Gersabeck, E., & Pich, A. (2020). Tau and charm decays. C. R. Phys., 21(1), 75–92.
Abstract: A summary of recent precise results in tau and charm physics is presented. Topics include leptonic and hadronic tau decays, lepton flavour and lepton number violation, charm mixing and CP violation, leptonic and semileptonic charm decays, rare decays and spectroscopy.
Hernandez, P. (2012). CP violation in the neutrino sector: The new frontier. C. R. Phys., 13(2), 186–192.
Abstract: The discovery of neutrino masses has revealed a new flavour sector in the Standard Model. Just like the quark flavour sector, it contains a seed of CP violation, resulting in an asymmetric behaviour of matter and antimatter. It is argued that this new source of leptonic CP violation may be discovered in more precise neutrino oscillation experiments involving neutrino beams with energies in the GeV range that will be sent to distances of a few thousand kilometres.