Babeluk, M. et al, Lacasta, C., Marinas, C., Mazorra de Cos, J., & Vobbilisetti, V. (2024). The OBELIX chip for the Belle II VTX upgrade. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1067, 169659–3pp.
Abstract: The OBELIX depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor (DMAPS) is currently developed for the upgrade of the vertex detector of the Belle II experiment located at Tsukuba/Japan. The pixel matrix of OBELIX is inherited from the TJ-Monopix2 chip, but the periphery includes additional features to improve performance and allow the integration into a larger detector system. The new features include a trigger unit to process trigger signals, a precision timing module and a possibility to transmit low granularity hit information with low latency to contribute to the Belle II trigger. Additionally, low dropout voltage regulators and an ADC to monitor power consumption and substrate temperature is developed. This paper will focus on the trigger contribution capabilities of the OBELIX chip.
Belle II VTX Collaboration(Babeluk, M. et al)., Marinas, C., & Mazorra de Cos, J. (2024). The DMAPS upgrade of the Belle II vertex detector. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1064, 169428–5pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan considers an upgrade for the vertex detector system in line with the accelerator upgrade for higher luminosity at long shutdown 2 planned for 2028. One proposal for the upgrade of the vertex detector called VTX aims to improve background robustness and reduce occupancy using small and fast pixels. VTX accommodates the OBELIX depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor (DMAPS) on all five proposed layers. OBELIX is specifically developed for the VTX application and based on the TJ-Monopix2 chip initially developed to meet the requirements of the outer layers of the ATLAS inner tracker (ITk). This paper will review recent tests of the TJ-Monopix2 chip as well as various design aspects of the OBELIX-1 chip currently under development.
Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaborations(Ahlburg, P. et al), & Marinas, C. (2024). The new and complete Belle II DEPFET pixel detector: Commissioning and previous operational experience. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1068, 169763–6pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider in Tsukuba, Japan, has collected e+e- + e – collision data between 2019 and 2022. After reaching a record-breaking instantaneous luminosity of 4.71x1034 . 71x10 34 cm -2 s -1 and recording a dataset corresponding to 424 fb -1 , it completed its first planned long shutdown phase in December 2023. Aside from upgrades of the collider and detector maintenance, the shutdown was used for the installation of the two-layer Pixel VerteX Detector (PXD). As the innermost sub-detector, multiple scattering effects need to be reduced. PXD utilizes the Depleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) technology, allowing for a material budget of 0.21% X0 0 per layer. Each of the tracker's 40 modules consists of an array of 250x768 pixels with a pitch ranging from 50 μmx 55 μm for the inner to 85 μmx 55 μm for the outer layer yielding high gain and high signal-to-noise ratio while retaining about 99% hit efficiency. This article discusses the experience of the 4-year operation of the previous single-layer PXD in harsh background conditions as well as commissioning and testing of the fully-populated PXD2 during Long Shutdown 1.
Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaborations(Wang, B. et al), & Marinas, C. (2022). Operational experience of the Belle II pixel detector. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1032, 166631–7pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator has started its physics data taking with the full detector setup in March 2019. It aims to collect 40 times more e+e- collision data compared with its predecessor Belle experiment. The Belle II pixel detector (PXD) is based on the Depleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) technology. The PXD plays an important role in the tracking and vertexing of the Belle II detector. Its two layers are arranged at radii of 14 mm and 22 mm around the interaction point. The sensors are thinned down to 75 μm to minimize multiple scattering, and each module has interconnects and ASICs integrated on the sensor with silicon frames for mechanical support. PXD showed good performance during data taking. It also faces several operational challenges due to the high background level from the SuperKEKB accelerator, such as the damage from beam loss events, the drift in the HV working point due to radiation effect, and the impact of the high background.
Bouhova-Thacker, E., Kostyukhin, V., Koffas, T., Liebig, W., Limper, M., Piacquadio, G. N., et al. (2010). Expected Performance of Vertex Reconstruction in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 57(2), 760–767.
Abstract: In the harsh environment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (design luminosity of 10(34) cm(-2) s(-1)) efficient reconstruction of vertices is crucial for many physics analyses. Described in this paper is the expected performance of the vertex reconstruction used in the ATLAS experiment. The algorithms for the reconstruction of primary and secondary vertices as well as for finding photon conversions and vertex reconstruction in jets are described. The implementation of vertex algorithms which follows a very modular design based on object-oriented C++ is presented. A user-friendly concept allows event reconstruction and physics analyses to compare and optimize their choice among different vertex reconstruction strategies. The performance of implemented algorithms has been studied on a variety of Monte Carlo samples and results are presented.
DEPFET collaboration(Alonso, O. et al), Boronat, M., Esperante-Pereira, D., Fuster, J., Garcia, I. G., Lacasta, C., et al. (2013). DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear e(+)e(-) Collider. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 60(2), 1457–1465.
Abstract: The DEPFET collaboration develops highly granular, ultra-transparent active pixel detectors for high-performance vertex reconstruction at future collider experiments. The characterization of detector prototypes has proven that the key principle, the integration of a first amplification stage in a detector-grade sensor material, can provide a comfortable signal to noise ratio of over 40 for a sensor thickness of 50-75 μm. ASICs have been designed and produced to operate a DEPFET pixel detector with the required read-out speed. A complete detector concept is being developed, including solutions for mechanical support, cooling, and services. In this paper, the status of the DEPFET R & D project is reviewed in the light of the requirements of the vertex detector at a future linear e(+)e(-) collider.
Escrig, S. et al, Bernabeu, J., Lacasta, C., & Solaz, C. (2024). First test of energy response of the micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1064, 169392–4pp.
Abstract: The hypernuclei, which are nuclei that contain the quark s, have been studied for more than 50 years. Notwithstanding, the recent experiments using high-energy heavy-ion induced reactions have challenged their current understanding. The high multiplicity of particles generated in the reaction allows for the measurement of the interaction point of the primary beam with the target. Then, a micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments has been developed. Several experimental tests have been performed with Sr-90 and Bi-207 beta sources and a 10-MeV proton beam at the CMAM tandem accelerator, and their results are reported.
Rizzo, G. et al, Lacasta, C., Marinas, C., Mazorra de Cos, J., & Vobbilisetti, V. (2025). The DMAPS upgrade of the Belle II Vertex Detector. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1072, 170164–5pp.
Abstract: The SuperKEKB collider will undergo a major upgrade at the end of the decade to reach the target luminosity of 6x1035 cm-2s-1, offering the opportunity to install a new fully pixelated vertex detector (VTX) for the Belle II experiment, based on depleted-MAPS sensors. The VTX will be more granular and robust against the expected higher level of machine background and more performant in terms of standalone track finding efficiency. The VTX baseline design includes five depleted-MAPS sensor layers, spanning radii from 14 mm to 140 mm, with a material budget ranging from 0.2% to 0.8% X/X0 per layer. All layers will be equipped with the same OBELIX sensor, designed in the TowerJazz 180 nm technology, with the pixel matrix derived from the TJ-Monopix2 sensor originally developed for the ATLAS experiment. The paper will describe the proposed VTX structure and review all project aspects: tests of the TJ-Monopix2 sensor, OBELIX-1 design status, ladder prototype fabrication and tests.
Wieduwilt, P., Paschen, B., Schreeck, H., Schwenker, B., Soltau, J., Ahlburg, P., et al. (2021). Performance of production modules of the Belle II pixel detector in a high-energy particle beam. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 991, 164978–15pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at the Super B factory SuperKEKB, an asymmetric e(+) e(-) collider located in Tsukuba, Japan, is tailored to perform precision B physics measurements. The centre of mass energy of the collisions is equal to the rest mass of the gamma (4S) resonance of m(gamma(4S)) = 10.58 GeV. A high vertex resolution is essential for measuring the decay vertices of B mesons. Typical momenta of the decay products are ranging from a few tens of MeV to a few GeV and multiple scattering has a significant impact on the vertex resolution. The VerteX Detector (VXD) for Belle II is therefore designed to have as little material as possible inside the acceptance region. Especially the innermost two layers, populated by the PiXel Detector (PXD), have to be ultra-thin. The PXD is based on DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistors (DEPFETs) with a thickness of only 75 μm. Spatial resolution and hit efficiency of production detector modules were studied in beam tests performed at the DESY test beam facility. The spatial resolution was investigated as a function of the incidence angle and improvements due to charge sharing are demonstrated. The measured module performance is compatible with the requirements for Belle II.