Alvarado, F., Alvarez-Ruso, L., Hernandez, E., Nieves, J., & Penalva, N. (2024). The Λc → Λ ℓ+ ν ℓ weak decay including new physics. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 137–24pp.
Abstract: We investigate the Lambda(c) -> Lambda & ell;(+)nu(& ell;) decay with a focus on potential new physics (NP) effects in the & ell; = μchannel. We employ an effective Hamiltonian within the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) to consider generalized dimension-6 semileptonic c -> s operators of scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, axial-vector and tensor types. We rely on Lattice QCD (LQCD) for the hadronic transition form factors, using heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) to determine those that have not yet been obtained on the lattice. Uncertainties due to the truncation of the NP Hamiltonian and different implementations of HQSS are taken into account. As a result, we unravel the NP discovery potential of the Lambda(c) -> Lambda semileptonic decay in different observables. Our findings indicate high sensitivity to NP in lepton flavour universality ratios, probing multi-TeV scales in some cases. On the theoretical side, we identify LQCD uncertainties in axial and vector form factors as critical for improving NP sensitivity, alongside better SMEFT uncertainty estimations.
Ardu, M., & Marcano, X. (2024). Completing the one-loop νSMEFT renormalization group evolution. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 212–23pp.
Abstract: In this work we consider the Standard Model Effective Field Theory extended with right-handed neutrinos, the nu SMEFT, and calculate the full set of one-loop anomalous dimensions that are proportional to Yukawa couplings. These contributions are particularly relevant when symmetry-protected low scale seesaw models are embeded in the SMEFT, since large neutrino Yukawa couplings are expected. By combining our results with the already available gauge anomalous dimensions, we provide the complete set of one-loop renormalization group evolution equations for the dimension six nu SMEFT. As a possible phenomenological implication of our results, we discuss the sensitivity of lepton flavor-violating observables to nu SMEFT operators, focusing on the more sensitive μ-> e transitions.
Bagnaschi, E., Ellis, J., Madigan, M., Mimasu, K., Sanz, V., & You, T. (2022). SMEFT analysis of m(W). J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 308–22pp.
Abstract: We use the Fitmaker tool to incorporate the recent CDF measurement of mW in a global fit to electroweak, Higgs, and diboson data in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) including dimension-6 operators at linear order. We find that including any one of the SMEFT operators O-HWB, O-HD, O (l) (l) or O ((3)) (H l) with a non-zero coefficient could provide a better fit than the Standard Model, with the strongest pull for O-HD and no tension with other electroweak precision data. We then analyse which tree-level single-field extensions of the Standard Model could generate such operator coefficients with the appropriate sign, and discuss the masses and couplings of these fields that best fit the CDF measurement and other data. In particular, the global fit favours either a singlet Z 0 vector boson, a scalar electroweak triplet with zero hypercharge, or a vector electroweak triplet with unit hypercharge, followed by a singlet heavy neutral lepton, all with masses in the multi-TeV range for unit coupling.
Bas i Beneito, A., Gargalionis, J., Herrero-Garcia, J., Santamaria, A., & Schmidt, M. A. (2024). An EFT approach to baryon number violation: lower limits on the new physics scale and correlations between nucleon decay modes. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 004–37pp.
Abstract: Baryon number is an accidental symmetry of the Standard Model at the Lagrangian level. Its violation is arguably one of the most compelling phenomena predicted by physics beyond the Standard Model. Furthermore, there is a large experimental effort to search for it including the Hyper-K, DUNE, JUNO, and THEIA experiments. Therefore, an agnostic, model-independent, analysis of baryon number violation using the power of Effective Field Theory is very timely. In particular, in this work we study the contribution of dimension six and seven effective operators to |triangle(B – L)| = 0, 2 nucleon decays taking into account the effects of Renormalisation Group Evolution. We obtain lower limits on the energy scale of each operator and study the correlations between different decay modes. We find that for some operators the effect of running is very significant.
Beltran, R., Cepedello, R., & Hirsch, M. (2023). Tree-level UV completions for NRSMEFT d=6 and d=7 operators. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 31pp.
Abstract: We study ultra-violet completions for operators in standard model effective field theory extended with right-handed neutrinos (NRSMEFT). Using a diagrammatic method, we generate systematically lists of possible tree-level completions involving scalars, fermions or vectors for all operators at d = 6 and d = 7, which contain at least one right-handed neutrino. We compare our lists of possible UV models to the ones found for pure SMEFT. We also discuss how the observation of LNV processes via NRSMEFT operators at the LHC can be related to Majorana neutrino masses of the standard model neutrinos.
Beltran, R., Cottin, G., Helo, J. C., Hirsch, M., Titov, A., & Wang, Z. S. (2023). Long-lived heavy neutral leptons from mesons in effective field theory. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 015–38pp.
Abstract: In the framework of the low-energy effective field theory of the Standard Model extended with heavy neutral leptons (HNLs), we calculate the production rates of HNLs from meson decays triggered by dimension-six operators. We consider both lepton number-conserving and lepton-number-violating four-fermion operators involving either a pair of HNLs or a single HNL. Assuming that HNLs are long-lived, we perform simulations and investigate the reach of the proposed far detectors at the high-luminosity LHC to (i) active-heavy neutrino mixing and (ii) the Wilson coefficients associated with the effective operators, for HNL masses below the mass of the B-meson. We further convert the latter to the associated new-physics scales. Our results show that scales in excess of hundreds of TeV and the active-heavy mixing squared as small as 10(-15 )can be probed by these experiments.
Beltran, R., Cottin, G., Hirsch, M., Titov, A., & Wang, Z. S. (2023). Reinterpretation of searches for long-lived particles from meson decays. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 031–31pp.
Abstract: Many models beyond the Standard Model predict light and feebly interacting particles that are often long-lived. These long-lived particles (LLPs) in many cases can be produced from meson decays. In this work, we propose a simple and quick reinterpretation method for models predicting LLPs produced from meson decays. With the method, we are not required to run Monte-Carlo simulation, implement detector geometries and efficiencies, or apply experimental cuts in an event analysis, as typically done in recasting and reinterpretation works. The main ingredients our method requires are only the theoretical input, allowing for computation of the production and decay rates of the LLPs. There are two conditions for the method to work: firstly, the LLPs in the models considered should be produced from a set of mesons with similar mass and lifetime (or the same meson) and second, the LLPs should, in general, have a lab-frame decay length much larger than the distance between the interaction point and the detector. As an example, we use this method to reinterpret exclusion bounds on heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) in the minimal “3+1” scenario, into those for HNLs in the general effective-field-theory framework as well as for axion-like particles. We are able to reproduce existing results, and obtain new bounds via reinterpretation of past experimental results, in particular, from CHARM and Belle.
Breso-Pla, V., Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Monsalvez-Pozo, K. (2023). EFT analysis of New Physics at COHERENT. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 074–53pp.
Abstract: Using an effective field theory approach, we study coherent neutrino scattering on nuclei, in the setup pertinent to the COHERENT experiment. We include non-standard effects both in neutrino production and detection, with an arbitrary flavor structure, with all leading Wilson coefficients simultaneously present, and without assuming factorization in flux times cross section. A concise description of the COHERENT event rate is obtained by introducing three generalized weak charges, which can be associated (in a certain sense) to the production and scattering of nu(e), nu(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) on the nuclear target. Our results are presented in a convenient form that can be trivially applied to specific New Physics scenarios. In particular, we find that existing COHERENT measurements provide percent level constraints on two combinations of Wilson coefficients. These constraints have a visible impact on the global SMEFT fit, even in the constrained flavor-blind setup. The improvement, which affects certain 4-fermion LLQQ operators, is significantly more important in a flavor-general SMEFT. Our work shows that COHERENT data should be included in electroweak precision studies from now on.
Cepedello, R., Esser, F., Hirsch, M., & Sanz, V. (2022). Mapping the SMEFT to discoverable models. J. High Energy Phys., 09(9), 229–34pp.
Abstract: The matching of specific new physics scenarios onto the SMEFT framework is a well-understood procedure. The inverse problem, the matching of the SMEFT to UV scenarios, is more difficult and requires the development of new methods to perform a systematic exploration of models. In this paper we use a diagrammatic technique to construct in an automated way a complete set of possible UV models (given certain, well specified assumptions) that can produce specific groups of SMEFT operators, and illustrate its use by generating models with no tree-level contributions to four-fermion (4F) operators. Those scenarios, which only contribute to 4F at one-loop order, can contain relatively light particles that could be discovered at the LHC in direct searches. For this class of models, we find an interesting interplay between indirect SMEFT and direct searches. We discuss some examples on how this interplay would look like when combining low-energy observables with the SMEFT Higgs-fermion analyses and searches for resonance at the LHC.
Cepedello, R., Esser, F., Hirsch, M., & Sanz, V. (2023). SMEFT goes dark: Dark Matter models for four-fermion operators. J. High Energy Phys., 09(9), 081–47pp.
Abstract: We study ultra-violet completions for d = 6 four-fermion operators in the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT), focusing on models that contain cold dark matter candidates. Via a diagrammatic method, we generate systematically lists of possible UV completions, with the aim of providing sets of models, which are complete under certain, well specified assumptions. Within these lists of models we rediscover many known DM models, as diverse as R-parity conserving supersymmetry or the scotogenic neutrino mass model. Our lists, however, also contain many new constructions, which have not been studied in the literature so far. We also briefly discuss how our DM models could be constrained by reinterpretations of LHC searches and the prospects for HL-LHC and future lepton colliders.