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Bernigaud, J., Blanke, M., de Medeiros Varzielas, I., Talbert, J., & Zurita, J. (2022). LHC signatures of tau-flavoured vector leptoquarks. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 127–31pp.
Abstract: We consider the phenomenological signatures of Simplified Models of Flavourful Leptoquarks, whose Beyond-the-Standard Model (SM) couplings to fermion generations occur via textures that are well motivated from a broad class of ultraviolet flavour models (which we briefly review). We place particular emphasis on the study of the vector leptoquark Delta(mu) with assignments (3, 1, 2/3) under the SM's gauge symmetry, SU(3)(C) x SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y), which has the tantalising possibility of explaining both R-K(*) and R-D(*) anomalies. Upon performing global likelihood scans of the leptoquark's coupling parameter space, focusing in particular on models with tree-level couplings to a single charged lepton species, we then provide confidence intervals and benchmark points preferred by low(er)-energy flavour data. Finally, we use these constraints to further evaluate the (promising) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) detection prospects of pairs of tau-flavoured Delta(mu), through their distinct (a)symmetric decay channels. Namely, we consider direct third-generation leptoquark and jets plus missing-energy searches at the LHC, which we find to be complementary. Depending on the simplified model under consideration, the direct searches constrain the Delta(mu), mass up to 1500-1770 GeV when the branching fraction of Delta(mu), is entirely to third-generation quarks (but are significantly reduced with decreased branching ratios to the third generation), whereas the missing-energy searches constrain the mass up to 1150-1700 GeV while being largely insensitive to the third-generation branching fraction.
Chen, M. C., King, S. F., Medina, O., & Valle, J. W. F. (2024). Quark-lepton mass relations from modular flavor symmetry. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 160–28pp.
Abstract: The so-called Golden Mass Relation provides a testable correlation between charged-lepton and down-type quark masses, that arises in certain flavor models that do not rely on Grand Unification. Such models typically involve broken family symmetries. In this work, we demonstrate that realistic fermion mass relations can emerge naturally in modular invariant models, without relying on ad hoc flavon alignments. We provide a model-independent derivation of a class of mass relations that are experimentally testable. These relations are determined by both the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the specific finite modular group and the expansion coefficients of its modular forms, thus offering potential probes of modular invariant models. As a detailed example, we present a set of viable mass relations based on the Gamma 4 approximately equal to S4 symmetry, which have calculable deviations from the usual Golden Mass Relation.
Keywords: Discrete Symmetries; Flavour Symmetries; Theories of Flavour
Fernandez Navarro, M., King, S. F., & Vicente, A. (2024). Minimal complete tri-hypercharge theories of flavour. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 147–36pp.
Abstract: The tri-hypercharge proposal introduces a separate gauged weak hypercharge assigned to each fermion family as the origin of flavour. This is arguably one of the simplest setups for building “gauge non-universal theories of flavour” or “flavour deconstructed theories”. In this paper we propose and study two minimal but ultraviolet complete and renormalisable tri-hypercharge models. We show that both models, which differ only by the heavy messengers that complete the effective theory, are able to explain the observed patterns of fermion masses and mixings (including neutrinos) with all fundamental coefficients being of O(1). In fact, both models translate the complicated flavour structure of the Standard Model into three simple physical scales above electroweak symmetry breaking, completely correlated with each other, that carry meaningful phenomenology. In particular, the heavy messenger sector determines the origin and size of fermion mixing, which controls the size and nature of the flavour-violating currents mediated by the two heavy Z ' gauge bosons of the theory. The phenomenological implications of the two minimal models are compared. In both models the lightest Z ' remains discoverable in dilepton searches at the LHC Run 3.
Keywords: Theories of Flavour; New Gauge Interactions
Fernandez Navarro, M., King, S. F., & Vicente, A. (2024). Tri-unification: a separate SU(5) for each fermion family. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 130–32pp.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss SU(5)3 with cyclic symmetry as a possible grand unified theory (GUT). The basic idea of such a tri-unification is that there is a separate SU(5) for each fermion family, with the light Higgs doublet(s) arising from the third family SU(5), providing a basis for charged fermion mass hierarchies. SU(5)3 tri-unification reconciles the idea of gauge non-universality with the idea of gauge coupling unification, opening the possibility to build consistent non-universal descriptions of Nature that are valid all the way up to the scale of grand unification. As a concrete example, we propose a grand unified embedding of the tri-hypercharge model \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\text{U}}{\left(1\right)}_{Y}<^>{3}$$\end{document} based on an SU(5)3 framework with cyclic symmetry. We discuss a minimal tri-hypercharge example which can account for all the quark and lepton (including neutrino) masses and mixing parameters. We show that it is possible to unify the many gauge couplings into a single gauge coupling associated with the cyclic SU(5)3 gauge group, by assuming minimal multiplet splitting, together with a set of relatively light colour octet scalars. We also study proton decay in this example, and present the predictions for the proton lifetime in the dominant e+pi 0 channel.
Keywords: Grand Unification; Theories of Flavour