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Bertone, G., Cumberbatch, D., Ruiz de Austri, R., & Trotta, R. (2012). Dark Matter searches: the nightmare scenario. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 01(1), 004–24pp.
Abstract: The unfortunate case where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) fails to discover physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is sometimes referred to as the “Nightmare scenario” of particle physics. We study the consequences of this hypothetical scenario for Dark Matter (DM), in the framework of the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cMSSM). We evaluate the surviving regions of the cMSSM parameter space after null searches at the LHC, using several different LHC configurations, and study the consequences for DM searches with ton-scale direct detectors and the IceCube neutrino telescope. We demonstrate that ton-scale direct detection experiments will be able to conclusively probe the cMSSM parameter space that would survive null searches at the LHC with 100 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity at 14TeV. We also demonstrate that IceCube (80 strings plus DeepCore) will be able to probe as much as similar or equal to 17% of the currently favoured parameter space after 5 years of observation.
Blanco, C., Escudero, M., Hooper, D., & Witte, S. J. (2019). Z ' mediated WIMPs: dead, dying, or soon to be detected? J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 11(11), 024–48pp.
Abstract: Although weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) have long been among the most studied and theoretically attractive classes of candidates for the dark matter of our universe, the lack of their detection in direct detection and collider experiments has begun to dampen enthusiasm for this paradigm. In this study, we set out to appraise the status of the WIMP paradigm, focusing on the case of dark matter candidates that interact with the Standard Model through a new gauge boson. After considering a wide range of Z' mediated dark matter models, we quantitatively evaluate the fraction of the parameter space that has been excluded by existing experiments, and that is projected to fall within the reach of future direct detection experiments. Despite the existence of stringent constraints, we find that a sizable fraction of this parameter space remains viable. More specifically, if the dark matter is a Majorana fermion, we find that an order one fraction of the parameter space is in many cases untested by current experiments. Future direct detection experiments with sensitivity near the irreducible neutrino floor will be able to test a significant fraction of the currently viable parameter space, providing considerable motivation for the next generation of direct detection experiments.
Bombacigno, F., Moretti, F., Boudet, S., & Olmo, G. J. (2023). Landau damping for gravitational waves in parity-violating theories. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 02(2), 009–29pp.
Abstract: We discuss how tensor polarizations of gravitational waves can suffer Landau damping in the presence of velocity birefringence, when parity symmetry is explicitly broken. In particular, we analyze the role of the Nieh-Yan and Chern-Simons terms in modified theories of gravity, showing how the gravitational perturbation in collisionless media can be characterized by a subluminal phase velocity, circumventing the well-known results of General Relativity and allowing for the appearance of the kinematic damping. We investigate in detail the connection between the thermodynamic properties of the medium, such as temperature and mass of the particles interacting with the gravitational wave, and the parameters ruling the parity violating terms of the models. In this respect, we outline how the dispersion relations can give rise in each model to different regions of the wavenumber space, where the phase velocity is subluminal, superluminal or does not exist. Quantitative estimates on the considered models indicate that the phenomenon of Landau damping is not detectable given the sensitivity of present-day instruments.
Bozorgnia, N., Herrero-Garcia, J., Schwetz, T., & Zupan, J. (2013). Halo-independent methods for inelastic dark matter scattering. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 07(7), 049–15pp.
Abstract: We present halo-independent methods to analyze the results of dark matter direct detection experiments assuming inelastic scattering. We focus on the annual modulation signal reported by DAMA/LIBRA and present three different halo-independent tests. First, we compare it to the upper limit on the unmodulated rate from XENON100 using (a) the trivial requirement that the amplitude of the annual modulation has to be smaller than the bound on the unmodulated rate, and (b) a bound on the annual modulation amplitude based on an expansion in the Earth's velocity. The third test uses the special predictions of the signal shape for inelastic scattering and allows for an internal consistency check of the data without referring to any astrophysics. We conclude that a strong conflict between DAMA/LIBRA and XENON100 in the framework of spin-independent inelastic scattering can be established independently of the local properties of the dark matter halo.
Keywords: dark matter theory; dark matter experiments
Caputo, A., Regis, M., & Taoso, M. (2020). Searching for sterile neutrino with X-ray intensity mapping. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 03(3), 001–21pp.
Abstract: The cosmological X-ray emission associated to the possible radiative decay of sterile neutrinos is composed by a collection of lines at different energies. For a given mass, each line corresponds to a given redshift. In this work, we cross correlate such line emission with catalogs of galaxies tracing the dark matter distribution at different redshifts. We derive observational prospects by correlating the X-ray sky that will be probed by the eROSITA and Athena missions with current and near future photometric and spectroscopic galaxy surveys. A relevant and unexplored fraction of the parameter space of sterile neutrinos can be probed by this technique.
Casas, J. A., Gomez Vargas, G. A., Moreno, J. M., Quilis, J., & Ruiz de Austri, R. (2018). Extended Higgs-portal dark matter and the Fermi-LAT Galactic Center Excess. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 06(6), 031–16pp.
Abstract: In the present work, we show that the Galactic Center Excess (GCE) emission, as recently updated by the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, could be explained by a mixture of Fermi bubbles-like emission plus dark matter (DM) annihilation, in the context of a scalar-singlet Higgs portal scenario (SHP). In fact, the standard SHP, where the DM particle, S, only has renormalizable interactions with the Higgs, is non-operational due to strong constraints, especially from DM direct detection limits. Thus we consider the most economical extension, called ESHP (for extended SHP), which consists solely in the addition of a second (more massive) scalar singlet in the dark sector. The second scalar can be integrated-out, leaving a standard SHP plus a dimension-6 operator. Mainly, this model has only two relevant parameters (the DM mass and the coupling of the dim-6 operator). DM annihilation occurs mainly into two Higgs bosons, SS -> hh. We demonstrate that, despite its economy, the ESHP model provides an excellent fit to the GCE (with p-value similar to 0.6-0.7) for very reasonable values of the parameters, in particular, ms similar or equal to 130 GeV. This agreement of the DM candidate to the GCE properties does not clash with other observables and keep the S – particle relic density at the accepted value for the DM content in the universe.
Keywords: dark matter theory; dark matter experiments
Escudero, M., Berlin, A., Hooper, D., & Lin, M. X. (2016). Toward (finally!) ruling out Z and Higgs mediated dark matter models. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 12(12), 029–21pp.
Abstract: In recent years, direct detection, indirect detection, and collider experiments have placed increasingly stringent constraints on particle dark matter, exploring much of the parameter space associated with the WIMP paradigm. In this paper, we focus on the subset of WIMP models in which the dark matter annihilates in the early universe through couplings to either the Standard Model Z or the Standard Model Higgs boson. Considering fermionic, scalar, and vector dark matter candidates within a model-independent context, we fi nd that the overwhelming majority of these dark matter candidates are already ruled out by existing experiments. In the case of Z mediated dark matter, the only scenarios that are not currently excluded are those in which the dark matter is a fermion with an axial coupling and with a mass either within a few GeV of the Z resonance (m(D M) similar or equal to m(Z)/2) or greater than 200 GeV, or with a vector coupling and with m(DM) > 6TeV. Several Higgs mediated scenarios are currently viable if the mass of the dark matter is near the Higgs pole (m(DM) similar or equal to m(H) /2). Otherwise, the only scenarios that are not excluded are those in which the dark matter is a scalar (vector) heavier than 400 GeV (1160 GeV) with a Higgs portal coupling, or a fermion with a pseudoscalar (CP violating) coupling to the Standard Model Higgs boson. With the exception of dark matter with a purely pseudoscalar coupling to the Higgs, it is anticipated that planned direct detection experiments will probe nearly the entire range of models considered in this study.
Keywords: dark matter theory; dark matter experiments
Escudero, M., Hooper, D., & Witte, S. J. (2017). Updated collider and direct detection constraints on Dark Matter models for the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 02(2), 038–21pp.
Abstract: Utilizing an exhaustive set of simplified models, we revisit dark matter scenarios potentially capable of generating the observed Galactic Center gamma-ray excess, updating constraints from the LUX and PandaX- II experiments, as well as from the LHC and other colliders. We identify a variety of pseudoscalar mediated models that remain consistent with all constraints. In contrast, dark matter candidates which annihilate through a spin-1 mediator are ruled out by direct detection constraints unless the mass of the mediator is near an annihilation resonance, or the mediator has a purely vector coupling to the dark matter and a purely axial coupling to Standard Model fermions. All scenarios in which the dark matter annihilates throught-channel processes are now ruled out by a combination of the constraints from LUX/ PandaX-II and the LHC.
Keywords: dark matter experiments; dark matter theory
Escudero, M., Witte, S. J., & Hooper, D. (2017). Hidden sector dark matter and the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess: a closer look. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 11(11), 042–29pp.
Abstract: Stringent constraints from direct detection experiments and the Large Hadron Collider motivate us to consider models in which the dark matter does not directly couple to the Standard Model, but that instead annihilates into hidden sector particles which ultimately decay through small couplings to the Standard Model. We calculate the gamma-ray emission generated within the context of several such hidden sector models, including those in which the hidden sector couples to the Standard Model through the vector portal (kinetic mixing with Standard Model hypercharge), through the Higgs portal (mixing with the Standard Model Higgs boson), or both. In each case, we identify broad regions of parameter space in which the observed spectrum and intensity of the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess can easily be accommodated, while providing an acceptable thermal relic abundance and remaining consistent with all current constraints. We also point out that cosmic-ray antiproton measurements could potentially discriminate some hidden sector models from more conventional dark matter scenarios.
Keywords: dark matter experiments; dark matter theory
Gelmini, G. B., Huh, J. H., & Witte, S. J. (2017). Unified halo-independent formalism from convex hulls for direct dark matter searches. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 12(12), 039–33pp.
Abstract: Using the Fenchel-Eggleston theorem for convex hulls (an extension of the Caratheodory theorem), we prove that any likelihood can be maximized by either a dark matter 1-speed distribution F(v) in Earth's frame or 2-Galactic velocity distribution f(gal) ((u) over right arrow), consisting of a sum of delta functions. The former case applies only to time-averaged rate measurements and the maximum number of delta functions is (N-1), where N is the total number of data entries. The second case applies to any harmonic expansion coefficient of the time-dependent rate and the maximum number of terms is N. Using time-averaged rates, the aforementioned form of F(v) results in a piecewise constant unmodulated halo function (eta) over tilde (BF)-B-0 (v(min)) (which is an integral of the speed distribution) with at most (N-1) downward steps. The authors had previously proven this result for likelihoods comprised of at least one extended likelihood, and found the best-fit halo function to be unique. This uniqueness, however, cannot be guaranteed in the more general analysis applied to arbitrary likelihoods. Thus we introduce a method for determining whether there exists a unique best-fit halo function, and provide a procedure for constructing either a pointwise con fi dence band, if the best-fit halo function is unique, or a degeneracy band, if it is not. Using measurements of modulation amplitudes, the aforementioned form of f(gal) ((u) over right arrow), which is a sum of Galactic streams, yields a periodic time-dependent halo function (eta) over right arrow BF (v(min); t) which at any fixed time is a piecewise constant function of v(min) with at most N downward steps. In this case, we explain how to construct pointwise confidence and degeneracy bands from the time-averaged halo function. Finally, we show that requiring an isotropic Galactic velocity distribution leads to a Galactic speed distribution F(u)that is once again a sum of delta functions, and produces a time-dependent (eta) over tilde BF (v(min); t) function (and a time-averaged (eta) over tilde (0) BF (v(min))) that is piecewise linear, di ff ering significantly from best-fit halo functions obtained without the assumption of isotropy.
Keywords: dark matter experiments; dark matter theory