Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Oliveira, B. M., Papavassiliou, J., & Teixeira, G. L. (2024). Infrared properties of the quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(11), 1231–21pp.
Abstract: In the present work we determine the eight form factors of the transversely-projected quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics, in the context of Landau-gauge QCD with two degenerate light dynamical quarks. The study is based on the set of Schwinger-Dyson equations that govern the vertex form factors, derived within the formalism of the three-particle-irreducible (3PI) effective action. The analysis is performed by employing lattice data for the main ingredients, such as gluon and quark propagators, and three-gluon vertex. The numerical treatment is simplified by decoupling the system of integral equations: the classical form factor is determined from a single non-linear equation involving only itself, while the remaining ones are subsequently computed through simple integrations. The form factors are obtained for arbitrary values of space-like momenta, and their angular dependence is examined in detail. A clear hierarchy is established at the level of the corresponding dimensionless effective couplings, in agreement with results of earlier studies. Furthermore, the classical form factor is found to be in excellent agreement with recent unquenched lattice data in the soft-gluon configuration, while the two non-classical dressings depart substantially from the lattice results. Finally, the accurate implementation of multiplicative renormalizability is confirmed, and the transition from Minkoswski to Euclidean space is elucidated.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., & Papavassiliou, J. (2021). Gluon dynamics from an ordinary differential equation. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(1), 54–20pp.
Abstract: We present a novel method for computing the nonperturbative kinetic term of the gluon propagator from an ordinary differential equation, whose derivation hinges on the central hypothesis that the regular part of the three-gluon vertex and the aforementioned kinetic term are related by a partial Slavnov-Taylor identity. The main ingredients entering in the solution are projection of the three-gluon vertex and a particular derivative of the ghost-gluon kernel, whose approximate form is derived from a Schwinger-Dyson equation. Crucially, the requirement of a pole-free answer determines the initial condition, whose value is calculated from an integral containing the same ingredients as the solution itself. This feature fixes uniquely, at least in principle, the form of the kinetic term, once the ingredients have been accurately evaluated. In practice, however, due to substantial uncertainties in the computation of the necessary inputs, certain crucial components need be adjusted by hand, in order to obtain self-consistent results. Furthermore, if the gluon propagator has been independently accessed from the lattice, the solution for the kinetic term facilitates the extraction of the momentum-dependent effective gluon mass. The practical implementation of this method is carried out in detail, and the required approximations and theoretical assumptions are duly highlighted.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., & Papavassiliou, J. (2020). Novel sum rules for the three-point sector of QCD. Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(9), 887–18pp.
Abstract: For special kinematic configurations involving a single momentum scale, certain standard relations, originating from the Slavnov-Taylor identities of the theory, may be interpreted as ordinary differential equations for the “kinetic term” of the gluon propagator. The exact solutions of these equations exhibit poles at the origin, which are incompatible with the physical answer, known to diverge only logarithmically; their elimination hinges on the validity of two integral conditions that we denominate “asymmetric” and “symmetric” sum rules, depending on the kinematics employed in their derivation. The corresponding integrands contain components of the three-gluon vertex and the ghost-gluon kernel, whose dynamics are constrained when the sum rules are imposed. For the numerical treatment we single out the asymmetric sum rule, given that its support stems predominantly from low and intermediate energy regimes of the defining integral, which are physically more interesting. Adopting a combined approach based on Schwinger-Dyson equations and lattice simulations, we demonstrate how the sum rule clearly favors the suppression of an effective form factor entering in the definition of its kernel. The results of the present work offer an additional vantage point into the rich and complex structure of the three-point sector of QCD.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., & Santos, L. R. (2024). Four-gluon vertex in collinear kinematics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(7), 676–27pp.
Abstract: To date, the four-gluon vertex is the least explored component of the QCD Lagrangian, mainly due to the vast proliferation of Lorentz and color structures required for its description. In this work we present a nonperturbative study of this vertex, based on the one-loop dressed Schwinger-Dyson equation obtained from the 4PI effective action. A vast simplification is brought about by resorting to “collinear” kinematics, where all momenta are parallel to each other, and by appealing to the charge conjugation symmetry in order to eliminate certain color structures. Out of the fifteen form factors that comprise the transversely-projected version of this vertex, two are singled out and studied in detail; the one associated with the classical tensorial structure is moderately suppressed in the infrared regime, while the other diverges logarithmically at the origin. Quite interestingly, both form factors display the property known as “planar degeneracy” at a rather high level of accuracy. With these results we construct an effective charge that quantifies the strength of the four-gluon interaction, and compare it with other vertex-derived charges from the gauge sector of QCD.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., & Santos, L. R. (2023). Planar degeneracy of the three-gluon vertex. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(6), 549–20pp.
Abstract: We present a detailed exploration of certain outstanding features of the transversely-projected three-gluon vertex, using the corresponding Schwinger-Dyson equation in conjunction with key results obtained from quenched lattice simulations. The main goal of this study is the scrutiny of the approximate property denominated “planar degeneracy”, unveiled when the Bose symmetry of the vertex is properly exploited. The planar degeneracy leads to a particularly simple parametrization of the vertex, reducing its kinematic dependence to essentially a single variable. Our analysis, carried out in the absence of dynamical quarks, reveals that the planar degeneracy is particularly accurate for the description of the form factor associated with the classical tensor, for a wide array of arbitrary kinematic configurations. Instead, the remaining three form factors display considerable violations of this property. In addition, and in close connection with the previous point, we demonstrate the numerical dominance of the classical form factor over all others, except in the vicinity of the soft-gluon kinematics. The final upshot of these considerations is the emergence of a very compact description for the three-gluon vertex in general kinematics, which may simplify significantly nonperturbative applications involving this vertex.
Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Bernabeu, J., Mitsou, V. A., & Segarra, A. (2017). The Z boson spin observables as messengers of new physics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(4), 234–6pp.
Abstract: We demonstrate that the eight multipole parameters describing the spin state of the Z boson are able to disentangle known Z production mechanisms and signals from new physics at the LHC. They can be extracted from appropriate asymmetries in the angular distribution of lepton pairs from the Z boson decay. The power of this analysis is illustrated by (1) the production of Z boson plus jets; (2) Z boson plus missing transverse energy; (3) W and Z bosons originating from the two-body decay of a heavy resonance.
Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Boudreau, J., Escobar, C., & Mueller, J. (2017). The fully differential top decay distribution. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(3), 200–8pp.
Abstract: We write down the four-dimensional fully differential decay distribution for the top quark decay t -> Wb -> l nu b. We discuss how its eight physical parameters can be measured, either with a global fit or with the use of selected one-dimensional distributions and asymmetries. We give expressions for the top decay amplitudes for a general tbW interaction, and show how the untangled measurement of the two components of the fraction of longitudinal W bosons – those with b quark helicities of 1/2 and -1/2, respectively – could improve the precision of a global fit to the tbW vertex.
Akindinov, V. et al, Colomer, M., Gozzini, S. R., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., Khan Chowdhury, N. R., Thakore, T., et al. (2019). Letter of interest for a neutrino beam from Protvino to KM3NeT/ORCA. Eur. Phys. J. C, 79(9), 758–14pp.
Abstract: The Protvino accelerator facility located in the Moscow region, Russia, is in a good position to offer a rich experimental research program in the field of neutrino physics. Of particular interest is the possibility to direct a neutrino beam from Protvino towards the KM3NeT/ORCA detector, which is currently under construction in the Mediterranean Sea 40 km offshore Toulon, France. This proposal is known as P2O. Thanks to its baseline of 2595 km, this experiment would yield an unparalleled sensitivity to matter effects in the Earth, allowing for the determination of the neutrino mass ordering with a high level of certainty after only a few years of running at a modest beam intensity of sensitivity to the leptonic CP-violating Dirac phase can be achieved. A second stage of the experiment, comprising a further intensity upgrade of the accelerator complex and a densified version of the ORCA detector (Super-ORCA), would allow for up to a 6 sigma\documentclass[12pt] resolution on the CP phase after 10 years of running with a 450 kW beam, competitive with other planned experiments. The initial composition and energy spectrum of the neutrino beam would need to be monitored by a near detector, to be constructed several hundred meters downstream from the proton beam target. The same neutrino beam and near detector set-up would also allow for neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements to be performed. A short-baseline sterile neutrino search experiment would also be possible.
Albaladejo, M., Fernandez-Soler, P., & Nieves, J. (2016). Z(c)(3900): confronting theory and lattice simulations. Eur. Phys. J. C, 76(10), 573–9pp.
Abstract: We consider a recent T -matrix analysis by Albaladejo et al. (Phys Lett B 755: 337, 2016), which accounts for the J/psi pi and D*(D) over bar coupled-channels dynamics, and which successfully describes the experimental information concerning the recently discovered Z(c)(3900)(+/-). Within such scheme, the data can be similarly well described in two different scenarios, where Z(c)(3900) is either a resonance or a virtual state. To shed light into the nature of this state, we apply this formalism in a finite box with the aim of comparing with recent Lattice QCD (LQCD) simulations. We see that the energy levels obtained for both scenarios agree well with those obtained in the single-volume LQCD simulation reported in Prelovsek et al. (Phys Rev D 91: 014504, 2015), thus making it difficult to disentangle the two possibilities. We also study the volume dependence of the energy levels obtained with our formalism and suggest that LQCD simulations performed at several volumes could help in discerning the actual nature of the intriguing Z(c)(3900) state.
Albaladejo, M., Fernandez-Soler, P., Nieves, J., & Ortega, P. G. (2018). Contribution of constituent quark model c(s)over-bar states to the dynamics of the D*s0 (2317) and Ds1(2460) resonances. Eur. Phys. J. C, 78(9), 722–22pp.
Abstract: The masses of the D*(s0) (2317) and D-s1(2460) resonances lie below the DK and D* K thresholds respectively, which contradicts the predictions of naive quark models and points out to non-negligible effects of the D(*) K loops in the dynamics of the even-parity scalar (J(pi) = 0(+)) and axial-vector (J(pi) = 1(+)) c (s) over bar systems. Recent lattice QCD studies, incorporating the effects of the D(*) K channels, analyzed these spin-parity sectors and correctly described the D*(s0)(2317) – D-s1(2460) mass splitting. Motivated by such works, we study the structure of the D*(s0)(2317) and D-s1(2460) resonances in the framework of an effective field theory consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry, and that incorporates the interplay between D(*) K meson-meson degrees of freedom and bare P-wave c (s) over bar states predicted by constituent quark models. We extend the scheme to finite volumes and fit the strength of the coupling between both types of degrees of freedom to the available lattice levels, which we successfully describe. We finally estimate the size of the D(*) K two-meson components in the D*(s0)(2317) and D-s1(2460) resonances, and we conclude that these states have a predominantly hadronic-molecular structure, and that it should not be tried to accommodate these mesons within c (s) over bar constituent quark model patterns.