Fomichev, A. S., Mukha, I., Stepantsov, S. V., Grigorenko, L. V., Litvinova, E. V., Chudoba, V., et al. (2011). Lifetime of (26)S and a limit for its 2p decay energy. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20(6), 1491–1508.
Abstract: The unknown isotope (26)S, expected to decay by two-proton (2p) emission, was studied theoretically and searched experimentally. The structure of this nucleus was examined within the relativistic mean field (RMF) approach. A method for taking into account the many-body structure in the three-body decay calculations was developed. The results of the RMF calculations were used as an input for the three-cluster decay model optimized for the study of a possible 2p decay branch of this nucleus. The experimental search for (26)S was performed by fragmentation of a 50.3 A MeV (32)S beam. No events of a particles table (26)S or (25)P (a presumably proton-unstable subsystem of (26)S) were observed. Based on the obtained production systematics, an upper half-life limit of T(1/2) < 79 ns was established from the time-of-flight through the fragment separator. Together with the theoretical lifetime estimates for two-proton decay, this gives a decay energy limit of Q(2p) > 640 keV for (26)S. Analogous limits for (25)P are found as T(1/2) < 38 ns and Q(p) > 110 keV. In the case that the one-proton emission is the main branch of the (26)S decay, a limit Q(2p) > 230 keV would follow for this nucleus. According to these limits, it is likely that (26)S resides in the picosecond life time range
Perez-Ramos, R. (2011). The Internal Structure Of Jets At Colliders: Light And Heavy Quark Inclusive Hadronic Distributions. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20(7), 1616–1622.
Abstract: In this paper, we report our results on charged hadron multiplicities of heavy quark initiated jets produced in high energy collisions. After implementing the so-called dead cone effect in QCD evolution equations, we find that the average multiplicity decreases significantly as compared to the massless case. Finally, we discuss the transverse momentum distribution of light quark initiated jets and emphasize the comparison between our predictions and CDF data.
Oset, E., Ramos, A., Garzon, E. J., Molina, R., Tolos, L., Xiao, C. W., et al. (2012). Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and nuclei. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 21(11), 1230011–18pp.
Abstract: After some short introductory remarks on particular issues on the vector mesons in nuclei, in this paper, we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei from a modern perspective using the local hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons. We present results for the vector-baryon interaction and in particular for the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons, taking also the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons into account. We then venture into the charm sector, reporting on hidden charm baryon states around 4400 MeV, generated from the interaction of vector mesons and baryons with charm, which have a strong repercussion on the properties of the J/Psi N interaction. We also address the interaction of K* with nuclei and make suggestions to measure the predicted huge width in the medium by means of transparency ratio. The formalism is extended to study the phenomenon of J/psi suppression in nuclei via J/psi photo-production reactions.
Vijande, J., Valcarce, A., Carames, T. F., & Garcilazo, H. (2013). Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy: A Quark Model Perspective. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 22(5), 1330011–25pp.
Abstract: We present recent results of hadron spectroscopy and hadron hadron interaction from the perspective of constituent quark models. We pay special attention to the role played by higher-order hock space components in the hadron spectra and the connection of this extension with the hadron-hadron interaction. The main goal of our description is to obtain a coherent understanding of the low-energy hadron phenomenology without enforcing any particular model, to constrain its characteristics and learn about the low-energy realization of the theory.
Oset, E., Albaladejo, M., Xie, J. J., & Ramos, A. (2014). Recent developments on hadron interaction and dynamically generated resonances. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 23(7), 1461008–8pp.
Abstract: In this talk I report on the recent developments in the subject of dynamically generated resonances. In particular I discuss the gamma p -> K-0 Sigma+ and gamma n -> K-0 Sigma(0) reactions, with a peculiar behavior around the K*(0)Lambda threshold, due to a 1/2(-) resonance around 2035 MeV. Similarly, I discuss a BES experiment, J/psi -> eta K*(0) (K) over bar*(0) decay, which provides evidence for a new h(1) resonance around 1830 MeV that was predicted from the vector-vector interaction. A short discussion is then made about recent advances in the charm and beauty sectors.
Oset, E. et al, Albaladejo, M., Nieves, J., Fernandez-Soler, P., & Sun, Z. F. (2016). Weak decays of heavy hadrons into dynamically generated resonances. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 25(1), 1630001–105pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a review of recent works on weak decay of heavy mesons and baryons with two mesons, or a meson and a baryon, interacting strongly in the final state. The aim is to learn about the interaction of hadrons and how some particular resonances are produced in the reactions. It is shown that these reactions have peculiar features and act as filters for some quantum numbers which allow to identify easily some resonances and learn about their nature. The combination of basic elements of the weak interaction with the framework of the chiral unitary approach allow for an interpretation of results of many reactions and add a novel information to different aspects of the hadron interaction and the properties of dynamically generated resonances.
Vento, V. (2017). Skyrmions at high density. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 26(1-2), 1740029–15pp.
Abstract: The phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics is conjectured to have a rich structure containing at least three forms of matter: hadronic nuclear matter, quarkyonic matter and quark-gluon plasma. We justify the origin of the quarkyonic phase transition in a chiral-quark model and describe its formulation in terms of Skyrme crystals.
Garcilazo, H., Valcarce, A., & Vijande, J. (2020). Neutral baryonic systems with strangeness. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29(1), 1930009–22pp.
Abstract: We review the status as regards to the existence of three- and four-body bound states made of neutrons and Lambda hyperons. For interesting cases, the coupling to neutral baryonic systems made of charged particles of different strangeness has been addressed. There are strong arguments showing that the Lambda nn system has no bound states. Lambda Lambda nn strong stable states are not favored by our current knowledge of the strangeness -1 and -2 baryon-baryon interactions. However, a possible Xi(-) t quasibound state decaying to Lambda Lambda nn might exist in nature. Similarly, there is a broad agreement about the nonexistence of Lambda Lambda n bound states. However, the coupling to Xi NN states opens the door to a resonance above the Lambda Lambda n threshold.