Coppola, M., Gomez Dumm, D., Noguera, S., & Scoccola, N. N. (2020). Magnetic field driven enhancement of the weak decay width of charged pions. J. High Energy Phys., 09(9), 058–19pp.
Abstract: We study the effect of a uniform magnetic field B on the decays pi- > l- nu_l bar, where l(-)=e(-), μ(-), carrying out a general analysis that includes four pi (-) decay constants. Taking the values of these constants from a chiral effective Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, it is seen that the total decay rate gets strongly increased with respect to the B = 0 case, with an enhancement factor ranging from similar to 10 for eB = 0.1 GeV2 up to similar to 10(3) for eB = 1 GeV2. The ratio between electronic and muonic decays gets also enhanced, reaching a value of about 1 : 2 for eB = 1 GeV2. In addition, we find that for large B the angular distribution of outgoing antineutrinos shows a significant suppression in the direction of the magnetic field.
de Florian, D., Sborlini, G. F. R., & Rodrigo, G. (2016). Two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi splitting functions. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 056–16pp.
Abstract: We compute the two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi (AP) splitting functions by using a deconstructive algorithmic Abelianization of the well-known NLO QCD corrections. We present explicit results for the full set of splitting kernels in a basis that includes the leptonic distribution functions that, starting from this order in the QED coupling, couple to the partonic densities. Finally, we perform a phenomenological analysis of the impact of these corrections in the splitting functions.
Deak, M. (2013). Estimation of saturation and coherence effects in the KGBJS equation – a non-linear CCFM equation. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 087–18pp.
Abstract: We solve the modified non-linear extension of the CCFM equation – KGBJS equation – numerically for certain initial conditions and compare the resulting dipole amplitudes with those obtained front solving the original CCFM equation and the BFKL and BK equations for the same initial conditions. We improve the low transversal momentum behaviour of the KGBJS equation by a small modification.
Deak, M., & Kutak, K. (2015). Kinematical constraint effects in the evolution equations based on angular ordering. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 068–13pp.
Abstract: We study effects of imposing various forms of the kinematical constraint on the full form of the CCFM equation and its non-linear extension. We find, that imposing the constraint in its complete form modifies significantly the shape of gluon density as compared to forms of the constraint used in numerical calculations and phenomenological applications. In particular the resulting gluon density is suppressed for large values of the hard scale related parameter and k(T) of gluon. This result might be important in description of jet correlations at Large Hadron Collider within the CCFM approach.
Du, M. L., Baru, V., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., Meissner, U. G., Oller, J. A., et al. (2021). Revisiting the nature of the P-c pentaquarks. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 157–50pp.
Abstract: The nature of the three narrow hidden-charm pentaquark P-c states, i.e., P-c (4312), P-c (4440) and P-c (4457), is under intense discussion since their discovery from the updated analysis of the process Lambda(0)(b) -> I ) J/psi pK(-) by LHCb. In this work we extend our previous coupled-channel approach [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 072001 (2020)], in which the Pc states are treated as Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over bar (()*()) molecules, by including the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) and eta(c)p as explicit inelastic channels in addition to the J/psi p, as required by unitarity and heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS), respectively. Since inelastic parameters are very badly constrained by the current data, three calculation schemes are considered: (a) scheme I with pure contact interactions between the elastic, i.e., Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over bar (()*()), and inelastic channels and without the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) interactions, (b) scheme II, where the one-pion exchange (OPE) is added to scheme I, and (c) scheme III, where the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) interactions are included in addition. It is shown that to obtain cutoff independent results, OPE in the multichannel system is to be supplemented with S-wave-to-D-wave mixing contact terms. As a result, in line with our previous analysis, we demonstrate that the experimental data for the J/psi p invariant mass distribution are consistent with the interpretation of the P-c(4312) and P-c(4440)/P-c(4457) as Sigma(c)(D) over bar and Sigma(c)(D) over bar* hadronic molecules, respectively, and that the data show clear evidence for a new narrow state, P-c(4380), identified as a Sigma(c)*(D) over bar molecule, which should exist as a consequence of HQSS. While two statistically equally good solutions are found in scheme I, only one of these solutions with the quantum numbers of the P-c (4440) and P-c (4457) being J(P) = 3/2(-) and 1/2(-), respectively, survives the requirement of regulator independence once the OPE is included. Moreover, we predict the line shapes in the elastic and inelastic channels and demonstrate that those related to the P-c (4440) and the P-c (4457) in the Sigma(()(c)*())<(D)over ( )anf eta(c)p mass distributions from Lambda(0)(b) ->( )Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over barK(-) and Lambda(0)(b) -> eta(c)pK(-) will shed light on the quantum numbers of those states, once the data are available. We also investigate possible pentaquark signals in the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) final states.
Ferrario, P., & Rodrigo, G. (2010). Heavy colored resonances in t(t)over-bar + jet at the LHC. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 051–13pp.
Abstract: The LHC is the perfect environment for the study of new physics in the top quark sector. We study the possibility of detecting signals of heavy color-octet vector resonances, through the charge asymmetry, in t (t) over bar + jet events. Besides contributions with the t (t) over bar pair in a color-singlet state, the asymmetry gets also contributions which are proportional to the color factor f(abc)(2). This process is particularly interesting for extra-dimensional models, where the inclusive charge asymmetry generated by Kaluza-Klein excitations of the gluon vanishes at the tree level. We find that the statistical significance for the measurement of such an asymmetry is sizable for different values of the coupling constants and already at low energies.
Greynat, D., de Rafael, E., & Vulvert, G. (2014). Asymptotic behaviour of pion-pion total cross-sections. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 107–21pp.
Abstract: We derive a sum rule which shows that the Froissart-Martin bound for the asymptotic behaviour of the pi pi total cross sections at high energies, if modulated by the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient of the leading log(2)s behaviour, cannot be an optimal bound in QCD. We next compute the total cross sections for pi(+)pi(-), pi(+/-)pi(0) and pi(0)pi(0) scattering within the framework of the constituent chiral quark model (C chi QM) in the limit of a large number of colours N-c and discuss their asymptotic behaviours. The same pi pi cross sections are also discussed within the general framework of Large-N-c QCD and we show that it is possible to make an Ansatz for the isospin I = 1 and I = 0 spectrum which satisfy the Froissart-Martin bound with coefficients which, contrary to the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient, are not singular in the chiral limit and have the correct Large-N-c counting. We finally propose a simple phenomenological model which matches the low energy behaviours of the sigma(total)(pi +/-pi 0)(s) cross section predicted by the CxQM with the high energy behaviour predicted by the Large-N-c Ansatz. The magnitude of these cross sections at very high energies is of the order of those observed for the pp and pp scattering total cross sections.
Jueid, A., Kip, J., Ruiz de Austri, R., & Skands, P. (2024). The Strong Force meets the Dark Sector: a robust estimate of QCD uncertainties for anti-matter dark matter searches. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 119–48pp.
Abstract: In dark-matter annihilation channels to hadronic final states, stable particles – such as positrons, photons, antiprotons, and antineutrinos – are produced via complex sequences of phenomena including QED/QCD radiation, hadronisation, and hadron decays. These processes are normally modelled by Monte Carlo (MC) event generators whose limited accuracy imply intrinsic QCD uncertainties on the predictions for indirect-detection experiments like Fermi-LAT, Pamela, IceCube or Ams-02. In this article, we perform a comprehensive analysis of QCD uncertainties, meaning both perturbative and nonperturbative sources of uncertainty are included – estimated via variations of MC renormalization-scale and fragmentation-function parameters, respectively – in antimatter spectra from dark-matter annihilation, based on parametric variations of the Pythia 8 event generator. After performing several retunings of light-quark fragmentation functions, we define a set of variations that span a conservative estimate of the QCD uncertainties. We estimate the effects on antimatter spectra for various annihilation channels and final-state particle species, and discuss their impact on fitted values for the dark-matter mass and thermally-averaged annihilation cross section. We find dramatic impacts which can go up to O(10%) for the annihilation cross section. We provide the spectra in tabulated form including QCD uncertainties and code snippets to perform fast dark-matter fits, in this github repository.
Kleiss, R. H. P., Malamos, I., Papadopoulos, C. G., & Verheyen, R. (2012). Counting to one: reducibility of one- and two-loop amplitudes at the integrand level. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 038–24pp.
Abstract: Calculation of amplitudes in perturbative quantum field theory involve large loop integrals. The complexity of those integrals, in combination with the large number of Feynman diagrams, make the calculations very difficult. Reduction methods proved to be very helpful, lowering the number of integrals that need to be actually calculated. Especially reduction at the integrand level improves the speed and set-up of these calculations. In this article we demonstrate, by counting the numbers of tensor structures and independent coefficients, how to write such relations at the integrand level for one-and two-loop amplitudes. We clarify their connection to the so-called spurious terms at one loop and discuss their structure in the two-loop case. This method is also applicable to higher loops, and the results obtained apply to both planar and non-planar diagrams.
Llanes Jurado, J., Rodrigo, G., & Torres Bobadilla, W. J. (2017). From Jacobi off-shell currents to integral relations. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 122–22pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we study off-shell currents built from the Jacobi identity of the kinematic numerators of gg -> X with X = ss, q (q) over bar, gg. We find that these currents can be schematically written in terms of three-point interaction Feynman rules. This representation allows for a straightforward understanding of the Colour-Kinematics duality as well as for the construction of the building blocks for the generation of higher-multiplicity tree-level and multi-loop numerators. We also provide one-loop integral relations through the Loop-Tree duality formalism with potential applications and advantages for the computation of relevant physical processes at the Large Hadron Collider. We illustrate these integral relations with the explicit examples of QCD one-loop numerators of gg -> ss.