ATLAS Collaboration(Aaboud, M. et al), Alvarez Piqueras, D., Bailey, A. J., Barranco Navarro, L., Cabrera Urban, S., Castillo Gimenez, V., et al. (2018). Comparison between simulated and observed LHC beam backgrounds in the ATLAS experiment at E-beam=4 TeV. J. Instrum., 13, P12006–41pp.
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ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Bouchhar, N., Cabrera Urban, S., Cantero, J., et al. (2024). Beam-induced backgrounds measured in the ATLAS detector during local gas injection into the LHC beam vacuum. J. Instrum., 19(6), P06014–60pp.
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NEXT Collaboration(Alvarez, V. et al), Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., Gil, A., et al. (2013). Radiopurity control in the NEXT-100 double beta decay experiment: procedures and initial measurements. J. Instrum., 8, T01002–19pp.
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NEXT Collaboration(Cebrian, S. et al), Alvarez, V., Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., et al. (2015). Radiopurity assessment of the tracking readout for the NEXT double beta decay experiment. J. Instrum., 10, P05006–16pp.
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