bounds on hot relics: axions and neutrinos. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 505(2), 2703–2711.
Abstract: Axions, if realized in nature, can be copiously produced in the early universe via thermal processes, contributing to the mass-energy density of thermal hot relics. In light of the most recent cosmological observations, we analyse two different thermal processes within a realistic mixed hot dark matter scenario which includes also massive neutrinos. Considering the axion-gluon thermalization channel, we derive our most constraining bounds on the hot relic masses m(a) < 7.46 eV and Sigma m(nu) < 0.114 eV both at 95 percent CL; while studying the axion-pion scattering, without assuming any specific model for the axion-pion interactions, and remaining in the range of validity of the chiral perturbation theory, our most constraining bounds are improved to m(a) < 0.91 eV and Sigma m(nu) < 0.105 eV, both at 95 percent CL. Interestingly, in both cases, the total neutrino mass lies very close to the inverted neutrino mass ordering prediction. If future terrestrial double beta decay and/or long-baseline neutrino experiments find that the nature mass ordering is the inverted one, this could rule out a wide region in the currently allowed thermal axion window. Our results therefore, strongly support multi messenger searches of axions and neutrino properties, together with joint analyses of their expected sensitivities.
Di Valentino, E., Melchiorri, A., Mena, O., Pan, S., & Yang, W. Q. (2021). Interacting dark energy in a closed universe. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 502(1), L23–L28.
Abstract: Recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Anisotropies power spectra measured by the Planck satellite show a preference for a closed universe at more than 99 per cent confidence level (CL). Such a scenario is however in disagreement with several low redshift observables, including luminosity distances of Type Ia supernovae. Here we show that interacting dark energy (IDE) models can ease the discrepancies between Planck and supernovae Ia data in a closed Universe, leading to a preference for both a coupling and a curvature different from zero above the 99 per cent CL. Therefore IDE cosmologies remain as very appealing scenarios, as they can provide the solution to a number of observational tensions in different fiducial cosmologies. The results presented here strongly favour broader analyses of cosmological data, and suggest that relaxing the usual flatness and vacuum energy assumptions can lead to a much better agreement among theory and observations.
Angles-Castillo, A., Perucho, M., Marti, J. M., & Laing, R. A. (2021). On the deceleration of Fanaroff-Riley Class I jets: mass loading of magnetized jets by stellar winds. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500(1), 1512–1530.
Abstract: In this paper, we present steady-state relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations that include a mass-load term to study the process of jet deceleration. The mass load mimics the injection of a proton-electron plasma from stellar winds within the host galaxy into initially pair plasma jets, with mean stellar mass-losses ranging from 10(-14) to 10(-9) M-circle dot yr(-1). The spatial jet evolution covers similar to 500 pc from jet injection in the grid at 10 pc from the jet nozzle. Our simulations use a relativistic gas equation of state and a pressure profile for the ambient medium. We compare these simulations with previous dynamical simulations of relativistic, non-magnetized jets. Our results show that toroidal magnetic fields can prevent fast jet expansion and the subsequent embedding of further stars via magnetic tension. In this sense, magnetic fields avoid a runaway deceleration process. Furthermore, when the mass load is large enough to increase the jet density and produce fast, differential jet expansion, the conversion of magnetic energy flux into kinetic energy flux (i.e. magnetic acceleration), helps to delay the deceleration process with respect to non-magnetized jets. We conclude that the typical stellar population in elliptical galaxies cannot explain jet deceleration in classical Fanaroff-Riley type I radio galaxies. However, we observe a significant change in the jet composition, thermodynamical parameters, and energy dissipation along its evolution, even for moderate values of the mass load.
Di Valentino, E., & Mena, O. (2021). A fake interacting dark energy detection? Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500(1), L22–L26.
Abstract: Models involving an interaction between the dark matter and the dark energy sectors have been proposed to alleviate the long-standing Hubble constant tension. In this paper, we analyse whether the constraints and potential hints obtained for these interacting models remain unchanged when using simulated Planck data. Interestingly, our simulations indicate that a dangerous fake detection for a non-zero interaction among the dark matter and the dark energy fluids could arise when dealing with current cosmic microwave background (CMB) Planck measurements alone. The very same hypothesis is tested against future CMB observations, finding that only cosmic variance limited polarization experiments, such as PICO or PRISM, could be able to break the existing parameter degeneracies and provide reliable cosmological constraints. This paper underlines the extreme importance of confronting the results arising from data analyses with those obtained with simulations when extracting cosmological limits within exotic cosmological scenarios.
ANTARES Collaboration(Albert, A. et al), Colomer, M., Gozzini, R., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., Illuminati, G., Khan-Chowdhury, N. R., et al. (2021). Constraining the contribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts to the high-energy diffuse neutrino flux with 10 yr of ANTARES data. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500(4), 5614–5628.
Abstract: Addressing the origin of the astrophysical neutrino flux observed by IceCube is of paramount importance. Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are among the few astrophysical sources capable of achieving the required energy to contribute to such neutrino flux through p gamma interactions. In this work, ANTARFS data have been used to search for upward going muon neutrinos in spatial and temporal coincidence with 784 GRBs occurred from 2007 to 2017. For each GRB, the expected neutrino flux has been calculated in the framework of the internal shock model and the impact of the lack of knowledge on the majority of source redshifts and on other intrinsic parameters of the emission mechanism has been quantified. It is found that the model parameters that set the radial distance where shock collisions occur have the largest impact on neutrino flux expectations. In particular, the bulk Lorentz factor of the source ejecta and the minimum variability time-scale are found to contribute significantly to the GRB-neutrino flux uncertainty. For the selected sources, ANTARES data have been analysed by maximizing the discovery probability of the stacking sample through an extended maximum-likelihood strategy. Since no neutrino event passed the quality cuts set by the optimization procedure, 90 per cent confidence level upper limits (with their uncertainty) on the total expected diffuse neutrino flux have been derived, according to the model. The GRB contribution to the observed diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux around 100 TeV is constrained to be less than 10 percent.