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Abgrall, N. et al, Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Monfregola, L., & Stamoulis, P. (2011). Time projection chambers for the T2K near detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 637(1), 25–46.
Abstract: The T2K experiment is designed to study neutrino oscillation properties by directing a high intensity neutrino beam produced at J-PARC in Tokai, Japan, towards the large Super-Kamiokande detector located 295 km away, in Kamioka, Japan. The experiment includes a sophisticated near detector complex, 280 m downstream of the neutrino production target in order to measure the properties of the neutrino beam and to better understand neutrino interactions at the energy scale below a few GeV. A key element of the near detectors is the ND280 tracker, consisting of two active scintillator-bar target systems surrounded by three large time projection chambers (TPCs) for charged particle tracking. The data collected with the tracker are used to study charged current neutrino interaction rates and kinematics prior to oscillation, in order to reduce uncertainties in the oscillation measurements by the far detector. The tracker is surrounded by the former UA1/NOMAD dipole magnet and the TPCs measure the charges, momenta, and particle types of charged particles passing through them. Novel features of the TPC design include its rectangular box layout constructed from composite panels, the use of bulk micromegas detectors for gas amplification, electronics readout based on a new ASIC, and a photoelectron calibration system. This paper describes the design and construction of the TPCs, the micromegas modules, the readout electronics, the gas handling system, and shows the performance of the TPCs as deduced from measurements with particle beams, cosmic rays, and the calibration system.
Ankowski, A. M. et al, & Alvarez-Ruso, L. (2023). Electron scattering and neutrino physics. J. Phys. G, 50(12), 120501–34pp.
Abstract: A thorough understanding of neutrino-nucleus scattering physics is crucial for the successful execution of the entire US neutrino physics program. Neutrino-nucleus interaction constitutes one of the biggest systematic uncertainties in neutrino experiments-both at intermediate energies affecting long-baseline deep underground neutrino experiment, as well as at low energies affecting coherent scattering neutrino program-and could well be the difference between achieving or missing discovery level precision. To this end, electron-nucleus scattering experiments provide vital information to test, assess and validate different nuclear models and event generators intended to test, assess and validate different nuclear models and event generators intended to be used in neutrino experiments. Similarly, for the low-energy neutrino program revolving around the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) physics at stopped pion sources, such as at ORNL, the main source of uncertainty in the evaluation of the CEvNS cross section is driven by the underlying nuclear structure, embedded in the weak form factor, of the target nucleus. To this end, parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) experiments, utilizing polarized electron beams, provide vital model-independent information in determining weak form factors. This information is vital in achieving a percent level precision needed to disentangle new physics signals from the standard model expected CEvNS rate. In this white paper, we highlight connections between electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering physics at energies ranging from 10 s of MeV to a few GeV, review the status of ongoing and planned electron scattering experiments, identify gaps, and lay out a path forward that benefits the neutrino community. We also highlight the systemic challenges with respect to the divide between the nuclear and high-energy physics communities and funding that presents additional hurdles in mobilizing these connections to the benefit of neutrino programs.
Keywords: neutrino oscillation; CEvNS; PVES; electron scattering; neutrino scattering
ANTARES Collaboration(Adrian-Martinez, S. et al), Bigongiari, C., Dornic, D., Emanuele, U., Gomez-Gonzalez, J. P., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., et al. (2012). Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Phys. Lett. B, 714(2-5), 224–230.
Abstract: The data taken with the ANTARES neutrino telescope from 2007 to 2010, a total live time of 863 days, are used to measure the oscillation parameters of atmospheric neutrinos. Muon tracks are reconstructed with energies as low as 20 GeV. Neutrino oscillations will cause a suppression of vertical upgoing muon neutrinos of such energies crossing the Earth. The parameters determining the oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos are extracted by fitting the event rate as a function of the ratio of the estimated neutrino energy and reconstructed flight path through the Earth. Measurement contours of the oscillation parameters in a two-flavour approximation are derived. Assuming maximal mixing, a mass difference of Delta m(32)(2) = (3.1 +/- 0.9) . 10(-3) eV(2) is obtained, in good agreement with the world average value.
Keywords: Neutrino oscillations; Neutrino telescope; ANTARES
Barenboim, G., Denton, P. B., Parke, S. J., & Ternes, C. A. (2019). Neutrino oscillation probabilities through the looking glass. Phys. Lett. B, 791, 351–360.
Abstract: In this paper we review different expansions for neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter in the context of long-baseline neutrino experiments. We examine the accuracy and computational efficiency of different exact and approximate expressions. We find that many of the expressions used in the literature are not precise enough for the next generation of long-baseline experiments, but several of them are while maintaining comparable simplicity. The results of this paper can be used as guidance to both phenomenologists and experimentalists when implementing the various oscillation expressions into their analysis tools.
Keywords: Neutrino physics; Neutrino oscillations in matter
Barenboim, G., Ternes, C. A., & Tortola, M. (2018). Neutrinos, DUNE and the world best bound on CPT invariance. Phys. Lett. B, 780, 631–637.
Abstract: CPT symmetry, the combination of Charge Conjugation, Parity and Time reversal, is a cornerstone of our model building strategy and therefore the repercussions of its potential violation will severely threaten the most extended tool we currently use to describe physics, i.e. local relativistic quantum fields. However, limits on its conservation from the Kaon system look indeed imposing. In this work we will show that neutrino oscillation experiments can improve this limit by several orders of magnitude and therefore are an ideal tool to explore the foundations of our approach to Nature. Strictly speaking testing CPT violation would require an explicit model for how CPT is broken and its effects on physics. Instead, what is presented in this paper is a test of one of the predictions of CPT conservation, i.e., the same mass and mixing parameters in neutrinos and antineutrinos. In order to do that we calculate the current CPT bound on all the neutrino mixing parameters and study the sensitivity of the DUNE experiment to such an observable. After deriving the most updated bound on CPT from neutrino oscillation data, we show that, if the recent T2K results turn out to be the true values of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations, DUNE would measure the fallout of CPT conservation at more than 3 sigma. Then, we study the sensitivity of the experiment to measure CPT invariance in general, finding that DUNE will be able to improve the current bounds on Delta(Delta m(31)(2)) by at least one order of magnitude. We also study the sensitivity to the other oscillation parameters. Finally we show that, if CPT is violated in nature, combining neutrino with antineutrino data in oscillation analysis will produce imposter solutions.
Keywords: Neutrino mass and mixing; Neutrino oscillation; CPT
Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2015). A first test of the framed standard model against experiment. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 30(11), 1550051–34pp.
Abstract: The framed standard model (FSM) is obtained from the standard model by incorporating, as field variables, the frame vectors (vielbeins) in internal symmetry space. It gives the standard Higgs boson and 3 generations of quarks and leptons as immediate consequences. It gives moreover a fermion mass matrix of the form: m = mT alpha alpha dagger, where alpha is a vector in generation space independent of the fermion species and rotating with changing scale, which has already been shown to lead, generically, to up-down mixing, neutrino oscillations and mass hierarchy. In this paper, pushing the FSM further, one first derives to 1-loop order the RGE for the rotation of alpha, and then applies it to fit mass and mixing data as a first test of the model. With 7 real adjustable parameters, 18 measured quantities are fitted, most (12) to within experimental error or to better than 0.5 percent, and the rest (6) not far off. (A summary of this fit can be found in Table 2 of this paper.) Two notable features, both generic to FSM, not just specific to the fit, are: (i) that a theta-angle of order unity in the instanton term in QCD would translate via rotation into a Kobayashi-Maskawa phase in the CKM matrix of about the observed magnitude (J similar to 10(-5)), (ii) that it would come out correctly that m(u) < m(d), despite the fact that m(t) >> m(b), m(c) >> m(s). Of the 18 quantities fitted, 12 are deemed independent in the usual formulation of the standard model. In fact, the fit gives a total of 17 independent parameters of the standard model, but 5 of these have not been measured by experiment.
Borexino Collaboration(Bellini, G. et al), & Pena-Garay, C. (2012). Absence of a day-night asymmetry in the Be-7 solar neutrino rate in Borexino. Phys. Lett. B, 707(1), 22–26.
Abstract: We report the result of a search for a day-night asymmetry in the Be-7 solar neutrino interaction rate in the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. The measured asymmetry is A(dn) = 0.001 +/- 0.012 (stat) +/- 0.007 (syst), in agreement with the prediction of MSW-LMA solution for neutrino oscillations. This result disfavors MSW oscillations with mixing parameters in the LOW region at more than 8.5 sigma. This region is, for the first time, strongly disfavored without the use of reactor anti-neutrino data and therefore the assumption of CPT symmetry. The result can also be used to constrain some neutrino oscillation scenarios involving new physics.
Capozzi, F., & Saviano, N. (2022). Neutrino Flavor Conversions in High-Density Astrophysical and Cosmological Environments. Universe, 8(2), 94–23pp.
Abstract: Despite being a well understood phenomenon in the context of current terrestrial experiments, neutrino flavor conversions in dense astrophysical environments probably represent one of the most challenging open problems in neutrino physics. Apart from being theoretically interesting, such a problem has several phenomenological implications in cosmology and in astrophysics, including the primordial nucleosynthesis of light elements abundance and other cosmological observables, nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei, and the explosion of massive stars. In this review, we briefly summarize the state of the art on this topic, focusing on three environments: early Universe, core-collapse supernovae, and compact binary mergers.
Cervera-Villanueva, A., Laing, A., Martin-Albo, J., & Soler, F. J. P. (2010). Performance of the MIND detector at a Neutrino Factory using realistic muon reconstruction. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 624(3), 601–614.
Abstract: A Neutrino Factory producing an intense beam composed of v(e)((v) over bar (e)) and (v) over bar (mu)(v(mu)) from muon decays has been shown to have the greatest sensitivity to the two currently unmeasured neutrino mixing parameters theta(13) and delta(CP) Using the wrong-sign muon signal to measure v(e)-> v(mu)((v) over bar (e) ->(v) over bar (mu)) oscillations in a 50kt Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) sensitivity to delta(CP) could be maintained down to small values of theta(13) However the detector efficiencies used in these previous studies were calculated assuming perfect pattern recognition In this paper MIND is reassessed taking into account for the first time a realistic pattern recognition for the muon candidate Reoptimisation of the analysis utilises a combination of methods including a multivariate analysis similar to the one used in MINOS to maintain high efficiency while suppressing backgrounds ensuring that the signal selection efficiency and the background levels are comparable or better than the ones in previous analyses As a result MIND remains the most sensitive future facility for the discovery of CP violation from neutrino oscillations.
Keywords: Neutrino Factory; Detector; Neutrino oscillation
de Salas, P. F., Forero, D. V., Ternes, C. A., Tortola, M., & Valle, J. W. F. (2018). Status of neutrino oscillations 2018: 3 sigma hint for normal mass ordering and improved CP sensitivity. Phys. Lett. B, 782, 633–640.
Abstract: We present a new global fit of neutrino oscillation parameters within the simplest three-neutrino picture, including new data which appeared since our previous analysis[1]. In this update we include new long-baseline neutrino data involving the antineutrino channel in T2K, as well as new data in the neutrino channel, data from NO nu A, as well as new reactor data, such as the Daya Bay 1230 days electron antineutrino disappearance spectrum data and the 1500 live days prompt spectrum from RENO, as well as new Double Chooz data. We also include atmospheric neutrino data from the IceCube DeepCore and ANTARES neutrino telescopes and from Super-Kamiokande. Finally, we also update our solar oscillation analysis by including the 2055-day day/night spectrum from the fourth phase of the Super-Kamiokande experiment. With the new data we find a preference for the atmospheric angle in the upper octant for both neutrino mass orderings, with maximal mixing allowed at Delta chi(2)= 1.6 (3.2) for normal (inverted) ordering. We also obtain a strong preference for values of the CP phase delta in the range [pi, 2 pi], excluding values close to pi/2at more than 4 sigma. More remarkably, our global analysis shows a hint in favorof the normal mass ordering over the inverted one at more than 3 sigma. We discuss in detail the status of the mass ordering, CP violation and octant sensitivities, analyzing the interplay among the different neutrino data samples.