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Aebischer, J. et al, & Vicente, A. (2024). Computing tools for effective field theories. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(2), 170–59pp.
Abstract: In recent years, theoretical and phenomenological studies with effective field theories have become a trending and prolific line of research in the field of high-energy physics. In order to discuss present and future prospects concerning automated tools in this field, the SMEFT-Tools 2022 workshop was held at the University of Zurich from 14th-16th September 2022. The current document collects and summarizes the content of this workshop.
Afonso, V. I., Olmo, G. J., Orazi, E., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2018). Mapping nonlinear gravity into General Relativity with nonlinear electrodynamics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 78(10), 866–11pp.
Abstract: We show that families of nonlinear gravity theories formulated in a metric-affine approach and coupled to a nonlinear theory of electrodynamics can be mapped into general relativity (GR) coupled to another nonlinear theory of electrodynamics. This allows to generate solutions of the former from those of the latter using purely algebraic transformations. This correspondence is explicitly illustrated with the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory of gravity, for which we consider a family of nonlinear electrodynamics and show that, under the map, preserve their algebraic structure. For the particular case of Maxwell electrodynamics coupled to Born-Infeld gravity we find, via this correspondence, a Born-Infeld-type nonlinear electrodynamics on the GR side. Solving the spherically symmetric electrovacuum case for the latter, we show how the map provides directly the right solutions for the former. This procedure opens a new door to explore astrophysical and cosmological scenarios in nonlinear gravity theories by exploiting the full power of the analytical and numerical methods developed within the framework of GR.
Agarwalla, S. K., & Masud, M. (2020). Can Lorentz invariance violation affect the sensitivity of deep underground neutrino experiment? Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(8), 716–18pp.
Abstract: We examine the impact of Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in measuring the octant of theta(23) and CP phases in the context of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). We consider the CPT-violating LIV parameters involving e-mu(a(e mu)) and e-tau (a(e tau)) flavors, which induce an additional interference term in neutrino and antineutrino appearance probabilities. This newinterference term depends on both the standard CP phase delta and the new dynamical CP phase phi(e mu)/phi(e tau), giving rise to new degeneracies among (theta(23), delta, phi). Taking one LIV parameter at-a-time and considering a small value of vertical bar a(e mu)vertical bar = vertical bar a(e tau)vertical bar = 5 x 10(-24) GeV, we find that the octant discovery potential of DUNE gets substantially deteriorated for unfavorable combinations of delta and phi(e mu)/phi(e tau). The octant of theta(23) can only be resolved at 3 sigma if the true value of sin(2) theta(23) less than or similar to 0.42 or >= 0.62 for any choices of delta and phi. Interestingly, we also observe that when both the LIV parameters a(e mu) and a(e tau) are present together, they cancel out the impact of each other to a significant extent, allowing DUNE to largely regain its octant resolution capability. We also reconstruct the CP phases delta and phi(e mu)/phi(e tau). The typical 1 sigma uncertainty on delta is 10-15 degrees. and the same on phi(e mu)/phi(e tau) is 25-30 degrees depending on the choices of their true values.
Agrawal, P. et al, Hernandez, P., & Lopez-Pavon, J. (2021). Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2020 workshop report. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(11), 1015–137pp.
Abstract: With the establishment and maturation of the experimental programs searching for new physics with sizeable couplings at the LHC, there is an increasing interest in the broader particle and astrophysics community for exploring the physics of light and feebly-interacting particles as a paradigm complementary to a New Physics sector at the TeV scale and beyond. FIPs 2020 has been the first workshop fully dedicated to the physics of feebly-interacting particles and was held virtually from 31 August to 4 September 2020. The workshop has gathered together experts from collider, beam dump, fixed target experiments, as well as from astrophysics, axions/ALPs searches, current/future neutrino experiments, and dark matter direct detection communities to discuss progress in experimental searches and underlying theory models for FIPs physics, and to enhance the cross-fertilisation across different fields. FIPs 2020 has been complemented by the topical workshop “Physics Beyond Colliders meets theory”, held at CERN from 7 June to 9 June 2020. This document presents the summary of the talks presented at the workshops and the outcome of the subsequent discussions held immediately after. It aims to provide a clear picture of this blooming field and proposes a few recommendations for the next round of experimental results.
Aguilar, A. C., Binosi, D., Figueiredo, C. T., & Papavassiliou, J. (2018). Evidence of ghost suppression in gluon mass scale dynamics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 78(3), 181–15pp.
Abstract: In this work we study the impact that the ghost sector of pure Yang-Mills theories may have on the generation of a dynamical gauge boson mass scale, which hinges on the appearance of massless poles in the fundamental vertices of the theory, and the subsequent realization of the well-known Schwinger mechanism. The process responsible for the formation of such structures is itself dynamical in nature, and is governed by a set of Bethe-Salpeter type of integral equations. While in previous studies the presence of massless poles was assumed to be exclusively associated with the background-gauge three-gluon vertex, in the present analysis we allow them to appear also in the corresponding ghost-gluon vertex. The full analysis of the resulting Bethe-Salpeter system reveals that the contribution of the poles associated with the ghost-gluon vertex are particularly suppressed, their sole discernible effect being a slight modification in the running of the gluon mass scale, for momenta larger than a few GeV. In addition, we examine the behavior of the (background-gauge) ghost-gluon vertex in the limit of vanishing ghost momentum, and derive the corresponding version of Taylor's theorem. These considerations, together with a suitable Ansatz, permit us the full reconstruction of the pole sector of the two vertices involved.
Aguilar, A. C., De Soto, F., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., Rodriguez-Quintero, J., & Zafeiropoulos, S. (2020). Gluon propagator and three-gluon vertex with dynamical quarks. Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(2), 154–17pp.
Abstract: We present a detailed analysis of the kinetic and mass terms associated with the Landau gauge gluon propagator in the presence of dynamical quarks, and a comprehensive dynamical study of certain special kinematic limits of the three-gluon vertex. Our approach capitalizes on results from recent lattice simulations with (2+1) domain wall fermions, a novel nonlinear treatment of the gluon mass equation, and the nonperturbative reconstruction of the longitudinal three-gluon vertex from its fundamental Slavnov-Taylor identities. Particular emphasis is placed on the persistence of the suppression displayed by certain combinations of the vertex form factors at intermediate and low momenta, already known from numerous pure Yang-Mills studies. One of our central findings is that the inclusion of dynamical quarks moderates the intensity of this phenomenon only mildly, leaving the asymptotic low-momentum behavior unaltered, but displaces the characteristic “zero crossing” deeper into the infrared region. In addition, the effect of the three-gluon vertex is explored at the level of the effective gauge coupling, whose size is considerably reduced with respect to its counterpart obtained from the ghost-gluon vertex. The main upshot of the above considerations is the further confirmation of the tightly interwoven dynamics between the two- and three-point sectors of QCD.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Ibañez, D., Oliveira, B. M., & Papavassiliou, J. (2023). Patterns of gauge symmetry in the background field method. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(1), 86–20pp.
Abstract: The correlation functions of Yang-Mills theories formulated in the background field method satisfy linear Slavnov-Taylor identities, which are naive generalizations of simple tree level relations, with no deformations originating from the ghost-sector of the theory. In recent years, a stronger version of these identities has been found to hold at the level of the background gluon self-energy, whose transversality is enforced separately for each special block of diagrams contributing to the gluon Schwinger-Dyson equation. In the present work we demonstrate by means of explicit calculations that the same distinct realization of the Slavnov-Taylor identity persists in the case of the background three-gluon vertex. The analysis is carried out at the level of the exact Schwinger-Dyson equation for this vertex, with no truncations or simplifying assumptions. The demonstration entails the contraction of individual vertex diagrams by the relevant momentum, which activates Slavnov-Taylor identities of vertices and multi-particle kernels nested inside these graphs; the final result emerges by virtue of a multitude of extensive cancellations, without the need of performing explicit integrations. In addition, we point out that background Ward identities amount to replacing derivatives of propagators by zero-momentum background-gluon insertions, in exact analogy to standard properties of Abelian gauge theories. Finally, certain potential applications of these results are briefly discussed.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Ibañez, D., & Papavassiliou, J. (2023). Schwinger displacement of the quark-gluon vertex. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(10), 967–22pp.
Abstract: The action of the Schwinger mechanism in pure Yang-Mills theories endows gluons with an effective mass, and, at the same time, induces a measurable displacement to the Ward identity satisfied by the three-gluon vertex. In the present work we turn to Quantum Chromodynamics with two light quark flavors, and explore the appearance of this characteristic displacement at the level of the quark-gluon vertex. When the Schwinger mechanism is activated, this vertex acquires massless poles, whose momentum-dependent residues are determined by a set of coupled integral equations. The main effect of these residues is to displace the Ward identity obeyed by the pole-free part of the vertex, causing modifications to its form factors, and especially the one associated with the tree-level tensor. The comparison between the available lattice data for this form factor and the Ward identity prediction reveals a marked deviation, which is completely compatible with the theoretical expectation for the attendant residue. This analysis corroborates further the self-consistency of this mass-generating scenario in the general context of real-world strong interactions.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Oliveira, B. M., & Papavassiliou, J. (2022). Schwinger-Dyson truncations in the all-soft limit: a case study. Eur. Phys. J. C, 82(11), 1068–15pp.
Abstract: We study a special Schwinger-Dyson equation in the context of a pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory, formulated in the background field method. Specifically, we consider the corresponding equation for the vertex that governs the interaction of two background gluons with a ghost-antighost pair. By virtue of the background gauge invariance, this vertex satisfies a naive Slavnov-Taylor identity, which is not deformed by the ghost sector of the theory. In the all-soft limit, where all momenta vanish, the form of this vertex may be obtained exactly from the corresponding Ward identity. This special result is subsequently reproduced at the level of the Schwinger-Dyson equation, by making extensive use of Taylor's theorem and exploiting a plethora of key relations, particular to the background field method. This information permits the determination of the error associated with two distinct truncation schemes, where the potential advantage from employing lattice data for the ghost dressing function is quantitatively assessed.
Aguilar, A. C., Ferreira, M. N., Oliveira, B. M., Papavassiliou, J., & Santos, L. R. (2023). Schwinger poles of the three-gluon vertex: symmetry and dynamics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(10), 889–20pp.
Abstract: The implementation of the Schwinger mechanism endows gluons with a nonperturbative mass through the formation of special massless poles in the fundamental QCD vertices; due to their longitudinal character, these poles do not cause divergences in on-shell amplitudes, but induce detectable effects in the Green's functions of the theory. Particularly important in this theoretical setup is the three-gluon vertex, whose pole content extends beyond the minimal structure required for the generation of a gluon mass. In the present work we analyze these additional pole patterns by means of two distinct, but ultimately equivalent, methods: the Slavnov-Taylor identity satisfied by the three-gluon vertex, and the nonlinear Schwinger-Dyson equation that governs the dynamical evolution of this vertex. Our analysis reveals that the Slavnov-Taylor identity imposes strict model-independent constraints on the associated residues, preventing them from vanishing. Approximate versions of these constraints are subsequently recovered from the Schwinger-Dyson equation, once the elements responsible for the activation of the Schwinger mechanism have been duly incorporated. The excellent coincidence between the two approaches exposes a profound connection between symmetry and dynamics, and serves as a nontrivial self-consistency test of this particular mass generating scenario.