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Fujita, Y., Rubio, B., & Gelletly, W. (2011). Spin-isospin excitations probed by strong, weak and electro-magnetic interactions. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 66(3), 549–606.
Abstract: Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions are the most common weak interaction processes of spin-isospin (sigma tau) type in atomic nuclei. They are of interest not only in nuclear physics but also in astrophysics; they play an important role in supernovae explosions and nucleosynthesis. The direct study of weak decay processes, however, gives relatively limited information about GT transitions and the states excited via GT transitions (GT states); beta decay can only access states at excitation energies lower than the decay Q-value, and neutrino-induced reactions have very small cross-sections. However, one should note that beta decay has a direct access to the absolute GT transition strengths B(GT) from a study of half-lives, Q(beta)-values and branching ratios. They also provide information on GT transitions in nuclei far-from-stability. Studies of M1 gamma transitions provide similar information. In contrast, the complementary charge-exchange (CE) reactions, such as the (p, n) or ((3)He, t) reactions at intermediate beam energies and 0 degrees, can selectively excite GT states up to high excitation energies in the final nucleus. It has been found empirically that there is a close proportionality between the cross-sections at 0 degrees and the transition strengths B(GT) in these CE reactions. Therefore, CE reactions are useful tools to study the relative values of B(GT) strengths up to high excitation energies. In recent ((3)He, t) measurements, one order-of-magnitude improvement in the energy resolution has been achieved. This has made it possible to make one-to-one comparisons of GT transitions studied in CE reactions and beta decays. Thus GT strengths in ((3)He, t) reactions can be normalised by the beta-decay values. In addition, comparisons with closely related M1 transitions studied in gamma decay or electron inelastic scattering [(e, e')1, and furthermore with “spin” M I transitions that can be studied by proton inelastic scattering [(p, p')[ have now been made possible. In these comparisons, the isospin quantum number T and associated symmetry structure in the same mass A nuclei (isobars) play a key role. Isospin symmetry can extend our scope even to the structures of unstable nuclei that are far from reach at present unstable beam factories.
Hidalgo-Duque, C., Nieves, J., & Pavon Valderrama, M. (2013). Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X (3872). Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 482–487.
Abstract: In this work, an Effective Field Theory (EFT) incorporating light SU(3)-flavour and heavy quark spin symmetries is used to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At Lowest Order (LO), this means that only contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields are involved. Besides, the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) will be used to constrain the interaction between the D and a (D) over bar* mesons in the isovector channel. Finally, assuming that the X(3915) and Y(4140) resonances are D* (D) over bar* and D-s* (D) over bar (s)* molecular states, we can determine the four Low Energy Constants (LECs) of the EFT that appear at LO and, therefore, the full spectrum of molecular states with isospin I = 0, 1/2 and 1.
Hinarejos, M., Bañuls, M. C., & Perez, A. (2015). Wigner formalism for a particle on an infinite lattice: dynamics and spin. New J. Phys., 17, 013037–16pp.
Abstract: The recently proposed Wigner function for a particle in an infinite lattice (Hinarejos M, Banuls MC and Perez A 2012 New J. Phys. 14 103009) is extended here to include an internal degree of freedom as spin. This extension is made by introducing a Wigner matrix. The formalism is developed to account for dynamical processes, with or without decoherence. We show explicit solutions for the case of Hamiltonian evolution under a position-dependent potential, and for evolution governed by a master equation under some simple models of decoherence, for which the Wigner matrix formalism is well suited. Discrete processes are also discussed. Finally, we discuss the possibility of introducing a negativity concept for the Wigner function in the case where the spin degree of freedom is included.
Ji, T., Dong, X. K., Albaladejo, M., Du, M. L., Guo, F. K., Nieves, J., et al. (2023). Understanding the 0(++) and 2(++) charmonium(-like) states near 3.9 GeV. Sci. Bull., 68(7), 688–697.
Abstract: We propose that the X(3915) observed in the J/psi x channel is the same state as the chi(c2)(3930), and the X(3960), observed in the Ds+Ds- channel, is an S-wave Ds+Ds- hadronic molecule. In addition, the J(PC) = 0(++) component in the B+ -> D+D-K+ assigned to the X(3915) in the current Review of Particle Physics has the same origin as the X(3960), which has a mass around 3.94 GeV. To check the proposal, the available data in the D (D) over bar and Ds+Ds- channels from both B decays and gamma gamma fusion reaction are analyzed considering both the D (D) over bar -D-s(D) over bar (s)-D*(D) over bar*-D-s*(D) over bar (s)* coupled channels with 0(++) and a 2(++) state introduced additionally. It is found that all the data in different processes can be simultaneously well reproduced, and the coupled-channel dynamics produce four hidden-charm scalar molecular states with masses around 3.73, 3.94, 3.99 and 4.23 GeV, respectively. The results may deepen our understanding of the spectrum of charmonia as well as of the interactions between charmed hadrons.
Li, J. T., Lin, J. X., Zhang, G. J., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2022). The (B)over-bar(s)(0) -> J/psi pi(0)eta decay and the a(0)(980)- f(0)(980) mixing. Chin. Phys. C, 46(8), 083108–6pp.
Abstract: We study the (B) over bar (0)(s) -> J/psi f(0)(980) and (B) over bar (0)(s) -> J/psi a(0)(980) reactions, and pay attention to the different sources of isospin violation and mixing of f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) resonances where these resonances are dynamically generated from meson-meson interactions. We fmd that the main cause of isospin violation is isospin breaking in the meson-meson transition T matrices, and the other source is that the loops involving kaons in the production mechanism do not cancel due to the different masses of charged and neutral kaons. We obtain a branching ratio for a(0)(980) production of the order of 5 x 10(-6) . Future experiments can address this problem, and the production rate and shape of the pi(0)eta mass distribution will definitely help to better understand the nature of scalar resonances.
Liang, W. H., Sakai, S., Xie, J. J., & Oset, E. (2018). Triangle singularity enhancing isospin violation in (B)over-bar(s)(0)-> J/psi pi(0)f(0)(980). Chin. Phys. C, 42(4), 044101–9pp.
Abstract: We perform calculations for the (B) over bar (0)(s)-> J/psi pi(0)f(0)(980) and (B) over bar (0)(s)-> J/psi pi(0)a(0)(980) reactions, showing that the first is isospin-suppressed while the second is isospin-allowed. The reaction proceeds via a triangle mechanism, with (B) over bar (0)(s)-> J/psi K*(K) over bar +c.c., followed by the decay K*-> K pi and a further fusion of K (K) over bar into the f(0)(980) or a(0)(980). We show that the mechanism develops a singularity around the pi(0)f(0)(980) or pi(0)a(0)(980) invariant mass of 1420 MeV, where the pi(0)f(0) and pi(0)a(0) decay modes are magnified and also the ratio of pi(0)f(0) to pi(0)a(0) production. Using experimental information for the (B) over bar (0)(s)-> J/psi K*(K) over bar +c.c. decay, we are able to obtain absolute values for the reactions studied which fall into the experimentally accessible range. The reactions proposed and the observables evaluated, when contrasted with actual experiments, should be very valuable to obtain information on the nature of the low lying scalar mesons.
Romanets, O., Tolos, L., Garcia-Recio, C., Nieves, J., Salcedo, L. L., & Timmermans, R. (2013). Heavy-quark spin symmetry for charmed and strange baryon resonances. Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 488–493.
Abstract: We study charmed and strange odd-parity baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channels model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model generates resonances with negative parity from the s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units. Some of our results can be identified with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle, or BaBar Collaborations, as well as with other theoretical models, whereas others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data and also a refinement of the model. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tonev, D. et al, & Gadea, A. (2021). Transition probabilities in P-31 and S-31: A test for isospin symmetry. Phys. Lett. B, 821, 136603–6pp.
Abstract: Excited states in the mirror nuclei P-31 and S-31 were populated in the 1p and 1n exit channels of the reaction Ne-20 + C-12, at a beam energy of 33 MeV. The Ne-20 beam was delivered for the first time by the Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Angular correlations of coincident gamma-rays and Doppler-shift attenuation lifetime measurements were performed using the multi-detector array GASP in conjunction with the EUCLIDES charged particle detector. In the observed B(E1) strengths, the isoscalar component, amounting to 24% of the isovector one, provides strong evidence for breaking of the isospin symmetry in the A = 31 mass region. Self-consistent beyond mean field calculations using Equation of Motion method based on a chiral potential and including two- and three-body forces reproduce well the experimental B(E1) strengths, reinforcing our conclusion. Coherent mixing from higher-lying states involving the Giant Isovector Monopole Resonance accounts well for the effect observed. The breaking of the isospin symmetry originates from the violation of the charge symmetry of the two- and three-body parts of the potential, only related to the Coulomb interaction.
Zago, L. et al, Gadea, A., & Algora, A. (2022). High-spin states in Po-212 above the alpha-decaying (18(+)) isomer. Phys. Lett. B, 834, 137457–5pp.
Abstract: The nucleus Po-212 has been produced through the fragmentation of a U-238 primary beam at 1GeV/nucleon at GSI, separated with the FRagment Separator, FRS, and studied via isomer gamma-decay spectroscopy with the RISING setup. Two delayed previously unknown gamma rays have been observed. One has been attributed to the E3 decay of a 21(-) isomeric state feeding the alpha-emitting 45-s (18(+)) high-spin isomer. The other gamma-ray line has been assigned to the decay of a higher-lying 23(+) metastable state. These are the first observations of high-spin states above the Po-212 (18(+)) isomer, by virtue of the selectivity obtained via ion-by-ion identification of U-238 fragmentation products. Comparison with shell-model calculations points to shortfalls in the nuclear interactions involving high- jproton and neutron orbitals, to which the region around Z similar to 100 is sensitive.