Massimi, C., Cristallo, S., Domingo-Pardo, C., & Lederer-Woods, C. (2022). n_TOF: Measurements of Key Reactions of Interest to AGB Stars. Universe, 8(2), 100–19pp.
Abstract: In the last 20 years, the neutron time-of-flight facility nTOF at CERN has been providing relevant data for the astrophysical slow neutron capture process (s process). At nTOF, neutron-induced radiative capture (n,gamma) as well as (n,p) and (n,alpha) reaction cross sections are measured as a function of energy, using the time-of-flight method. Improved detection systems, innovative ideas and collaborations with other neutron facilities have lead to a considerable contribution of the n_TOF collaboration to studying the s process in asymptotic giant branch stars. Results have been reported for stable and radioactive samples, i.e.,Mg- 24,Mg-25,Mg-26, Al-26, S-33,Fe- 54,Fe-57, Ni-58,Ni-59,Ni-62,Ni-63, Ge-70,Ge-72,Ge-73, Zr-90,Zr-91,Zr-92,Zr-93,Zr-94,Zr-96, La-139, Ce-140, Pm-147, Sm-151,Gd- 154,Gd-155,Gd-157, Tm-171, Os-186,Os-187,Os-188, Au-197, Tl-203,Tl-204,Pb- 204,Pb-206,Pb-207 and Bi-209 isotopes, while others are being studied or planned to be studied in the near future. In this contribution, we present an overview of the most successful achievements, and an outlook of future challenging measurements, including ongoing detection system developments.
n_TOF Collaboration(Lederer-Woods, C. et al), Domingo-Pardo, C., Tain, J. L., & Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. (2019). Measurement of Ge-73(n, gamma) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis. Phys. Lett. B, 790, 458–465.
Abstract: Ge-73(n, gamma) cross sections were measured at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN up to neutron energies of 300 keV, providing for the first time experimental data above 8 keV. Results indicate that the stellar cross section at kT = 30 keV is 1.5 to 1.7 times higher than most theoretical predictions. The new cross sections result in a substantial decrease of Ge-73 produced in stars, which would explain the low isotopic abundance of Ge-73 in the solar system.
n_TOF Collaboration(Massimi, C. et al.), Domingo-Pardo, C., Giubrone, G., & Tain, J. L. (2017). Neutron spectroscopy of Mg-26 states: Constraining the stellar neutron source Ne-22(alpha, n)Mg-25. Phys. Lett. B, 768, 1–6.
Abstract: This work reports on accurate, high-resolution measurements of the Mg-25(n, gamma)Mg-26 and Mg-25(n, tot) cross sections in the neutron energy range from thermal to about 300 keV, leading to a significantly improved Mg-25(n, gamma)Mg-26 parametrization. The relevant resonances for n+Mg-25 were characterized from a combined R-matrix analysis of the experimental data. This resulted in an unambiguous spin/parity assignment of the corresponding excited states in Mg-26. With this information experimental upper limits of the reaction rates for Ne-22(alpha, n)Mg-25 and Ne-22(alpha, gamma)Mg-26 were established, potentially leading to a significantly higher (alpha, n)/(alpha, gamma) ratio than previously evaluated. The impact of these results has been studied for stellar models in the mass range 2 to 25 M-circle dot. (C) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
n_TOF Collaboration(Mazzone, A. et al), Babiano-Suarez, V., Caballero, L., Domingo-Pardo, C., Ladarescu, I., & Tain, J. L. (2020). Measurement of the Gd-154(n, gamma) cross section and its astrophysical implications. Phys. Lett. B, 804, 135405–6pp.
Abstract: The neutron capture cross section of Gd-154 was measured from 1 eV to 300 keV in the experimental area located 185 m from the CERN n_TOF neutron spallation source, using a metallic sample of gadolinium, enriched to 67% in Gd-154. The capture measurement, performed with four C6D6 scintillation detectors, has been complemented by a transmission measurement performed at the GELINA time-of-flight facility (JRC-Geel), thus minimising the uncertainty related to sample composition. An accurate Maxwellian averaged capture cross section (MACS) was deduced over the temperature range of interest for s process nucleosynthesis modelling. We report a value of 880(50) mb for the MACS at kT = 30 keV, significantly lower compared to values available in literature. The new adopted Gd-154(n, gamma) cross section reduces the discrepancy between observed and calculated solar s-only isotopic abundances predicted by s-process nucleosynthesis models.