ATLAS Collaboration(Aaboud, M. et al), Alvarez Piqueras, D., Barranco Navarro, L., Cabrera Urban, S., Castillo Gimenez, V., Cerda Alberich, L., et al. (2018). Measurement of jet fragmentation in 5.02 TeV proton-lead and proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Nucl. Phys. A, 978, 65–106.
Abstract: A measurement of the fragmentation functions of jets into charged particles in p Pb collisions and pp collisions is presented. The analysis utilizes 28 nb(-1) of p Pb data and 26 pb(-1) of pp data, both at root(TN)-T-s= 5.02 TeV, collected in 2013 and 2015, respectively, with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurement is reported in the centre-of-mass frame of the nucleon-nucleon system for jets in the rapidity range vertical bar y*vertical bar <1.6 and with transverse momentum 45 < p(T) < 260 GeV. Results are presented both as a function of the charged-particle transverse momentum and as a function of the longitudinal momentum fraction of the particle with respect to the jet. The pp fragmentation functions are compared with results from Monte Carlo event generators and two theoretical models. The ratios of the p +Pb to pp fragmentation functions are found to be consistent with unity. (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS Collaboration.
Horvat, S., Magas, V. K., Strottman, D. D., & Csernai, L. P. (2010). Entropy development in ideal relativistic fluid dynamics with the Bag Model equation of state. Phys. Lett. B, 692(4), 277–280.
Abstract: We consider an idealized situation where the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is described by a perfect, (3 + 1)-dimensional fluid dynamic model starting from an initial state and expanding until a final state where freeze-out and/or hadronization takes place. We study the entropy production with attention to effects of (i) numerical viscosity, (ii) late stages of flow where the Bag Constant and the partonic pressure are becoming similar, (iii) and the consequences of final freeze-out and constituent quark matter formation.