Beltran, R., Bolton, P. D., Deppisch, F. F., Hati, C., & Hirsch, M. (2024). Probing heavy neutrino magnetic moments at the LHC using long-lived particle searches. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 153–44pp.
Abstract: We explore long-lived particle (LLP) searches using non-pointing photons at the LHC as a probe for sterile-to-sterile and active-to-sterile transition magnetic dipole moments of sterile neutrinos. We consider heavy sterile neutrinos with masses ranging from a few GeV to several hundreds of GeV. We discuss transition magnetic dipole moments using the Standard Model effective field theory and low-energy effective field theory extended by sterile neutrinos (NRSMEFT and NRLEFT) and also provide a simplified UV-complete model example. LLP searches at the LHC using non-pointing photons will probe sterile-to-sterile dipole moments two orders of magnitude below the current best constraints from LEP, while an unprecedented sensitivity to sterile neutrino mass of about 700 GeV is expected for active-to-sterile dipole moments. For the UV model example with one-loop transition magnetic moments, the searches for charged lepton flavour violating processes in synergy with LLP searches at the LHC can probe new physics at several TeV mass scales and provide valuable insights into the lepton flavour structure of new physics couplings.
Beltran, R., Cepedello, R., & Hirsch, M. (2023). Tree-level UV completions for NRSMEFT d=6 and d=7 operators. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 31pp.
Abstract: We study ultra-violet completions for operators in standard model effective field theory extended with right-handed neutrinos (NRSMEFT). Using a diagrammatic method, we generate systematically lists of possible tree-level completions involving scalars, fermions or vectors for all operators at d = 6 and d = 7, which contain at least one right-handed neutrino. We compare our lists of possible UV models to the ones found for pure SMEFT. We also discuss how the observation of LNV processes via NRSMEFT operators at the LHC can be related to Majorana neutrino masses of the standard model neutrinos.
Beltran, R., Cottin, G., Helo, J. C., Hirsch, M., Titov, A., & Wang, Z. S. (2023). Long-lived heavy neutral leptons from mesons in effective field theory. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 015–38pp.
Abstract: In the framework of the low-energy effective field theory of the Standard Model extended with heavy neutral leptons (HNLs), we calculate the production rates of HNLs from meson decays triggered by dimension-six operators. We consider both lepton number-conserving and lepton-number-violating four-fermion operators involving either a pair of HNLs or a single HNL. Assuming that HNLs are long-lived, we perform simulations and investigate the reach of the proposed far detectors at the high-luminosity LHC to (i) active-heavy neutrino mixing and (ii) the Wilson coefficients associated with the effective operators, for HNL masses below the mass of the B-meson. We further convert the latter to the associated new-physics scales. Our results show that scales in excess of hundreds of TeV and the active-heavy mixing squared as small as 10(-15 )can be probed by these experiments.
Beltran, R., Cottin, G., Hirsch, M., Titov, A., & Wang, Z. S. (2023). Reinterpretation of searches for long-lived particles from meson decays. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 031–31pp.
Abstract: Many models beyond the Standard Model predict light and feebly interacting particles that are often long-lived. These long-lived particles (LLPs) in many cases can be produced from meson decays. In this work, we propose a simple and quick reinterpretation method for models predicting LLPs produced from meson decays. With the method, we are not required to run Monte-Carlo simulation, implement detector geometries and efficiencies, or apply experimental cuts in an event analysis, as typically done in recasting and reinterpretation works. The main ingredients our method requires are only the theoretical input, allowing for computation of the production and decay rates of the LLPs. There are two conditions for the method to work: firstly, the LLPs in the models considered should be produced from a set of mesons with similar mass and lifetime (or the same meson) and second, the LLPs should, in general, have a lab-frame decay length much larger than the distance between the interaction point and the detector. As an example, we use this method to reinterpret exclusion bounds on heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) in the minimal “3+1” scenario, into those for HNLs in the general effective-field-theory framework as well as for axion-like particles. We are able to reproduce existing results, and obtain new bounds via reinterpretation of past experimental results, in particular, from CHARM and Belle.
Bennett, J. J., Buldgen, G., de Salas, P. F., Drewes, M., Gariazzo, S., Pastor, S., et al. (2021). Towards a precision calculation of the effective number of neutrinos N-eff in the Standard Model. Part II. Neutrino decoupling in the presence of flavour oscillations and finite-temperature QED. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 04(4), 073–33pp.
Abstract: We present in this work a new calculation of the standard-model benchmark value for the effective number of neutrinos, N-eff(SM), that quantifies the cosmological neutrinoto-photon energy densities. The calculation takes into account neutrino flavour oscillations, finite-temperature effects in the quantum electrodynamics plasma to O(e(3)), where e is the elementary electric charge, and a full evaluation of the neutrino-neutrino collision integral. We provide furthermore a detailed assessment of the uncertainties in the benchmark N(eff)(SM )value, through testing the value's dependence on (i) optional approximate modelling of the weak collision integrals, (ii) measurement errors in the physical parameters of the weak sector, and (iii) numerical convergence, particularly in relation to momentum discretisation. Our new, recommended standard-model benchmark is N-eff(SM) 3.0440 +/- 0.0002, where the nominal uncertainty is attributed predominantly to errors incurred in the numerical solution procedure (vertical bar delta N-eff vertical bar similar to 10(-4)), augmented by measurement errors in the solar mixing angle sin(2) theta(12) (vertical bar delta N-eff vertical bar similar to 10(-4)).
Bergstrom, J., Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C., Maltoni, M., Pena-Garay, C., Serenelli, A. M., & Song, N. Q. (2016). Updated determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from solar neutrino data. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 132–19pp.
Abstract: We present an update of the determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from a global analysis of the solar and terrestrial neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino mixing. Using a Bayesian analysis we reconstruct the posterior probability distribution function for the eight normalization parameters of the solar neutrino fluxes plus the relevant masses and mixing, with and without imposing the luminosity constraint. We then use these results to compare the description provided by different Standard Solar Models. Our results show that, at present, both models with low and high metallicity can describe the data with equivalent statistical agreement. We also argue that even with the present experimental precision the solar neutrino data have the potential to improve the accuracy of the solar model predictions.
Bernabeu, J. (2020). Symmetries and Their Breaking in the Fundamental Laws of Physics. Symmetry-Basel, 12(8), 1316–27pp.
Abstract: Symmetries in the Physical Laws of Nature lead to observable effects. Beyond the regularities and conserved magnitudes, the last few decades in particle physics have seen the identification of symmetries, and their well-defined breaking, as the guiding principle for the elementary constituents of matter and their interactions. Flavour SU(3) symmetry of hadrons led to the Quark Model and the antisymmetric requirement under exchange of identical fermions led to the colour degree of freedom. Colour became the generating charge for flavour-independent strong interactions of quarks and gluons in the exact colour SU(3) local gauge symmetry. Parity Violation in weak interactions led us to consider the chiral fields of fermions as the objects with definite transformation properties under the weak isospin SU(2) gauge group of the Unifying Electro-Weak SU(2) x U(1) symmetry, which predicted novel weak neutral current interactions. CP-Violation led to three families of quarks opening the field of Flavour Physics. Time-reversal violation has recently been observed with entangled neutral mesons, compatible with CPT-invariance. The cancellation of gauge anomalies, which would invalidate the gauge symmetry of the quantum field theory, led to Quark-Lepton Symmetry. Neutrinos were postulated in order to save the conservation laws of energy and angular momentum in nuclear beta decay. After the ups and downs of their mass, neutrino oscillations were discovered in 1998, opening a new era about their origin of mass, mixing, discrete symmetries and the possibility of global lepton-number violation through Majorana mass terms and Leptogenesis as the source of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The experimental discovery of quarks and leptons and the mediators of their interactions, with physical observables in spectacular agreement with this Standard Theory, is the triumph of Symmetries. The gauge symmetry is exact only when the particles are massless. One needs a subtle breaking of the symmetry, providing the origin of mass without affecting the excellent description of the interactions. This is the Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism, which produces the Higgs Boson as a remnant, discovered at CERN in 2012. Open present problems are addressed with by searching the New Physics Beyond-the-Standard-Model.
Bernlochner, F. U., Fedele, M., Kretz, T., Nierste, U., & Prim, M. T. (2025). Model independent bounds on heavy sterile neutrinos from the angular distribution of B → D*ℓν decays. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 040–23pp.
Abstract: In this paper we study the bounds that can be inferred on New Physics couplings to heavy sterile neutrinos N from the recent measurements performed by the Belle collaboration of the angular analysis of B -> D l nu l decays, with l = e, mu. Indeed, a sterile neutrino N may lead to competing B -> D & lowast;& ell;N<overline> decays and Belle might have measured an incoherent sum of these two independent channels. After reviewing the theoretical formalism required to describe this phenomenon in full generality, we first perform a bump hunt in the Mmiss2 Belle distribution to search for evidences of an additional massive neutrino. We found in such a way a small hint at Mmiss2 similar to (354 MeV)2. However, the Belle angular analysis is sensitive to N masses up to O(50 MeV), preventing us to further inspect this hint. Nevertheless, we study the potential impact of this additional channel in the allowed mass range on the measured angular distributions and extract model-independent bounds on the new-physics couplings which could mediate such an interaction. In particular, in the mass window here inspected, we obtain the most stringent bounds for vector and left-handed scalar operators to date.
Bertone, G., Cumberbatch, D., Ruiz de Austri, R., & Trotta, R. (2012). Dark Matter searches: the nightmare scenario. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 01(1), 004–24pp.
Abstract: The unfortunate case where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) fails to discover physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is sometimes referred to as the “Nightmare scenario” of particle physics. We study the consequences of this hypothetical scenario for Dark Matter (DM), in the framework of the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cMSSM). We evaluate the surviving regions of the cMSSM parameter space after null searches at the LHC, using several different LHC configurations, and study the consequences for DM searches with ton-scale direct detectors and the IceCube neutrino telescope. We demonstrate that ton-scale direct detection experiments will be able to conclusively probe the cMSSM parameter space that would survive null searches at the LHC with 100 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity at 14TeV. We also demonstrate that IceCube (80 strings plus DeepCore) will be able to probe as much as similar or equal to 17% of the currently favoured parameter space after 5 years of observation.
Bhattacharya, A., Esmaili, A., Palomares-Ruiz, S., & Sarcevic, I. (2017). Probing decaying heavy dark matter with the 4-year IceCube HESE data. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 07(7), 027–36pp.
Abstract: After the first four years of data taking, the IceCube neutrino telescope has observed 54 high-energy starting events (HESE) with deposited energies between 20TeV and 2PeV. The background from atmospheric muons and neutrinos is expected to be of about 20 events, all below 100TeV, thus pointing towards the astrophysical origin of about 8 events per year in that data set. However, their precise origin remains unknown. Here, we perform a detailed analysis of this event sample (considering simultaneously the energy, hemisphere and topology of the events) by assuming two contributions for the signal events: an isotropic power-law flux and a flux from decaying heavy dark matter. We fit the mass and lifetime of the dark matter and the normalization and spectral index of an isotropic power-law flux, for various decay channels of dark matter. We find that a significant contribution from dark matter decay is always slightly favored, either to explain the excess below 100TeV, as in the case of decays to quarks or, as in the case of neutrino channels, to explain the three multi-PeV events. Also, we consider the possibility to interpret all the data by dark matter decays only, considering various combinations of two decay channels. We show that the decaying dark matter scenario provides a better fit to HESE data than the isotropic power-law flux.