Feijoo, A., Valcarce Cadenas, V., & Magas, V. K. (2023). The Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) molecular states from S =-2 meson-baryon interaction up to next-to-leading order. Phys. Lett. B, 841, 137927–6pp.
Abstract: We have studied the meson-baryon interaction in the neutral S = -2 sector using an extended Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory, which takes into account not only the leading Weinberg-Tomozawa term (as all the previous studies in S = -2 sector), but also the Born terms and next-to-leading order contribution. Based on the SU(3) symmetry of the chiral Lagrangian we took most of the model parameters from the BCN model [1], where these were fitted to a large amount of experimental data in the neutral S = -1 sector. We have shown that our approach is able to generate dynamically both Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) states in very reasonable agreement with the data, and can naturally explain the puzzle with the decay branching ratios of Xi(1690). Our results clearly illustrate the reliability of chiral models implementing unitarization in coupled channels and the importance of considering Born and NLO contributions for precise calculations.
Ren, X. L., Alvarez-Ruso, L., Geng, L. S., Ledwig, T., Meng, J., & Vicente Vacas, M. J. (2017). Consistency between SU(3) and SU(2) covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory for the nucleon mass. Phys. Lett. B, 766, 325–333.
Abstract: Treating the strange quark mass as a heavy scale compared to the light quark mass, we perform a matching of the nucleon mass in the SU(3) sector to the two-flavor case in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. The validity of the 19low-energy constants appearing in the octet baryon masses up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order[1] is supported by comparing the effective parameters (the combinations of the 19couplings) with the corresponding low-energy constants in the SU(2) sector[2]. In addition, it is shown that the dependence of the effective parameters and the pion-nucleon sigma term on the strange quark mass is relatively weak around its physical value, thus providing support to the assumption made in Ref.[2] that the SU(2) baryon chiral perturbation theory can be applied to study n(f) = 2 + 1lattice QCD simulations as long as the strange quark mass is close to its physical value.
Wang, Y. F., Yao, D. L., & Zheng, H. Q. (2019). New insights on low energy pi N scattering amplitudes: comprehensive analyses at O (p(3)) level. Chin. Phys. C, 43(6), 064110–22pp.
Abstract: A production representation of partial-wave S matrix is utilized to construct low-energy elastic pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes from cuts and poles on complex Riemann sheets. Among them, the contribution of left-hand cuts is estimated using the O (p(3)) results obtained in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory within the extendedon-nass-shell scheme. By fitting to data on partial-wave phase shifts, it is indicated that the existences of hidden poles in S-11 and P-11 channels, as conjectured in our previous paper [Eur. Phys. J. C, 78(7): 543 (2018)], are firmly established. Specifically, the pole mass of the S-11 hidden resonance is determined to be (895 +/- 81)-(164 +/- 23)i MeV, whereas, the virtual pole in the P-11 channel locates at (966 +/- 18) MeV. It is found that analyses at the O (p(3)) level improves significantly the fit quality, comparing with the previous O (p(2)) one. Quantitative studies with cautious physical discussions are also conducted for the other S- and P-wave channels.