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Addazi, A., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2016). String completion of an SU(3)(c) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) electroweak model. Phys. Lett. B, 759, 471–478.
Abstract: The extended electroweak SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) symmetry framework “explaining” the number of fermion families is revisited. While 331-based schemes can not easily be unified within the conventional field theory sense, we show how to do it within an approach based on D-branes and (un)oriented open strings, on Calabi-Yau singularities. We show how the theory can be UV-completed in a quiver setup, free of gauge and string anomalies. Lepton and baryon numbers are perturbatively conserved, so neutrinos are Dirac-type, and their lightness results from a novel TeV scale seesaw mechanism. Dynamical violation of baryon number by exotic instantons could induce neutron-antineutron oscillations, with proton decay and other dangerous R-parity violating processes strictly forbidden. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Barenboim, G., Ternes, C. A., & Tortola, M. (2018). Neutrinos, DUNE and the world best bound on CPT invariance. Phys. Lett. B, 780, 631–637.
Abstract: CPT symmetry, the combination of Charge Conjugation, Parity and Time reversal, is a cornerstone of our model building strategy and therefore the repercussions of its potential violation will severely threaten the most extended tool we currently use to describe physics, i.e. local relativistic quantum fields. However, limits on its conservation from the Kaon system look indeed imposing. In this work we will show that neutrino oscillation experiments can improve this limit by several orders of magnitude and therefore are an ideal tool to explore the foundations of our approach to Nature. Strictly speaking testing CPT violation would require an explicit model for how CPT is broken and its effects on physics. Instead, what is presented in this paper is a test of one of the predictions of CPT conservation, i.e., the same mass and mixing parameters in neutrinos and antineutrinos. In order to do that we calculate the current CPT bound on all the neutrino mixing parameters and study the sensitivity of the DUNE experiment to such an observable. After deriving the most updated bound on CPT from neutrino oscillation data, we show that, if the recent T2K results turn out to be the true values of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations, DUNE would measure the fallout of CPT conservation at more than 3 sigma. Then, we study the sensitivity of the experiment to measure CPT invariance in general, finding that DUNE will be able to improve the current bounds on Delta(Delta m(31)(2)) by at least one order of magnitude. We also study the sensitivity to the other oscillation parameters. Finally we show that, if CPT is violated in nature, combining neutrino with antineutrino data in oscillation analysis will produce imposter solutions.
Keywords: Neutrino mass and mixing; Neutrino oscillation; CPT
Bellomo, N., Bellini, E., Hu, B., Jimenez, R., Pena-Garay, C., & Verde, L. (2017). Hiding neutrino mass in modified gravity cosmologies. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 02(2), 043–12pp.
Abstract: Cosmological observables show a dependence with the neutrino mass, which is partially degenerate with parameters of extended models of gravity. We study and explore this degeneracy in Horndeski generalized scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Using forecasted cosmic microwave background and galaxy power spectrum datasets, we find that a single parameter in the linear regime of the effective theory dominates the correlation with the total neutrino mass. For any given mass, a particular value of this parameter approximately cancels the power suppression due to the neutrino mass at a given redshift. The extent of the cancellation of this degeneracy depends on the cosmological large-scale structure data used at different redshifts. We constrain the parameters and functions of the effective gravity theory and determine the influence of gravity on the determination of the neutrino mass from present and future surveys.
Bonilla, C., Lamprea, J. M., Peinado, E., & Valle, J. W. F. (2018). Flavour-symmetric type-II Dirac neutrino seesaw mechanism. Phys. Lett. B, 779, 257–261.
Abstract: We propose a Standard Model extension with underlying A(4) flavour symmetry where small Dirac neutrino masses arise from a Type-II seesaw mechanism. The model predicts the “golden” flavour-dependent bottom-tau mass relation, requires an inverted neutrino mass ordering and non-maximal atmospheric mixing angle. Using the latest neutrino oscillation global fit[ 1] we derive restrictions on the oscillation parameters, such as a correlation between delta(CP) and m(nu lightest).
Keywords: Neutrino masses and mixing; Flavour physics
Bonilla, C., Ma, E., Peinado, E., & Valle, J. W. F. (2016). Two-loop Dirac neutrino mass and WIMP dark matter. Phys. Lett. B, 762, 214–218.
Abstract: We propose a “scotogenic” mechanism relating small neutrino mass and cosmological dark matter. Neutrinos are Dirac fermions with masses arising only in two-loop order through the sector responsible for dark matter. Two triality symmetries ensure both dark matter stability and strict lepton number conservation at higher orders. A global spontaneously broken U(1) symmetry leads to a physical Diraconthat induces invisible Higgs decays which add up to the Higgs to dark matter mode. This enhances sensitivities to spin-independent WIMP dark matter search below m(h)/2.
Keywords: Neutrino masses and mixing; Dark matter stability
Bonilla, C., Romao, J. C., & Valle, J. W. F. (2016). Electroweak breaking and neutrino mass: `invisible' Higgs decays at the LHC (type II seesaw). New J. Phys., 18, 033033–21pp.
Abstract: Neutrino mass generation through the Higgs mechanism not only suggests the need to reconsider the physics of electroweak symmetry breaking from a new perspective, but also provides a new theoretically consistent and experimentally viable paradigm. We illustrate this by describing the main features of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector of the simplest type-II seesaw model with spontaneous breaking of lepton number. After reviewing the relevant `theoretical' and astrophysical restrictions on the Higgs sector, we perform an analysis of the sensitivities of Higgs Boson searches at the ongoing ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC, including not only the new contributions to the decay channels present in the standard model (SM) but also genuinely non-SM Higgs Boson decays, such as `invisible' Higgs Boson decays to majorons. We find sensitivities that are likely to be reached at the upcoming run of the experiments.
Keywords: neutrino mass; invisible Higgs decays; Higgs physics
Cai, Y., Herrero-Garcia, J., Schmidt, M. A., Vicente, A., & Volkas, R. R. (2017). From the Trees to the Forest: A Review of Radiative Neutrino Mass Models. Front. Physics, 5, 63–56pp.
Abstract: A plausible explanation for the lightness of neutrino masses is that neutrinos are massless at tree level, with their mass (typically Majorana) being generated radiatively at one or more loops. The new couplings, together with the suppression coming from the loop factors, imply that the new degrees of freedom cannot be too heavy (they are typically at the TeV scale). Therefore, in these models there are no large mass hierarchies and they can be tested using different searches, making their detailed phenomenological study very appealing. In particular, the new particles can be searched for at colliders and generically induce signals in lepton-flavor and lepton-number violating processes (in the case of Majorana neutrinos), which are not independent from reproducing correctly the neutrino masses and mixings. The main focus of the review is on Majorana neutrinos. We order the allowed theory space from three different perspectives: (i) using an effective operator approach to lepton number violation, (ii) by the number of loops at which the Weinberg operator is generated, (iii) within a given loop order, by the possible irreducible topologies. We also discuss in more detail some popular radiative models which involve qualitatively different features, revisiting their most important phenomenological implications. Finally, we list some promising avenues to pursue.
Centelles Chulia, S., & Trautner, A. (2020). Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing and residual symmetries. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 35(35), 2050292–15pp.
Abstract: Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing is a recently proposed, grand unified theory (GUT) based, flavor mixing scheme. In it, the charged lepton mixing is fixed by the GUT connection to down-type quarks and a T-13 flavor symmetry, while neutrino mixing is assumed to be tri-bi-maximal (TBM) with one additional free phase. Here we show that this additional free phase can be fixed by the residual flavor and CP symmetries of the effective neutrino mass matrix. We discuss how those residual symmetries can be unified with T-13 and identify the smallest possible unified flavor symmetries, namely (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)D-12 and (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)S-4. Sharp predictions are obtained for lepton mixing angles, CP violating phases and neutrinoless double beta decay.
Centelles Chulia, S., Cepedello, R., Peinado, E., & Srivastava, R. (2020). Scotogenic dark symmetry as a residual subgroup of Standard Model symmetries. Chin. Phys. C, 44(8), 083110–7pp.
Abstract: We demonstrate that a scotogenic dark symmetry can be obtained as a residual subgroup of the global U(1)(B-L) symmetry already present in the Standard Model. In addition, we propose a general framework in which the U(1)(B-L) symmetry is spontaneously broken into an even Z(2n) subgroup, setting the general conditions for neutrinos to be Majorana and for dark matter stability to exist in terms of the residual Z(2n). As an example, under this general framework, we build a class of simple models where, in a scotogenic manner, the dark matter candidate is the lightest particle running inside the mass loop of a neutrino. The global U(1)(B-L) symmetry in our framework, being anomaly free, can also be gauged in a straightforward manner leading to a richer phenomenology.
Keywords: neutrino masses; dark matter; symmetries; scotogenic
D'Eramo, F., Di Valentino, E., Giare, W., Hajkarim, F., Melchiorri, A., Mena, O., et al. (2022). Cosmological bound on the QCD axion mass, redux. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 09(9), 022–35pp.
Abstract: We revisit the joint constraints in the mixed hot dark matter scenario in which both thermally produced QCD axions and relic neutrinos are present. Upon recomputing the cosmological axion abundance via recent advances in the literature, we improve the state-of-the-art analyses and provide updated bounds on axion and neutrino masses. By avoiding approximate methods, such as the instantaneous decoupling approximation, and limitations due to the limited validity of the perturbative approach in QCD that forced to artificially divide the constraints from the axion-pion and the axion-gluon production channels, we find robust and self-consistent limits. We investigate the two most popular axion frameworks: KSVZ and DFSZ. From Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) light element abundances data we find for the KSVZ axion Delta N-eff < 0.31 and an axion mass bound m(a) < 0.53 eV (i.e., a bound on the axion decay constant f(a) > 1.07 x 10(7) GeV) both at 95% CL. These BBN bounds are improved to Delta N-eff < 0.14 and m(a) < 0.16 eV (f(a) > 3.56 x 10(7) GeV) if a prior on the baryon energy density from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data is assumed. When instead considering cosmological observations from the CMB temperature, polarization and lensing from the Planck satellite combined with large scale structure data we find Delta N-eff < 0.23, m(a) < 0.28 eV (f(a) > 2.02 x 10(7) GeV) and Sigma m(nu) < 0.16 eV at 95% CL. This corresponds approximately to a factor of 5 improvement in the axion mass bound with respect to the existing limits. Very similar results are obtained for the DFSZ axion. We also forecast upcoming observations from future CMB and galaxy surveys, showing that they could reach percent level errors for m(a) similar to 1 eV.